African meerkats live in St. Petersburg and are friends with a cat

The birthplace of meerkats is South Africa. But as it turned out, these are funny heat-loving animals feel good for many thousands kilometers from the historic house.

A whole family of meerkats lives in St. Petersburg in the usual city ​​apartment. True, her mistress had to go to dramatic changes in the interior, for example, get rid of indoor plants – pets tried to dig burrows in flower potted.

However, without the destruction it still could not do: persistent pets thoroughly gnawed at the walls. But you can put up with it for the sake of keeping such exotic animals that turned out to be the cutest affectionate and intelligent creatures. They quickly became friends not only with people, but also with a domestic cat.

The main problem is to provide them with the right diet, on that leaves at least 10 thousand rubles a month. Meerkatam you need to buy special worms and insects – this is the basis of them menu.

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