Conjunctivitis in cats: treatment, types, causes and symptoms

Cats are characterized by many pathologies that are considered human. AT in particular, a disease such as conjunctivitis in cats whose treatment is successful with timely diagnosis and early treatment by a veterinarian. Only provided that it is not the result of some more serious problems with health in an animal. This is a common cat problem. representatives, especially those who are free-range. therefore it is worthwhile to understand the illness in more detail and know how to act in a similar situation.


  • 1 Forms of conjunctivitis
  • 2 Reasons
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Treatment
  • 5 Preventive measures
  • 6 Is it possible to get feline conjunctivitis

Forms of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis in cats: treatment, types, causes and symptoms

Another type of conjunctivitis is viral, which caused by fungal or bacterial pathogenic microorganisms.

Conjunctivitis is a viral disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process on the mucosa fundus of the fundus. Cats have several species:

  • Catarrhal. Lightweight, but with the absence of appropriate therapy quickly flows into complex. At profuse lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids is noted in it. As a result the hair around the eyes is constantly damp. There is a chance of increasing body temperature.
  • Purulent. The degree of moderate severity. Is amazed one or both eyes at once. Accompanied by purulent discharge from eye sockets in large numbers, which sometimes entails the adhesion of the eyelids. Drying pus forms crusts along the eyelids. Clinical picture same as with the catarrhal variety of the disease.
  • Phlegmonous. The most severe form, with which purulent masses accumulate under the conjunctival layer and partially penetrate the eyeball. This leads to the defeat of the third century with its subsequent protrusion out. Emergency required veterinary intervention, up to surgery.
  • Chlamydial. More commonly transmitted from an infected person. mother or during childbirth and manifests itself at an early age (in kittens). Regardless of the stage of the disease, there is a danger loss of vision to animals. In order to avoid harmful consequences emergency and proper treatment is necessary.

Reasons for the appearance

Conjunctivitis in cats: treatment, types, causes and symptoms

A similar reaction of the body in the form of eye inflammation sometimes occurs when animals are intolerant of new plants in the house, cosmetics, perfumes, detergents

Conjunctivitis may develop in cats compared to others. diseases. The following reasons are distinguished:

  • injury to the area near the eyes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • ingress of foreign particles;
  • parasitic lesions;
  • cold;
  • solar or radiation exposure;
  • infections: bacterial, fungal;
  • burns of various kinds: chemical, thermal.

For the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to establish precisely the source of the disease.

It is unacceptable to make a diagnosis on your own and prescribe medication. The key to successful recovery will be timely qualified help. Clinic visit allows you to know exactly what is happening with the pet, and decide on treatment.


Owners should be careful about their health status. your pet in order to notice the manifestation of atypical signs. Usually at the initial stage of conjunctivitis in the animal noted a clear change in behavior: constant paw muzzle, anxiety, squinting, loss appetite, apathy and lethargy, the desire to hide somewhere. There is frequent accumulation in the corners of the eyes of dirty discharge, sometimes with swelling of the eyelids.

Conjunctivitis in cats: treatment, types, causes and symptoms

Against the background of the disease, the animal often rises sharply temperature

The characteristic symptoms of the disease for all forms conjunctivitis:

  • redness of the eyelids;
  • intense lacrimation;
  • prominent pus;
  • the appearance of a clouded film on the cornea.

It is worth paying attention to the type of discharge from the eyes that may tell the source of infection:

  • Dark ones are bacteria.
  • Turbid – viruses.
  • Transparent – an allergic reaction.

Given that the disease is contagious, it is not recommended to delay a visit to the doctor. If other cats live in the house, then they should inspect and quarantine for security. If the mother cat is infected, the kitten is settled separately. Otherwise If you lick your baby, she will infect him.


Conjunctivitis in cats: treatment, types, causes and symptoms

The scheme of the therapeutic approach is selected by the veterinarian in depending on the severity and form of the disease.

When conjunctivitis is diagnosed in cats, treatment involves a number of consecutive events. Basic the rule of therapy is to treat both eyes, even with damage only one.

What is usually included in the list of appointments:

  • Eye wash with antiseptic agents: furatsilinom, potassium permanganate, boric acid. As a last resort Strongly brewed tea is allowed. Acceptable An alternative can be herbal decoctions on chamomile, calendula. To do this, impregnate a cotton pad and carefully process it the inside of the eye while removing the peels and other congestion. They act in a similar way every 3-4 hours. Such the procedure effectively cleanses purulent discharge and prevents sticking of the eyelids.
  • At the initial stage, drops from conjunctivitis in cats are prescribed and antibiotics, in the form of an ointment. Relieve pain and remove swelling following Medications: Hydrocortisone, Novocaine, Albucid. Drops are instilled twice a day. Of the ointments suitable: tetracycline, erythromycin. It is laid under any eyelid with a special wand that goes into kit.

Conjunctivitis in cats: treatment, types, causes and symptoms

Drugs are prescribed by the veterinarian depending on the severity diseases

Tetracycline is available in several forms: ointment, drops and tablets for internal use. The latter option is applicable in particular severe cases. This is the best drug for treating conjunctivitis in cats of any age. When chlamydial infection is prescribed it is he because of the strong pharmacological effects.

Treatment will give positive results if complex approach – reception: antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Preventative measures

Conjunctivitis in cats: treatment, types, causes and symptoms

If possible, keep home contacts to a minimum. a pet with street brothers from whom it can become infected only conjunctivitis, but also something no less serious

The prevention of this disease is the appropriate care and care for your pet. Conjunctivitis is dangerous pathology that can cause suffering to the animal and a lot of trouble to his master. Given the fact that the infection is transmitted airborne droplets, that is, the risk of infection in healthy households pets living in the neighborhood.

To avoid inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, adhere to certain rules:

  • visit your veterinarian regularly for an examination, especially if the cat unlimited in the exit to the street;
  • systematically solder with anthelmintic drugs and make insecticidal pest control;
  • vaccinate against common diseases;
  • solder with immunomodulatory drugs;
  • protect from draft, overheating, pollution;
  • adhere to standard hygiene procedures;
  • make up a balanced diet;
  • more often carry out general wet cleaning in the living room, air;
  • remove dangerous objects for the animal beyond reach.

Since cats are often allergic to different pungent odors, then they try not to use perfumes, aerosols, cosmetics, household chemicals and keep them away.

Is it possible to catch feline conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis spreads through the air and with tactile contact. Therefore, long-term interaction with the patient animals are dangerous to humans.

The first step to take is isolating the pet. Recommended use extreme caution during his illness – monitor personal and home hygiene. After each contact with the infected animals must wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Cats are especially prone to inflammatory processes in the eyes, so that conjunctivitis is a typical phenomenon for them. Despite the fact that various factors can serve as provoking reasons one is a signal of existing failures in the body of the animal.

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