Turkish Angora (photo): grace, a lively mind and energy in one set


Origin: Turkey

Class: according to the classification of FIFe and WCF – 2 category (semi-long-haired)

Color: any, with the exception of chocolate and purple shades, their combinations with white color and colorpoint

Sizes: growth at the withers: about 25-35 cm, weight: cats from 3 to 5 kg, cats from 2.5 to 3 kg

Life span: 12-15 years

Turkish Angora attracts not only with its bewitching look. This cat has some character traits inherent to dogs.

She is kind, gentle and faithful, she likes to obey her to the owner.

Angora is kind, tender and faithful, she likes to obey to your master.

For example, purr will gladly bring back toys thrown to her, taking them out of the most inaccessible places

Angora can often be found at the entrance to Turkish shrines. An interesting fact is that only cats with colorful eyes can enter the mosque.

Angora can often be found at the entrance to Turkish shrines. An interesting fact is that only cats can enter the mosque, with colorful eyes


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 How to choose a kitten
  • 4 Care Features
    • 4.1 Combing
    • 4.2 Walk
    • 4.3 Power
  • 5 Health
    • 5.1 Characteristic diseases
    • 5.2 Vaccinations
  • 6 Knit

Breed history

The breed of Turkish Angora has quite ancient roots. Ancestors wild african cats are that big-eyed kitty, which is clearly visible in the physique of angora.

Her long medium-sized body, grace and grace went to the cat from wild “africans”.

Initially, Turkish Angora was not long-haired, this mutation occurred later. At the end of the 18th century, it was brought to the USA, there immediately appreciated the charm of the exterior of the Angora.

However, then these cats were used to improve characteristics of the wool of the Persians.

Although Angora has a different color, most of them belong to white cats.

Turkish Angora can be not only white, but it is white - the most popular color

It is the white color of the fur of cats, the most popular color in angoor

At a certain stage, Angora was on the verge of extinction, but the felinologists of Turkey got down to business. At the Ankara Zoo in 1917 gathered the best representatives of the breed.

It was decided that the Turkish Angora is a cat, which was called the national treasure of the country, – was under special supervision and protection.

This Angora Conservation and Breeding Program in Turkey valid to this day.

The breed was officially recognized only in 1973, but at that time exclusively white representatives were registered.

But since 1978, a cat could wear almost any color proud breed title Turkish Angora. Price of these mustachioe today it can start from hundreds and end with thousands dollars.

Angora will love all members of the family, however, she can only become attached to one of them.

Angora will love all family members, however strongly attached can only one of them


Angora is a pretty restless kitty, like Scottish Straight and Somali cat. She constantly needs to play and have fun. Wide An open, curious look – this is the whole Turkish Angora.

A cat whose photo is simply mesmerizing will delight its owners such qualities of character:

  • Energy. Murlyka loves very much play. She will tirelessly drag her mice – real and toys – housework, hide, toss and so on.
  • Attachment. Angora will love all family members, however, only one can be strongly attached of them.
  • Sociality. Pussycat completely not tolerates loneliness. Left for a long time, it can code in sign of protest.
  • Friendliness. Turkish angora good converges with everyone: other pets, children, guests.

Turkish Angora loves to play. She will tirelessly drag her mice - real and toy - around the house, hide, toss and so on.

Turkish Angora loves to play. She will tirelessly drag their mice – real and toy – around the house, hide, toss and so on

  • Love of solitude. Yes, despite his passion for communication, the cat periodically needs to she was left alone for a while.
  • High level of intelligence. Cat easily learns the rules of behavior and easily adapts to new conditions.
  • Curiosity. Angora needs to know about everything that happens around her. Therefore kitty will follow on your heels, trying to take an active part in everything that you want to do.
  • Love of water. If mom is a cat will set an example for her kittens, the offspring will learn for life that water is good and fun. Sometimes it’s so funny to watch how Turkish Angora is swimming! Photos and videos on the Internet are clear demonstrate.

Blue-eyed Angora baby

Blue-eyed Angora baby

How to choose a kitten

Before 12 weeks, the kitten should not be taken away from the mother. Three month kids are no longer afraid of strangers.

By this time, Turkish Angora kittens should be twice vaccinated, as will be shown by the entries in their passports.

Important! You can often find in selling kittens “under the Angora”, which are actually mysterious cross with Persian genes. Therefore, it is better to contact sellers with a good reputation and to those who are willing to provide documentary evidence of the purity of the breed.

