Staffordshire Terrier dog (photo): strong, smart and kind pet

The Staffordshire Terrier dog was once called pit bull terriers, half-and-half, pit bull, etc. The breed received its final name only in 1972 and became known as the American Staffordshire Terrier.


Origin: USA

FCI classification: group – 3rd (terriers), section 3 (bulldog terriers)

Usage: companion dog, family friend

Color: any except prevailing white or black and tan color

Sizes: weight: average 25-30 kg; height: male – 46-48 cm, in the female – 43-46 cm;

Life span: 12-14 years

The staffordshire terrier dog is a man’s faithful friend, a companion who does not have a soul in the owners and does not show aggression even to strangers or animals.

This is a kind, sensitive, smart and active pet, which is ideal Suitable for families with children, as well as athletes.

Other breeds suitable for children can be found. here: https: //

Previously, the staff participated in dog fights and was considered a guard dog. Today, the Staffordshire Terrier dog takes an active part in various exhibitions, and is also an excellent protector and friend for the family.

Staff used to take part in dog fights and was considered guard dog. Today this one is taking an active part in various exhibitions, and is also an excellent defender and friend for family


  • 1 History of Origin
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a dog
  • 5 Care features
    • 5.1 Combing
    • 5.2 Walk
    • 5.3 Nutrition
  • 6 Health
    • 6.1 Characteristic diseases
    • 6.2 Vaccinations
  • 7 Knit

Origin history

In 1898, Staffordshire Terriers were called pit bull terriers, in the history of development they received a lot names, including half-and-half, pit bull and others.

The breed received its final name only in 1972 year.

American Staffordshire Terrier was considered a fighting dog, it is believed that during times of gladiatorial battles dogfights were held between staffordshire terriers.

In the 18th century, animal boredom was seen as a brave and an impartial guard with an optimal size, strength, and intelligence.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, fighting traditions began to be abandoned, and Amstaffs began to be used as farm dogs.

Today, staffactively participating in various exhibitions, and also a great protector and friend for the family.

Many people think that the Staffordshire Terrier dog is aggressive and does not like strangers. This is not so, this breed is very social, it loves children and loves when they come to visit the house.

Many consider the Staffordshire Terrier to be aggressive. character and does not like strangers. This is not so, this breed very social, she loves children and loves when they come to the house the guests


The dog is a tuffordshire terrier – it’s smart and good dog, for which sudden outbreaks of aggression are not characteristic.

The same characteristics of the breed have Norwich Terriers. He adores kids, perfect suitable for large families and will become a faithful friend.

Of course, only proper education will allow the breed show all your best qualities.

Characteristic features of the staffordshire terrier dog breed:

  • Obedience and lightness training. The dog of this breed is very smart and complaisant, he easily remembers what can be done in the house and what in fact, if you devote enough time to education puppyhood. It’s easy to train staff with even a child from 10 years supervision of parents.

The staffordshire terrier dog has a very formidable appearance. But the kindness and playfulness of the doggie is hidden behind the outer shell

The Staffordshire Terrier dog has a very formidable look. But for the outer shell hides kindness and playfulness

  • Activity. Staffordshire Terrier loves active pastime, he loves a lot run, walk, jump, the more games you can offer the pet the better. This rule of active life concerns also Russian and Afghan hounds, as well as a Greyhound breed dog. Staffords don’t suitable for homebodies, unused energy the pet will “pour out” at home, disrupting order. Therefore a lot of time is important give a walk and provide the dog with various kinds activity.
  • Kindness. Many people think that Staffordshire Terrier, whose photo can easily be found on forums of dog experts, is aggressive and dislikes strangers. This is not so, this breed is very social, it He loves children and loves when guests come to the house. But with the same friendliness, she applies to other dogs that meet her while walking. Dog breed Staffordshire Terrier is excellent suitable for those who want to find a true friend for the whole families.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog loves active pastime, but he likes to walk, run, jump a lot, the more games you can offer your pet, the better

Stafford loves active pastime, she loves a lot walk, run, jump, the more games you can offer pet the better


Many believe that the American Staffordshire Terrier is Great security guard for home.

But in fact, it’s important to raise animals in order to it learned the behavior of a guard dog.

Today, a dog of this breed is bred as a pet, a guard and even a rat-catcher.

Stafford is perfectly accustomed to the house, does not show aggression to to strangers and loves spending time with children.

This dog is friendly and loves company, so it will become indispensable friend for the family.

A dog of this breed is not suitable for homebodies; a pet will have unspent energy

A dog of this breed will not fit homebodies, unspent the pet will “pour out” energy at home, disrupting the order. Поэтомуважно много времени уделять выгулу и предоставлять собаке различныевиды активностей

How to choose a dog

Choosing a stafford, immediately worth it decide why you want to buy a staffordshire terrier dog – for exhibitions, guards or as a pet.

If you plan to train your dog yourself, it’s worth acquire 2-5 month old puppies, it is at this age that they are easier just amenable to training.

You can choose an older dog that has already completed the course training, but acquired a number of habits and traits that you are unlikely to be able to change.

But it is worthwhile to find out from the owners about the pedigree of the pet, its condition health.

The female is more obedient and easier to train, while as a male, he is more willful and independent.

