The smallest cat in the world: 3 contenders for rank

Three claim to the title of the smallest cat in the world candidate: the lowest at the withers of Tinker Toy (USA), the shortest Mr. Pibbles (USA) and the easiest Pete (UK).


  • 1 smallest height
  • 2 The shortest body
  • 3 The lightest cat in the world

Smallest height

In this category, the Tibetan-Himalayan cat Tinker won Toy (Tinker Toy) from Illinois. In adulthood, her height at the withers It was only 7 cm with a length of 19 cm (excluding the tail).


Shortest body

Mr. Pibbles the cat is recognized as the owner of the smallest body (Mr. Peebles) from Illinois. The length of this adorable baby It was only 17.8 cm excluding the tail.

Mr. Pibbles

During life, the baby suffered from a malformation of the spine.

Adult Mr. Pibbles


The lightest cat in the world

In the last nomination, the victory was won by a cat Pete, a native Great Britain. Its owner Jackie Reid claims that the animal in 10 years old weighed only 907 grams. Despite its abnormally Small Pete lived a long and happy feline life.

The Lightest Cat Pete

In all three cases, the cause is exceptionally small animals was a genetic factor.

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