When you pick up a healthy kitten, you won’t feel bad smell. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the eye, ears and nose.

The skin should also be clean, without peeling, rash or redness. If the tummy is hard, then the baby has worms.

The cat easily learns the rules of behavior and adapts to new conditions without problems

The cat easily learns the rules of behavior and without problems adapts to new conditions

Care Features


Not every cat will be delighted with combing. Special this applies to long-haired fluffies, because Angora wool is not inferior to the Neva Masquerade, Somali cat, and even ragdoll.

Turkish Angora in this regard is one of the most problem-free in terms of care – one-time combing a host per week will be enough.

It’s worth bathing a cat when it gets very dirty or before exhibition.

“Manicure” is not necessary to do kisuna, because to teach purr to a claw-tip is not difficult.

But the eyes and ears should be periodically examined and with the need to wipe the dirt with a cotton or cotton swab, dipped in a special liquid.

Turkish Angora, surprisingly, has a good relationship with water. Therefore, bathing procedures you will have no problems.

Turkish Angora, surprisingly, is good at water. therefore bath procedures you will have no problems


Angora is a completely home-made Kisun. In regular exits she doesn’t need to go outside, although if any her feline schedule, she will only be glad.

Turkish Angora will not regularly ask outside, but will not refuse the walks you have proposed

Turkish Angora will not regularly ask outside, but refuse the walks you have proposed will not


Up to four months of age, Angora babies are fed 4 times a day. Then, month after month, the number of meals is reduced to 2 time.

The main thing in this process is a given rhythm – meals must take place at a strictly defined time.

Important! Don’t bother the cat after eating, otherwise you can get a couple of scratches.

There are no specific instructions for feeding angora. Her diet is not much different from the standard animal menu.

The basis is protein, i.e. low-fat raw meat and cooked offal. You can also put purses in a plate following:

  • Boiled vegetables (exception – onions, garlic)
  • Lactic acid products
  • Cereals
  • Soft-boiled eggs, or just raw yolk

Angora can eat both home-made food and professional feed.

Angora can eat both home-made and professional stern

If you do not want to fool your head with making a diet from natural products, professional stern.

For the breed Turkish Angora, you need to buy high-quality feed like Pro Plan, Royal Canin and the like.

Important! Angora cannot be fed sweet salted, smoked, spicy, sausages and sausages.


Characteristic diseases

In general, Angora have very good health. They often the following diseases are observed:

  • Deafness (in white cats)
  • Ataxia
  • Cardiovascular diseases

Another of the possible colors of the Turkish Angora

Another possible color for Turkish Angora


An example diagram looks like this:

  • 1st vaccination kitten is done at 9 weeks, revaccination after 3 weeks, plus vaccination against rabies
  • 2nd – at 16 weeks, revaccination after 3 weeks

An individual vaccination schedule is compiled based on the selected veterinarian drugs. Before vaccination, for 10 days, it is necessary give the animal an anthelmintic drug.

The Turkish Angora does not tolerate loneliness at all. Left for a long time, it can clog in protest.

Turkish Angora absolutely does not tolerate loneliness. Abandoned for a long time, she can nonsense in protest


When mating two white individuals, the birth of the deaf blue-eyed kittens is not a mandatory fact.

However, it is the gene that blocks hair pigmentation that can cause this very deafness.

The cat and cat should be given time to get to know each other. Shut them in a room where there will be a minimum of furniture.

Courts and mating usually last 2-4 days, after the animal calms down, and the cat loses to her interest.

Pregnancy in a cat usually goes away without complications.


When mating two white individuals, the birth of the deaf blue-eyed kittens is not a mandatory fact. However precisely a gene that blocks hair pigmentation can cause this deafness

Turkish Angora – a cat that you can fall in love with from the first sight.

Having talked with this cute, graceful and kind animal, very I want the same gentle, fluffy animal waiting for you at home with wide open curious cat eyes.

Turkish Angora: grace, a lively mind and energy in one recruitment

The breed Turkish Angora is as if created for active communication. This the cat is smart, curious and loves spending time with her the owner. She will easily find a common language with everyone.

Anna Lyakhovich5 Overall result CharacteristicAgression2Adaptability6Activity4Weight6 Training4Friendliness8Playfulness6Intelligence8 Noise4 Add your review | Read reviews and comments

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