Cicada (photo): skillfully singing insect



Kingdom: Animals

Type: Arthropods

Class: Insects

Order: Semi-winged

Suborder: Cicadas

Family: Singing Cicadas

In one of the lines of the ode, written by the poet Anacreont of Ancient Greece, we can read these words: “How blessed are you, cicada, You are almost like gods … ”

Why did the “master of the word” sing an ordinary insect. He did it since I heard in her amazing singing not very musical abilities.

Indeed, these winged creatures are able to inspire their singing by many creative people.

Along with grasshoppers and crickets, they have the ability make loud melodic sounds.

The most famous ordinary cicada is distributed in the subtropical regions of Europe, Russia and Ukraine: the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and the southern part of the Crimean peninsula

The most famous common cicada is prevalent in subtropical regions of Europe, Russia and Ukraine: the Mediterranean, Caucasus, Transcaucasia and the southern part of the Crimean peninsula


  • 1 Habitat
  • 2 Characteristic
  • 3 Appearance
  • 4 Key Features
  • 5 Nutrition
  • 6 Reproduction
  • 7 Content and breeding


This insect lives almost all over the world where there are forests. That is why it often becomes food. geckos, chameleons, salamander and even scolopendra.

The vast majority of cicadas prefer a warm climate, therefore, in the middle latitudes there is only a more adapted to such conditions, the species is a mountain cicada (Cicadetta montana).

The northern border of its range passes through the Scandinavian countries, Leningrad and Pskov regions of Russia. Individual foci found in the south of Siberia and the Far East.

The most famous common cicada (Lyristes plebejus) distributed in subtropical regions of Europe, Russia and Ukraine: Mediterranean, Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Southern Crimean peninsula.

Hardwood forests, especially oak and ash groves are a favorite habitat of these insects.

From the forest-steppe in the south to the border of the taiga in the north, you can hear them chirping.

Cicada. Representatives of the cicadas suborder are characterized by the fact that all their species are very similar to each other. Differences are observed in size and color.

Representatives of the cicadas suborder are characterized by the fact that all their species are very similar to each other. Differences are observed in size. and coloring


Representatives of the cicadas suborder are characterized by the fact that all their species are very similar to each other. Differences are observed in size. and coloring.

The suborder includes several families. Most known a family of singers or true cicadas.

It has more than 1,500 species. Most noteworthy of them:

  • Regal cicada. Biggest of all known (has a length of 6.5 cm, and wingspan 18 cm). Distributed on the islands of the archipelagos of Indonesia.
  • Oak cicada reaching a length of 4.5 cm, lives in the forests of southern Russia, as well as Ukraine.
  • Common cicada, photo of which can be done while on the Black Sea coast. Songs of this 5-centimeter insect listen to thousands of vacationers in the midst holiday season.
  • Mountain cicada. The smallest representative of his family (2 cm), living much north relatives.
  • Periodic cicada living in North America. Notable for the fact that her development cycle lasts as many as 17 years. The end of this period is accompanied by the appearance on the light of a huge number of insects.


Cicada has the ability to produce melodic sounds with using special organs called cymbals. They are are membranes located on the male’s belly

All these types of insects have the ability to produce melodic sounds with special organs called dulcimer.

They are membranes located on the male’s belly. Thanks to special muscles, it can strain and relax them.

This whole “mechanism” is equipped with a special camera for amplification sound that opens and closes along with vibrations.

All this allows you to create a melody heard at a distance of up to 900 meters. Southern species of cicadas sing especially loudly.

Interesting! I.A. Krylov in his fable “Dragonfly and ant” did not mean a dragonfly at all. She can’t jump and sing. But it works great for cicadas. Famous Russian writer used a story from creativity in this fable French poet Lafontaine, who drew his images from fables ancient Greek Aesop. Krylov I.A. translated the word “cigale” not correctly. So there was a jumping and singing dragonfly in Russian classics.

Cicada. The whole family of these

The whole family of these “musical” insects resembles nocturnal бабочек. Особи имеют короткую голову с сильно выдающимися вбоксложными глазами. Еще 3 простых глаза треугольником расположены натемени. At сики короткие, состоящие из 7 члеников. Ротовой аппаратпредставлен 3-членистым хоботком


The whole family of these “musical” insects resembles nocturnal бабочек. Особи имеют короткую голову с сильно выдающимися вбоксложными глазами.

Еще 3 простых глаза треугольником расположены на темени. Усикикороткие, состоящие из 7 члеников. Ротовой аппарат представлен3-segmented proboscis.

Insects have two pairs of wings. The front is much longer than the back.

