The kitten was rescued by a fire brigade!

According to the media of Petrozavodsk, the other day in the city touching incident. Were seen to save a tiny kitten types of firefighters at the request of a local resident.

It turned out that the baby climbed between two garages on the street Borderline and stuck. A plaintive meow heard by a local man a resident who went about his business past garages. The man did not stay indifferent and called the fire and rescue service of Petrozavodsk. He asked for help to the sufferer.

Firefighters did not laugh and accepted the challenge. Got down to business with full responsibility. After a series of rescue operations, the kid was rescued from a garage trap.

Firefighters saved the kid

Local residents of Petrozavodsk did not remain indifferent to fate a kitten

While firefighters fumbled, onlookers gathered around the oud. One Petrozavodsk so imbued with the fate of the kitten that immediately expressed a desire to take the crumbs to her home. Therefore immediately after extracting the kitten immediately passed into the hands of his newly minted mom.

This case on that day was discussed in all social networks by residents cities and expressed gratitude to firefighters.

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