Siberian cows took a pony for a leader: video

Little pony whipped up a whole herd of cows and “turned” sedate cows in real mustangs. This funny situation filmed on video.

In the Irkutsk region, a black and white pony, walking through the fields, came across peacefully grazing cow herd. The kid was not too happy about this unexpected meeting and, lifting his tail, started on the run.

Everything is clear with him, but the reaction of the cows extremely curious – they galloped rushed to catch a stranger. Perhaps they just wanted to drive him away from the lawn with a lush the grass. However, it was the black and white cows who headed the herd, and for they were already pulled by everyone else. Perhaps they took frisky a horse for the leader who will lead them to happy distances?

Video: pony – cow leader

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