Most species are transparent, but some may have brightly colored or black. Short, thickened at the bottom legs equipped with spikes.

Thickened cicada abdomen ending in hollow ovipositor females and copulation organ in males.

Larvae are very different from adults. They possess a body. from 3 to 5 mm. in length. Their thick massive legs are firm and smooth cuticle coating.

One-membered limbs are armed with impressive spikes that necessary for digging the soil.

The color of the larvae is highly dependent on their age and species. Often they have a whitish hue.

Recreation on the south coast is always associated with the singing of cicadas

With cicadas singing, holidays on the south coast are always associated

Interesting! Cicada in Ancient Greece was considered a symbol of immortality. This is due to her long life cycle. It was believed that they lacked blood, and they feed on dew. A cicada was placed in the mouth of a deceased person for providing him immortality.

The Greek character Typhon was immortal, but did not remain young, but getting old. Over time, it dried up and turned into this insect.

In China, cicada also means eternal life, and when dried is a charm from death. In Japan, worship cicadas.

It means the homeland, peace and beauty of the world.

The cicada has a long life cycle for insects. In most species, it lasts from 2 to 4 years. Periodic cicada is the record holder in this part.

Cicada has a long life cycle for insects. УIn most species, it lasts from 2 to 4 years. Periodic Cicada – record holder in this part

Key Features

This insect has some features that distinguish it from others:

  • Ability to produce loud melodic sounds for attracting females.
  • Long life cycle. In most species, it lasts from 2 to 4 years. Periodic cicada is the record holder in this part.
  • Distributed around the world, except for polar and circumpolar regions.

In addition, the insect is the hero of many works. fiction as well as allegorical present in movie titles.

The Japanese anime series “When Cicadas Cry” is widely known.


Cicada feeds on the juice of trees, shrubs and grassy plants. Her proboscis, with which she pierces the bark or surface layer and sucks the juice


Cicada feeds on the juice of trees, shrubs and grassy plants.

Her proboscis, with which she pierces the bark or surface layer and sucks the juice.

Females also use the ovipositor to damage the cortex.

Sometimes juice flows from these lesions and hardens under exposure to air, forming manna, which is nutritious substance.

Interesting! Cicadas are among the most dangerous pests of crops. Every year these insects destroy a huge amount of grain, root crops and berries. Due to the nature of their life cycle, there are years in which their the population is growing tenfold. Therefore fight with them must be carried out in strict accordance with the life cycle that will make it more effective.

Cicada. With the onset of autumn, females use their oviposites to pierce leaves, stems and other soft tissues of plants. They lay eggs in the hole formed, from which larvae appear in a month

With the onset of autumn, females pierce through their ovipositor leaves, stems and other soft tissues of plants. In educated hole they lay eggs, from which a month later appear larvae


With the onset of autumn, females pierce through their ovipositor leaves, stems and other soft tissues of plants.

In the formed hole they lay eggs, of which through month larvae appear. They are called nymphs.

After several stages of molting, they turn into adults insects (imago). This can be understood by the emerging wings.

Due to such a complex cycle, it may occur at one time nymphs and adults of different ages.

Life expectancy in the form of larvae and pupae in various species is very different.

Some are at this stage for several years. Nymphs are mobile and eat leaf juice.

A species that damages coffee trees, sucking sap from its soft tissues.

Interesting! People have noticed that periodic cicadas are born once every 7, 11, 13, 17 years old. Hordes of these insects literally soar into the sky. They fast multiply and die. At first glance there is nothing strange – on then they are periodic. That’s just all these numbers are prime. (divided only by one and by themselves). Explanation for this the phenomenon has not yet been found.

Insects are a complete source of protein. This is well known in Thailand. The national cuisine of this country is unthinkable without the use of insect dishes. Cicadas and other arthropods are bred on special farms with a full cycle.

Insects are a complete source of protein. It’s fine know in thailand. The national cuisine of this country is inconceivable without the use of insect dishes. Cicada and other arthropods bred on special farms with a full cycle

Content and breeding

Insects are a complete source of protein. It’s fine know in thailand.

The national cuisine of this country is unthinkable without the use of dishes from insects.

Cicadas and other arthropods are bred on special farms with full cycle.

Although for Europeans eating insects is exotic today, do not exclude the possibility that in the future they will become an important source of protein products for everything of humanity.

Although the phrase “crying cicadas” is artistic a metaphor, in their chirping someone can recognize a cry.

Cicada: skillfully singing insect

Mountain cicada, photo of a singing cicada, structural features of the body cicadas, insects that can chant melodiously, called cicadas, periodic cicadas and their features

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