If you plan to train a dog yourself, it’s worth acquiring 2-5-month-old puppies, it is at this age that they are easiest to train

If you plan to train your dog yourself, it’s worth acquire 2-5 month old puppies, it is at this age that they are easier just amenable to training

Care Features


Often you do not need to bathe the Staffordshire Terrier, enough do it about 1-2 times a year.

Periodically, you need to wipe it with a damp towel so that get rid of pieces of dead skin and fine hair.

You need to comb the hair regularly. Furminator no need to use, because the wool is too much for him is short.

It is important from childhood to accustom a dog to cleanliness, start for her own litter, which needs to be washed often and accustomed to meet your needs on the street.

This breed of dog does not like aviaries very much, she is most comfortable to live in the house.

Happy American Staffordshire Terrier

Happy American Staffordshire Terrier


The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed requires active and regular walking.

It is important to spend at least 1.5-2 hours daily with her, playing, throwing her a stick or ball.

You can find out which toys are best for dogs from articles: https: //

Such a dog is perfect for athletes, she loves agility.

The dog will easily run after you if you decide suddenly ride a bike.

In crowded places it is worth putting on a pet harness.


Every landlord who plans to buy Staffordshire Terrier, must choose what kind of food he will give – natural or dry, bought at a store.

Only in the first case you can provide your pet balanced diet, if you stayed on the last option, then buy exclusively elite stern.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog has superpowers and can fly. True, this is if it is tasty to feed

Staffordshire Terrier dog has superpowers and can fly. True, this is if it is tasty to feed.

In the diet of the Staffordshire Terrier must prevail meat and meat products:

  • fillet and bone of pork, beef, chicken;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • spleen;
  • udder;
  • hearts.

For a balanced diet, it’s important to add greens to the diet, vegetables, fruits, as well as dairy products and eggs.

As an additive to meat, it is worth giving porridge – barley, oatmeal, fig.

Important! It is undesirable to give vegetables in raw form. It’s better to cook them or put out to make them easier digested.

Consensus on raw or cooked meat products dog, no.

Some experts recommend giving at least once a week. Staffordshire Terrier raw fresh meat.

It’s important to give the pet bones that it can nibble on very useful for teeth.

They should not be tubular, since it is impossible to splinters hit the dog in the stomach.

You don’t need to bathe the Staffordshire Terrier, it’s enough to do it about 1-2 times a year. From time to time it needs to be wiped with a damp towel to get rid of pieces of dead skin and fine hair. You need to comb the hair regularly

You don’t need to bathe the Staffordshire Terrier, just do it about 1-2 times a year. Periodically wipe it with a damp with a towel to get rid of pieces of dead skin and small wool. You need to comb your hair regularly

It’s important not to save on dog food, especially in puppy the age when the pet’s hair, scent, vision and etc.

Interesting information on how dogs see can be found in article: https: //

Staffordshire Terrier dog must always have clean water, It is also advisable to feed her at the same time.


Characteristic diseases

From an early age the Staffordshire Terrier dog is vaccinated against dangerous diseases, such as parainfluenza, hepatitis and others.

The breed is not allergic, however a number of characteristic diseases are distinguished, such as:

  • digestive system disorder;
  • colitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • eye diseases, cataracts;
  • ligament rupture;
  • arthrosis;
  • hip dysplasia.


The dog of this breed is very smart and complaisant, it is easy remembers what she can do and what not if given raising enough time in puppyhood. Train Staffordshire Terrier is easy, even child from 10 years old under close supervision of parents

It is important to visit the veterinarian regularly and provide the pet full care to avoid health problems.


In the first months of life, a puppy’s immunity is formed when absorption of breast milk.

After the puppy stops drinking it is worth doing first vaccination, usually 6-8 months.

After 3-4 weeks, a second vaccine is given, and after the same the interval is the third.

Before vaccination, anthelmintic preparations are given to the pet, pick up which will help the vet. They should be given in front of each vaccinated.

After the course of the first three vaccinations, vaccinate pet costs once a year.

Dog breed Staffordshire Terrier is vaccinated against hepatitis, enteritis, canine plague and other diseases.

A rabies vaccine is given at the age of about 12 weeks.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog perfectly takes root in the house, does not show aggression to strangers and likes to spend time with children. This dog is friendly and loves company, so it will become an indispensable friend for the family.

The staffordshire terrier dog perfectly takes root in the house, not shows aggression to strangers and likes to spend time with children. This dog is friendly and loves company, so it will become an indispensable friend for the family


Dog American Staffordshire Terrier reaches genital maturity at the age of 8-9 months.

However, the female should not be knitted before reaching 15 months, and male – up to a year.

Female estrus period is individual for each pet and ranges from 9 to 12 months.

It is recommended to knit a female up to 8 years old, no more than once a year, before viscous deworming is always carried out.

Staffordshire Terrier dog: strong, smart and kind. pet

Staffordshire Terrier dog is a faithful friend, reliable protector and companion, a wonderful pet to keep in the apartment. The breed gets along well with children, adores active pastime.

Anna Lyakhovich8 Overall result CharacteristicAggression6Adaptability8Activity10Weight8 Training8Friendliness8Playability8Intelligence6Noise6 Add your review | Read reviews and comments

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