How to wean a dog to tag: reasons and methods struggle

Dogs can tag due to various reasons, and they do it’s not because they are angry or jealous. Deviant behavior is not considered a sign of a disease of the genitourinary system. Urine Labels – this is the instinctive behavior of the animal, starting after achieving puberty. There are ways to wean a dog mark territory without the use of traumatic techniques.

Why does the dog mark

This animal is territorial. Dogs come first worth protecting the territory. Urine marks help establish dominance in a given territory. Dogs brought up in at home, they also put tags, but often not at home, but on nature. Indeed, in this case, the dog territory is all places visited by her during walks. Animals can tag in places previously labeled by other relatives to show that it is they who claim this territory. How to wean a dog to tag

Other reasons include the following:

  • the dog suggests that the surrounding area is her property
  • the dog believes that the space he occupies is threatened by another individual;
  • with the help of marks the dog can protect the territory and show other animals have their own requirements;
  • if he moves to another place (so that there is the same smell, like at home);
  • tags left by animals after prolonged separation from the owner (in this case, the four-legged friend expresses joy);
  • if the animal is lonely (stays at home for a long time, without attention and communication), then longing, sadness and other negative emotions provoke the pet to involuntary emptying of the urinary a bubble;
  • a sense of fear is often the trigger for uncontrolled mix in the wrong place for this;
  • insufficient duration of the walk (often the owner hard enough to get up early and he walks a little time with favorite);
  • resentment (the dog is able to survive this kind of emotion, especially if the owner scolded or beat the pet);
  • revenge (dogs are often prone to revenge due to hidden grievances and other negative emotions);
  • the appearance of a new member of the family (the dog feels some jealousy when a baby is born, because now all the attention will be belong to the baby).

Marks are also used to identify and maintain hierarchy. Only with the help of tags does the dog signal to individuals the opposite sex that is ready to mate. Via Dog tags recognize:

  • sex of the animal;
  • reproductive status;
  • individuality.

Are there any differences in tagging?

There are some differences in who and when of dogs puts marks on the territory:

  • males mark much more often than females;
  • uncastrated males mark more often than neutered males;
  • knots mark during estrus (this phenomenon may be present among sterilized individuals);
  • more dominant and active individuals mark more often. This is especially noticeable if they are in a pack;
  • due to increased anxiety, they often mark timid, less self-confident individuals.

What you need to pay attention to

Having found that the dog is tagging, one should analyze whether her possible health problems. If the pet urinates often and in large quantities, you need to show it to the veterinarian. Marking tendency appears as an organism reaction an animal to take certain medications.

The dog may feel emotional depression associated with the need for obedience. Animals sometimes tag while playing or punishment. If the pet is not accustomed to the toilet, then he cannot shitting at home. Develop the habit of emptying in a well-established the place helps to receive food exactly on schedule. Frequent street exits help establish the process of emptying the bladder. How to wean a dog to tag read the article

The pet sometimes has a phobia of separation. Animals they don’t like to leave, and before leaving the owner some individuals there are bouts of nervousness. During such attacks it is possible uncontrolled, instinctive urination.

How can I fix the “bad” behavior of the animal

First of all, the owner must show himself as a leader. Noticed that the problems with tags appear just because of the desire dominate. And if the animal firmly learns who is the master, then the tags and all the troubles associated with them will disappear.

Sometimes you can teach a dog to urinate in a tray located in strictly reserved for this place. This works best if the animal is small. Teaching your four-legged friend to the tray will most effective and desirable in cases where the owner does not want walk your pet several times a day.

If a pet often shows dishonesty, then his punished. Punishment is permissible only if the owner just discovered a pet at the crime scene. At that moment, when the animal has already urinated and moved away from the puddle, any methods exposure and upbringing will be completely useless. It is strictly not allowed to use physical methods impact on the dog: this is not only an unnecessary way of exposure, but also a source of psychological trauma.

Sometimes temporary isolation of a pet in the aviary helps. Into him four-legged should be placed as soon as it was discovered that he fucked up. For several hours absolutely should not be response to the offender. Dog breeders recommend sharply and loudly say “fu” if they are “caught” in place crime.

