Vaccination of kittens and adult cats

The vaccine done on time will help protect the pet from many severe illnesses. The owner must always remember that neglect of disease prevention can lead to the loss of a loved one creatures. That is why care should be taken to vaccinate the kitten. as early as possible to allow the animal to be healthy and please the owner.

What vaccinations should be given to a cat

Starting at the age of two months when the kitten is enough has grown and gained good immunity, the owner should contact to a veterinarian to vaccinate against possible diseases. And here it would be nice to know if preventive measures were taken to prevent kitten’s mother’s diseases intrauterine infection. An alarm should be given to those owners who picked up an animal from the street or have no idea, vaccinated whether his mother. Initially, deworming should be carried out a kitten, as well as rid it of fleas, if any, because parasites living inside the animal and on its coat or skin can be carriers of various serious diseases, as well as weaken the cat’s immune system. Kittens are vaccinated against such заболеваний, как: Vaccination of a cat

  • Калицивирусная инфекция (вирусное заболевание,affecting the upper respiratory tract, which can lead to animal death);
  • Panleukopenia (or the plague of cats – a viral disease, affecting the digestive organs and bone marrow of the animal);
  • Rhinotracheitis (viral disease of the upper respiratory paths);
  • Rabies (a viral disease that affects bone and cat’s brain);
  • Viral leukemia (a disease transmitted to a kitten from mother).

All of these diseases can lead to the death of an animal, namely therefore, after consulting with your doctor, do timely vaccinations. Later (when the animal reaches 12 weeks of age) it makes sense to instill an animal from a shearing lichen (caused by fungi Mycrosporum and Trichophyton) and chlamydia – an infectious disease affecting vision, respiratory tract and reproductive system of a cat. In this case, the owner should remember and about re-vaccinations of a kitten, without which they were made for the first time vaccinating an animal will not make sense.

When should cats be vaccinated?

Итак, для котенка необходимы вакцины от:Cat and Veterinarian

  1. Калицивироза в 8, 9, 48 weeks
  2. Panleukopenia at 8, 9, 48 weeks;
  3. Rhinotracheitis at 8, 9, 48 weeks;
  4. Microsporia and trichophytosis (ringworm) at 12, 14, 48 недель;
  5. Chlamydia at 12, 14, 48 weeks;
  6. Rabies at 12 and 48 weeks.

Depending on the doctor’s recommendations and the condition of the animal vaccination may be given a little earlier or later than indicated term. The owner should vaccinate the cat throughout life to avoid difficult, and sometimes fatal diseases. By the way, most veterinarians trust imported vaccines that are more easily tolerated by animals and do not give such side effects like domestic (loss of appetite, loss of strength, allergies, tumors of the injection site).

What you need to know before and after vaccination

Before vaccination, the owner of the cat should pay attention to her health status (temperature, appearance, discharge from the eyes or nose, digestive upset), because the sick animal vaccination is strictly prohibited. Feed the cat or kitten ( more abundantly) before vaccination is not worth it, because it will additional stress for an animal experiencing stress from doctor visits. Also, the owner should not let the pet on after vaccination, because contact with the outside world can adversely affect cat health. Cat bathing should exclude because subcooling can release the trigger hook of the disease from which the animal was vaccinated. Besides, the owner should carefully monitor his behavior four-legged friend: vomiting, upset stool, increased temperature and lethargy of a cat (if more than a day after vaccination) should alert the owner and force to turn to vaccinated doctor. Sometimes the owners themselves vaccinate their pets, but in this case a lot should be taken into account factors influencing a favorable vaccination outcome: freshness medication, its side effects, the ability of the owner to give injections, independent examination of the animal for good health. In a word, the owner who decided to take such a responsibility should be completely self-confident.

Should a cat be vaccinated by hurting her?

To make it as clear as possible whether the cat should be carried to the vet for prophylactic vaccination, one can imagine that at stake her life and the opportunity to lose a furry friend are worth it. Some owners blithely neglect vaccinations when the cat doesn’t goes out into the street, and lives in a flat without any problems. But it’s worth remembering that even the owner himself can become a carrier of diseases and infect animal. Also a little contact with the outside world for the cat will be enough to catch the infection. Vaccinations help protect the animal from a disease that is always easier to prevent, than to treat.

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