Babies and Pets: Friends or Enemies

The birth of a baby is a happy event, significantly changing family life. The appearance in the house of a baby makes mom and dad ask a lot of questions, one of which is: is it possible to keep pets in the apartment where the baby lives? After all, sometimes pets settled in the house long before the birth of the baby and are themselves full and beloved family members.


  • 1 Kids and animals in one house
    • 1.1 Is it possible to have pets when they appear in the house baby
    • 1.2 What to do with existing pets
    • 1.3 How to protect the child from possible aggression of pets and diseases
    • 1.4 Video: Dr. Komarovsky about children and pets
  • 2 Which pets are compatible with young children
    • 2.1 Easy-care animals
    • 2.2 Animals that promote the development of the baby
      • 2.2.1 Video: child, kitten and a parrot
    • 2.3 Future game partners
      • 2.3.1 Video: babies and dogs
  • Table 3: the pros and cons of staying near pets with kids
  • 4 reviews

Kids and animals in one house

One of the most common desires of an ordinary child is get a dog, cat, or at least a hamster. Children love animals, but not always able to take care of them. You can have a pet in advance, so that the child grows with him and enjoys communication with a piece of wildlife. Especially if dad and mom yourself love animals and are able to take responsibility for their health and the quality of life. However, in reality, young parents often There are doubts about the neighborhood of the pet and the baby. More total fears associated with possible illnesses of the child and likely aggression from the beast. Most often we are talking about already available pets from which some decisive parents are preparing to get rid of “in case of what” in advance.

Girl stroking a cat

It is believed that cats can infect a child with toxoplasmosis, although in fact, the probability of this is very small

Another extreme is parents who are not ready parting with your pets “never and never”. With one on the other hand, such love and devotion inspire respect, and on the other, who knows what kind of relationship will develop between a pet and a baby? May jealousy and aggression from the beast or allergies a child. Another thing is that such troubles can be tried prevent. With a reasonable and responsible approach, it’s quite possible to overcome difficulties and harmoniously exist together; animals and people.

Is it possible to have pets when a baby appears in the house

Doctors do not recommend having pets during pregnancy moms, because at this time the body is vulnerable to infections, carriers which animals can serve. In the first months of a baby’s life young parents are unlikely to want to buy a pet themselves, because they immersed in worries about the baby. In addition, newborns are better protect against additional sources of viruses and bacteria. But here parents decide, and if a young mother wanted to have fish for stress reliever or a parrot to save from boredom, it is hardly worth convince her. The main thing is that there is enough time and energy to care for pets.

The boy bathes with a dog

In the house where small children live, dogs need to be timely carry out hygiene procedures

Within a year after the birth of the child, you need to get animals with mind. It will be wise to consult a pediatrician and assess the risks the appearance in the baby of an allergic reaction, the likelihood of which increases if at least one of the parents has allergy. The safety of the baby is also an important factor: the baby does not understand that it is possible and impossible to touch and take in the mouth. Therefore, the habitat and feeding of the animal, as well as its toilet, must be securely protected from the child. Ideal for all this was in another room. If salary allows, square meters and the doctor permits, it remains only to make the right pet choice. This will help forums lovers, numerous videos and articles on the Internet.

If parents or children are allergic, you can purchase a pet hypoallergenic breed. Among the cats, the most famous are the sphinxes, Cornish Rex, oriental, among dogs – poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Bichon Frize. However, remember that there are no guarantees there is no allergic reaction even to these breeds. Simply they are less likely to cause allergies than others.

What to do with existing pets

Most often, the owners are not ready to abandon their animals because of birth of a child, and rightly so. After all, once you took it upon yourself responsible for these living things, and disposing of them without emergency – meaningless and cruel. If fears do not give live calmly, then you can move your pets for the first time, and then return home. But keep in mind that this will be very stressful. for the animal. If we are talking about a dog of a fighting breed or manual crocodile, then you have to part with them forever, because under a threat to the safety of the baby.

Baby reaches for the cat

In contact with babies and animals, it is important to respect the interests of both parties, because they can scare and injure each other

A study of the forums shows that most decisions are made about cats and dogs, as they live in our homes most often and it’s hard to get them not to contact the baby. Remove from home four-legged friends are not necessary, but you need psychologically and physically prepare for the appearance of the baby. As for the fish, hamster or turtles, they are unlikely to notice an addition in the composition families.

How to protect your child from possible pet aggression and diseases

So that the animals do not infect the baby with infections and parasites, it is necessary to carry out such preventive Events:

  • take the animal for examination to the veterinarian;
  • conduct regular or emergency cleaning of the pet from external (fleas and ticks) and internal (worms) parasites;
  • receive regular or emergency rabies vaccination and other dangerous diseases (as prescribed by the veterinarian).

Kid and cat over a bowl of food

Children are very interested in the pet food process and often want to taste their food

For the psychological preparation of the pet, you can take the following actions:

  • pre-purchase a crib and stroller and announce them restricted area;
  • accustom to the noise of rattles, mobile and other unusual sounds;
  • pass the diaper or baby’s undershirt from the hospital to the pet met its smell;
  • after arrival from the hospital let the baby sniff and try be more attentive to the pet so that he does not feel abandoned;
  • be prepared to consult a zoopsychologist if necessary or a trainer to correct the behavior of the pet.