At the time of the untidy business, you can scare a little doggie from a water pistol. After that follows ignore the pet for hours. Caked place treated with a special veterinary solution that neutralizes smell. If there is no such remedy, it is recommended to use vinegar, so how its sharp unpleasant smell helps to discourage a pet’s desire to crap.

A dog can be re-educated in a relatively short time. For To do this, take the following actions:

  1. Put the pet in the aviary.
  2. A dog is released from an enclosure only if there is the ability to observe it (and this observation should continue continuously). Strongly not allowed to leave pet unattended because he can spoil.
  3. When the animal began to defecate in a prohibited place, it should strictly say “no.” Then the dog is recommended to be placed in aviary. It should contain an oilcloth on which the dog will urinate. A few hours do not need to respond to the dog.
  4. Gradually, the four-legged learns to walk on a diaper. Further her placed in the tray.
  5. During such training, you must strictly adhere to the rules. dominance. The dog must clearly and accurately understand that the owner – it is you.
  6. In difficult cases, you need to contact a dog handler.

Other ways to get rid of the problem

If it became noticeable that the animal began to mark the territory in walking time, no need to try to limit in any way such actions. Best to do dog training at ease and feel free to be with the owner.

To wean the mark during walks on the street, use leash, as it will help to turn the animal away from the place where put tags. Use a leash immediately after the dog began to sniff and study the place and raise its paw. Necessary learn to predict such actions and reinforce positive parenting results.

Sometimes the four-footed ones mark territories unfamiliar to them. It can be residential premises, exhibitions, veterinary clinics, etc. visiting such places, the dog should always be on a leash. Sometimes it’s best to leave her at home for a couple of days so that she doesn’t developed and not reinforced the habit of tagging in new places.

Sometimes while walking and away the dog can be distracted with toys. In this way, she has a positive connection. At sniffing unfamiliar places you must immediately stop such actions, as they are a harbinger of further “labeling” with urine. You can prevent tags with leash.

Video on how to wean a dog to tag

Preventative measures

To prevent misbehavior of the animal should take preventive measures aimed at regulating urination. Veterinarians recommend listening to certain tips to help regulate mixes and prevent marking:

  1. The owner should always use the positive reinforcement. Seeing that the animal marks, you need to interrupt this process, loudly saying no and abruptly clapping his hands. IN in such cases, the punishment is ineffective.
  2. To prevent tags, certain social factors. Some situations in the dog community stimulate the desire to tag. Male must be kept separately from flowing bitches. Sometimes an animal is affected by a situation where they are visiting where other dogs have already tagged.
  3. Restrict access to things that are more common. total pet marks. They should be kept in places inaccessible to her. These things are new purchases, personal host items.
  4. Those dogs that have propensity to tag. In this case, your animal will be leave tags on top of existing ones.
  5. It’s necessary to restrict the pet’s access to the windows, the door. This is where the labels remain most often. Necessary try to make all yard dogs as close as possible to the door. Around the perimeter of the courtyard or summer cottage, thorns are planted shrubs. Getting rid of excrement is highly recommended. animal.
  6. The dog will not leave tags closed spaces, if you equip barriers for this. It is noted that the four-legged brothers do not stain where they sleep. If the dog is difficult to retrain, then at the time of the absence of the owner in the apartment use a specially equipped dog cage. Sometimes good the effect gives food a place above those places where the doggie crap.
  7. Near the alleged places of labels put goodies. The dog will perceive these places as source of food. The places where he previously crap, you need to do unattractive or inaccessible.
  8. The places where the dog is tagged need to be carefully wash. But even with thorough washing thoroughly hide an unpleasant odor can be extremely difficult. Bring it down the intensity can be, if the dirty place is wet with synthetic detergent. It’s best to use enzyme preparations, Designed specifically for animals. But the funds containing ammonia, it is not recommended to use: they attract even more dogs.

Warning tags are best immediately, as soon as it became noticeable, that the animal is urinating in prohibited places. There are effective simple and safe methods of exposure to the pet. IN older cope with the deviant behavior of the animal it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible. Should not be missed moment and start adjusting the behavior right away.

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