The dumbest pet

What do people mean when they conclude that an animal dumb? Perhaps stupidity in this case means that the animal does not make good contact with a person and does not show special emotions from communicating with him. According to Internet users, the most a dumb pet is a chicken.

Chickens, roosters and chickens do not show special signs to us. location and live in their closed world.

The dumbest petA hen

If you think about why these pets do not cater to special love for us, we can come to a simple conclusion. For what, should they really love us?

Man on the Chicken

Rather, on the contrary, we love chicken eggs.

Chicken and Egg

We feel love for chicken, because it is considered dietary and healthy.


Some people like to watch fights of chickens and fighting cocks rocks.

Fighting roostersCock-fights

Others are keen on breeding hens of exotic breeds.

Exotic ChickenHens without feathers

Scientists have proven that any animal at the genetic level predicts his fate based on the life experience of his ancestors.

Chicken with eggs

It turns out that there is absolutely nothing for the hens to love us.

The dumbest petChicken Head

Perhaps the outwardly dumb behavior of these animals is due to that they simply do not want to show in relation to people, in any moment capable of destroying them, any emotions and patiently waiting their fate.

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