Coccidiosis in rabbits: symptoms and treatment disease

Aimeria and other coccidial organisms can infect rabbits a disease called coccidiosis, especially young and not mature. These organisms live in the intestines of rabbits, but can also infect their liver.

Coccidiosis in rabbits: symptoms and treatment disease

The severity of coccidiosis depends on the type of eimeria (coccidia), immune system, age, and environmental ecology of the rabbit.

How does a rabbit get coccidiosis?

Rabbits can become infected with coccidiosis through food or contact with feces of another rabbit that could have cysts coccidia. Coccidia does not have an intermediate host or carrier, it means that the rabbit can be infected directly through the line contact with feces.

What are the symptoms of coccidiosis in rabbits?

Many rabbits that are infected with coccidia do not show up no symptoms and clinical signs. However, if they symptoms appear, then you can see watery or slimy stool in which there may be blood. Diarrhea may be rare or periodic (appear and pass over and over).

You may also notice other symptoms, namely:

  • lethargy
  • weakness
  • lack of appetite
  • weight loss
  • dehydration
  • depression

How can a veterinarian diagnose coccidiosis?

Your vet will most likely take feces or a fecal swab. for a test with which he can determine the presence of the body of coccidia.

How to treat coccidiosis?

If rabbit diarrhea progresses to severe form, then the vet may want to hospitalize the rabbit to provide him with the necessary supportive care until he will not feel better. Or the veterinarian can recommend you treating a rabbit at home with oral medications. During throughout the treatment period it is important to ensure the rabbit is the most healthy and suitable diet.

Since rabbits are coprophagous (they eat their own feces or cecotrophs and can literally infect themselves), so you their cage should be thoroughly cleaned and cleaned after them so that prevent re-infection. To cure successfully coccidia, please follow the instructions of the veterinarian and do not neglect his advice.

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