What do ferrets eat?

Ferrets are real predators that can’t handle a diet containing more than 4% fiber. There are several good ferret feeds such as Totally Ferret (Totally Ferret), Forti Diet, Mazuri Ferret Chow and several others. All of these feeds are dry. Cat food was used for ferrets already in distant past, and is only relevant as a last resort. Thus, ferrets are recommended only specially made for them stern.

What do ferrets eat?

There are also feeds used to feed growing ferrets, pregnant females, as well as old ferrets. Keep in mind, that your ferret is “what it is,” so try to feed his best food that is possible, such as premium feed, which The veterinarian will recommend you.

How often do you need to feed a ferret?

Ferrets have a fast digestion process (all the way from feeding before bowel movements), which takes 3-4 hours, so they like you may seem to eat and defecate almost constantly. Since ferrets can easily get hypoglycemia (low sugar in blood), they should have a snack several times during the day. it easy to do if you leave food for them 24 hours a day.

Do ferrets need vitamins?

If your ferret feeds on high quality feeds, then additional vitamins, most likely, he will not need. But, there are several types of delicious vitamins that can be served in as a low-fat treat.

Do I need to give ferrets goodies?

Ferrets really enjoy sweets, dairy foods, raisins, fruits and vegetables, but these foods should be strictly limited or excluded, as they can cause diarrhea.

Chocolate can be fatal for ferrets! Be vigilant and always ask your veterinarian before feeding the ferret any food, especially human. Dietary changes may cause problems like intestinal upset, diarrhea, pancreas problems. While obesity is like usually not a big problem for ferrets, they however may be overweight if the feed or treat contains a lot of calories.

What about water?

Fresh and fresh water should be available to ferrets. time. You can offer them water either from a drinking bowl or from a heavy a bowl that cannot tip over as ferrets love to play and scatter your dishes.

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