What do domestic rodents eat?

All domestic rodents can eat quality granular feed. Many vets also recommend provide rodents with hay, consult your vet about it. A diet containing seeds and nuts is NOT recommended. However, if you offer quality seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds) and high nuts fat and low in calcium, for many rodents this diet will be preferable, but not so useful.

What do domestic rodents eat?

How often to feed rodents?

Fresh feed and clean water should be available all the time in bowls or in a drinking bowl (depending on the type of rodent). Many owners use heavy and stable bowls, although in the market other types of bowls are available that can be attached to the cage.

Do I need to give my rodent vitamins?

No, domestic rodents do not need extra vitamins, if they get proper nutrition. Just add vitamins to poor nutrition – far from the best way to feed rodents.

Can I give rodents goodies?

Seeds and nuts can be given in small portions (not more than 5-10% of the total daily diet). You can offer your rodents fresh, well-peeled vegetables on a daily basis, as well as sometimes serve them with a small amount of fruit. Green vegetables will also be acceptable, like yellow and orange. Total daily the norm of these “human products” should not exceed 10% of them diet.

Thus, your pets should eat the main food (90% diet), 5-10% of fruits and vegetables, and occasionally receive seeds and nuts as a treat. In addition to these rodents, you can offer hay of choice (e.g. clover, timothy meadow) as fiber source.

Do guinea pigs need special food?

Guinea pigs, unlike most pets, do not produce their own vitamin C. Good food for marine pigs will be high-quality food with a high fiber content and with supplemented with vitamin C. Make sure your guinea pig food contains vitamin C. However, since this vitamin is rapidly destroyed either oxidized, feed should be used, as a rule, in within 90 days from the date of manufacture.

If your mumps develop vitamin C deficiency, then it’s better give it in crushed form or in the form of a liquid. Ascorbic acid in an amount of 100 mg twice a day, mixed in fresh water, will completely cover the daily rate of mumps in this vitamin. Fresh green vegetables can also be used as an additional source of vitamin C.

What about water?

Fresh water should be available 24 hours a day. Water should replace daily, and regularly rinse a bowl or bottle with her. If you are using a drinker, then use it to clean it. special bottle brush as it is a great place to reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Is there anything else you need to know about feeding domestic rodents?

You can offer your rodents special chewing toys to prevent them from overgrowing incisors. Many owners offer their rodents wooden sticks that also help restrain the growth of incisors. Talk to your a veterinarian about toys suitable for your rodent.

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