When I brought my son from the hospital, the old cat didn’t showed no interest in him, but our Bengal cat joyfully thrust himself into the envelope and began eagerly sniffing at the baby. But as soon as he moved and let out a grunt, the cat jumped from him a meter in a wild fright and ran away to another corner of the room. We even did not expect such a reaction from him. Then the cat hid for a long time, but after walked around the house, clinging to the floor and with all his appearance depicting oppressed and frightened being. He didn’t go into the kid’s room week, then gradually began to sneak for 5-10 minutes, and finally relaxed only after a couple of months. After that the time has come when I drove him and the old cat out of the crib and strollers, and periodically they tried to lie directly to the child. But when the baby crawled, everything changed. Cat stayed away from a slider, and the cat, on the contrary, began to play a little with him in catching up. Because of this, the child crawled more often and faster.

For animals next to a small child, you need care carefully: cut nails, comb out hair, wash bowls, regularly vaccinate and feed tablets with worms. Then troubles from such a neighborhood do not threaten the baby. Besides now doctors are increasingly talking about the dangers of sterile cleanliness in the home, because so the baby’s body cannot get acquainted with alien viruses and bacteria and learn how to deal with them. Results – weak immunity and allergies. Therefore, it is likely that animals with their dirt, saliva and wool will only benefit health baby.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about children and pets

Which pets are compatible with young children?

The choice of pets is now very diverse and affordable. even exotic options like mumps, a parrot or a monitor lizard. But it’s wiser to leave such experiments until better times, when the child will grow up. Pet for coexistence with the baby the first years of life must be chosen taking into account its features and opportunities for parents. About the nuances of the content and nature of various Pets can be read on their specialized forums owners, and opportunities are understood as material (spending on an aquarium, a cage, feed, etc.), and both strength and free the time mom and dad have to spend on the pet. Aquarium and cages should be cleaned regularly, dogs walk and wash after comb out walks, cats and rabbits.

Easy-care animals

This includes the inhabitants of aquariums and cells, which are infrequent leaving their home: fish, snails, turtles, hamsters, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas, etc. Of course you can’t say that cleaning an aquarium or cage is a simple and easy task. But this will have to be done no more than once a week, or even less, all depends on the type of animal and the size of its abode. In addition, you can entrust this procedure to dad so that a smaller nursing mother in contact with animal secretions.

The kid is watching the fish

Keep in mind that fish food is a highly allergenic product, and it is best to feed as far as possible from the baby, ideally in another room

If pets regularly go out of their cages for a walk, then cleaning becomes harder because they can chew on something or go to the toilet anywhere. In this case, it is better to let out animals in a limited room with a minimum of furniture and wires, which will quickly remove all the consequences of a walk and protect property.

Baby feeds the rat

Rodents are carriers of many infections, so you need to protect the baby from their bites

As for birds, feathers and litter fly far away cells, therefore, care for them can not be called simple. What if a parrot or canary fly around the apartment, then their tracks life activities appear everywhere. Therefore, with the acquisition birds should wait until better times.

Girl kisses a parrot

Domestic birds are beautiful and cute, but are carriers many diseases that you can protect yourself from regularly handing over the litter to the laboratory for analysis

Animals that promote the development of the baby

The baby will develop faster and better if available any animals in the house, because they are a separate world with their laws and regulations. Animal watching will contribute to the development of intelligence, communication with them will teach empathy and understanding of others, and caring for pets will allow understand what care and responsibility are.

Baby and Rabbit

When planning to get a rabbit, remember that it is from them most often owners refuse: these animals can deliver a lot to the owner problems, and often bite

Active development of the baby will be promoted by active animals moving freely around the house: cats, dogs and others four-legged pets that are allowed. Baby will be chase them, trying to touch or play with them. Pet owners often talk about how the baby crawled or went precisely because of interest in the pet.

Video: baby, kitten and a parrot

Future Game Partners

Cats and dogs play best with children, but for this, animals should not be afraid. The task of parents is to prevent the child offended the beast. Yes, the baby still does not understand anything, but the animal you can’t explain it. The pet can hold a grudge for a long time and then hide from the child, protect yourself with claws and teeth, and even take revenge. Therefore, games with pets should occur under vigilant control of parents. If father and mother can provide safety of the animal, then he will get used to the baby and love him, and, perhaps he will play with him.

My cat enjoys playing hide and seek with the baby. It happens like this: a cat hides behind a curtain or in a box for toys, the baby crawls or runs after him and finds. The cat jumps out and runs to another place, the boy follows him. Now my son is already more than a year, and he walks and runs well, so he learned to pull for a fishing rod with a mouse, as well as throw balls to a cat. Cat with plays with pleasure, but sometimes does not calculate his strength and scratches appear on small handles. However, the son is not afflicts and does not stop. Recently, the baby is trying sit on a cat on horseback, and he suffers this disgrace until the latter, flattening on the floor to a mat.

Baby is looking at the cat

A cat or dog for a baby is part of the amazing environment. a world to be quickly and actively explored

A child under the age of one year can be allowed to touch and stroke beast, play catch-up and hide and seek with him. After a year, teach to attract a child to the game with the help of special toys – mice, balls, fishing rods and tweeters. And from two years you can little by little teach your baby how to care for her pet: feed, comb, clean a mess induced by spending time together.

The girl gives the dog a ball for the game

Pediatricians especially welcome dogs in homes with small children, because they need to be regularly walked, so that children walk more often

Having become older, the child is fond of story games, where pets assigned the role of their wild relatives or cartoon characters or books. It matters how patient and ready the animal is. obey the child. There are very calm animals that even enjoy such games, and sometimes vice versa. Often cats protest as more freedom-loving animals.

Protecting pets from psychological and physical injuries will help prudent parental control: regularly monitor exactly how child plays with animals.

Rabbit in the hat of the baby

In story games for children, the rabbit becomes an assistant to the magician, the dog is a wolf, and the cat is Matroskin from Prostokvashino

My daughter, from the age of four, actively rolled a cat and a cat in a nursery wheelchair. The cat didn’t really like it, but she tolerated it, but the young cat obviously enjoyed it. He was riding in a stroller with regal look, comfortably spread out and seemed to smile. Himself often climbed into this stroller, inviting in the game, slept in it. However, soon the daughter tried to swaddle him like a baby, and I had to to intervene, as it turned out too much even for the patient Murzika. Kitty as a whole was very friendly and attached specifically to daughter, he favorably perceived almost all of her games. There are such pets.

Video: kids and dogs

Table: Pros and Cons of Pet Accommodation Near children

pros Minuses
Accelerating Intellectual and Creative Development baby The likelihood of animals becoming infected with diseases such as toxoplasmosis, ornithosis, felinosis, etc.
Education of independence and responsibility for others The likelihood of infection by internal and external parasites (worms, ticks, fleas)
The emergence and development of empathy (empathy), understanding of foreign borders The possibility of a child developing an allergy
The rapid formation of motor skills (crawling, walking, stepping) and fine motor skills Possible aggression and animal bites
Immunity strengthening The need for quality pet care and additional house cleaning
Allergy Risk Reduction Material costs for the maintenance and treatment of animals
Dog walks in the fresh air The need for ongoing parental control
Pets are partners for older children
Positive emotions of parents from pets


Even the thought was not given, our husband defended at the grandmothers cat)))) all lamented he will be jealous, he shaggy-fluffy, etc. on the list. as a result, Bonya was introduced to daughters came from RD, allowed to sniff and told him that her you can’t offend now she will live with us, you can laugh but he understood. communication was not limited, as before, the cat had access everywhere, the only thing in the crib was not allowed to climb))) although now he sleeps there and no longer drive. his daughter feeds him periodically with of his plate))) offers him not only meat, but also fruit tea some water)))) in general, they live together, though sometimes she pesters Bonya is in front of me so I can see what brings up her))))))))) paw gives change)))))) without claws naturally)))))))

Nadin nadin

When my daughter was born, I had a cat. And the cat is just himself came to my door and meowed plaintively when I was on the 5th month pregnancy. There were no problems after the birth of a daughter. And here when after 2 and a half years a son was born, the cat had to be given. The son was born with intrauterine pneumonia, and the pediatrician after the reaction the body of a son on cat hair recommended a cat to give. But Now we have a Spitz, the youngest is not even 2 years old. I am sure that animals needed in a family with children.


My cat was several times larger than my newborn daughter and that’s all time strove to climb on her to sleep. Several times right from her removed, then began to close the door if she sleeps alone. But to me it seems he did not think (as far as cats can think) to cause her harm, but simply lay down where warmer. That’s how it comes to us, and Arina came, just his size in relation to her forced to worry.


In the house, a cat and a dog, both very well understood the line permitted. The dog is a little saddened by a decrease in attention to him, and in otherwise everything is fine.


We started a fish at 1.5, one, a cockerel. Daughter with pleasure helps to change water, wash pebbles, and let our glass out Petya to pure aquas, it’s a direct duty of her, sometimes she feeds together with me him. She likes. And hamsters, cats and dogs I would have been before 5 years I didn’t start, this is not a toy, the children quickly cool down for them and that’s it beast on mom. Away the delight of the cat, and at home every day she time to get bored. And also a parrot with us. To him a daughter without special emotions, but he has been with me for 11 years, she’s from the womb to his cries I’m used to it.


Cohabitation of children, including infants, and Pets are not only possible, but even beneficial for toddlers. Pediatricians note that children whose homes have animals are faster develop and get sick less. However, deciding on the content pets in the immediate vicinity of the child, you need to consider everything risks and take the necessary preventive measures to eliminate harm to the baby’s health. It will also be useful in advance prepare to meet a new family member of such active pets like cats and dogs.

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