Popular cat breeds: photos and names

Popular cat breedsMost lovers mustachioe-striped know how different types of cat breeds look.

Therefore, we will not focus on the exterior, but talk about the nature of the character and the specifics of home care pussies.

"Знают же, что я при свете не могу уснуть, и все равно забывают выключать на ночь светильник! Да как же он тут выключается..?"

“Знают же, что я при свете не могу уснуть, и все равно забываютвыключать на ночь светильник! Да как же он тут выключается..?”

FIFe cat species are usually divided into four main categories:

  • Persians and Exotic
  • Semi-long-haired
  • Somalia and Shorthair
  • Oriental or Oriental


  • 1 I category
  • 2 II category
  • 3 III category
  • 4 IV category

I category

Persians are not just couches pads, they will gladly take part in games and will fun to run the ball even in adulthood.

Affectionate and absolutely trusting, they wholeheartedly love their the owner.

Persian cat breed demanding care – wool and fluffy eyes need daily attention, therefore, these kitties are suitable for those who are willing to give them enough a lot of time.

"Жесика, сколько можно тебя ждать? Мы и так опаздываем на вечеринку!"

“Жесика, сколько можно тебя ждать? Мы и так опаздываем навечеринку!”

Himalayan cats are very similar in appearance on the Persians and require the same careful personal care.

These are very gentle and kind creatures, but in their character they can stubbornness appears. Therefore, do not neglect education when they are still kittens.

The Himalayan cat knows how to choose bedding that will look harmonious with her beautiful coat

Himalayan cat knows how to choose bedding, which will look harmonious with her beautiful coat

Exotic cats cannot imagine themselves without their “flock”, they do not like to be alone.

Calm, affectionate and playful, exotics very rarely give a voice. In addition, they are excellent mousetraps.

They do not require specific care, coping with washing well and their own wool.

Only exotic cats have such a cute and childish facial expression.

Such a cute and childish facial expression has only exotic cats

II category

Scottish fold cats, also like exotics, they have a balanced character.

Their funny feature is the ability to stand on their hind legs effortlessly.

Scottish breed like their erect Scottish Straights, cats are characterized by a special silence, their voice is rarely heard even during the “season” love. ”

Thanks to the friendliness and playfulness, Scottish folds can amount to company not only for children, but also for ferrets, rodents like squirrels degui dogs.

Their coat is short, it requires an exceptionally standard care.

You can learn about how to wash a cat from articleshttps: //kot-pes.com/kak-pomyit-kota/

"Ой! Again the mistress woke up and shouted something.  Разве я виновата, что у меня только ночью появляется вдохновение играть на пианино?"

“Oh! Again the mistress woke up and shouted something. Did I виновата, что у меня только ночью появляется вдохновение играть напианино?”

British cat breed is divided into long-haired and short-haired representatives.

Longhair kitties require the same attention in terms of care, as, for example, munchkin.

These cats need to be able to raise since childhood, as they tend to be independent.

In general, they are calm and very affectionate.

"Ммм, как пахнут мои любимые розы! Нужно будет не забыть их сегодня полить"

“Ммм, как пахнут мои любимые розы! Нужно будет не забыть ихсегодня полить”

Breed Maine Coon semi-long hair, but does not require special care.

Standard combing and bathing – that’s all. By the way, these big kitties love to play in the water and swim.

Maine Coon owners need to organize their pets regularly walks to calm their boiling energy.

These cats are very curious, kind and playful.

If you want to please your pet with a homemade toy, we advise you to read articlehttps: //kot-pes.com/igrushki-dlya-koshek-svoimi-rukami/

"Даже не думайте просить меня отдать вам эти нитки! What I found is mine!  И не смотрите на меня так, как будто хотите, чтобы я вас накормил!"

“Do not even think to ask me to give you these threads! What I found, then mine! И не смотрите на меня так, как будто хотите, чтобы я васнакормил!”

Norwegian has quite large dimensions forest cat.

With all her freedom, she needs to communicate with people. Watching her is a pleasure!

So much elegance and self-esteem in Sole performance is amazing.

Caring for them is not troublesome – combing out once a week with Furminator, more often it makes sense only in molting periods.

"Хмм.. И где мой так долго ходит? Его только за мышами и посылать!"

“Хмм.. И где мой так долго ходит? Его только за мышами ипосылать!”

Siberian cat is famous for almost the magical properties of their coat – many asthmatics and allergy sufferers it does not cause any reaction of the body!

Strong and in perfect health, this kitty delivers minimum hassle, however, her coat requires frequent combing.

A white Siberian because of his calm and affectionate nature can be confused with a Persian.

Siberian cat - a lover of long walks on the green grass

Siberian cat – lover of long walks on the green grass

Neva masquerade cat breed also characterized by hypoallergenicity of its coat.

Information on other hypoallergenic cat breeds can be found. here: https: //kot-pes.com/gipoallergennye-porody-koshek/

These cats perfectly look after themselves, without delivering special worries.

Masquerade cats are attached to the owner, not the premises, therefore, they are excellent companion cats.

They are affectionate and playful, very fond of young children, speaking in the roles of their advocates and educators.

Stroking a beloved cat and hearing his happy purr - what could be better after a long day at work?

Stroking a beloved cat and hearing his contented purr – what maybe better after a long hard day?

A breed of domestic cat such as American curl, may be short or semi-long hair, which does not require special care.

These cute pussies are unpretentious, easily adapt to new ones. circumstances.

They are playful and friendly, while showing a high intelligence.

The expression of the American curl after the first time he sees his ears in the reflection of the mirror ..

Expression of an American Curl after he first time sees his ears in the reflection of the mirror ..

And if you came to visit where kitty breed lives turkish angora, get ready she is will try to constantly be in the spotlight.

Curious and smart cat will make a lot of effort to make your contribution to your communication.

Angorok can be trained to turn on the light, open doors or bring items.

They love to chat and play, which everyone can devote time.

Turkish Angora do not shed much, but their white cat it is better to comb out the hair every week so as not to clean clothes dark colors.

"Стоять! Is there a sausage or a fish?  А если в пакетах проверю?"

“Stand! Sausage or fish is there? And if I check in the bags?”

III category

A characteristic feature of the Abyssinian breed cats is their curiosity.

Any rustle makes them want to find its producer. subject and be sure to play with it.

Abyssinians are focused on communication with people, but still are independent.

Playful and sociable, with the right education, they never will engage in wrecking – sharpen claws on furniture or to jump on carpets and curtains.

Enough to buy or do it yourself claw point to an animal.

Abyssinian cat breed needs minimal care wool, but ears should be inspected and cleaned every week.

Three Abyssinian twins, identical in face, will bestow any master with their keen attention!

Three Abyssinian twins, identical from the face, will gif any the owner, with his increased attention!

Abyssinians are the ancestors of Somali cats. The latter have a longer coat, for which they themselves are very well looked after.

From their ancestors, they inherited a lively character, but unlike Abyssinians, or pixy beans, Somalia is very are silent.

Affectionate and gentle, they do not tolerate loneliness.

Being very smart and insightful, Somalis are easily trained. and subtly feel the mood of their masters.

-"Дорогая, кажется мы заблудились!"-"Я очень рада. Ты не мог придумать на нашу годовщину что-то получше, чем романтический поход в лес?"

-“Дорогая, кажется мы заблудились!”-“Я очень рада. Ты не могпридумать на нашу годовщину что-то получше, чем романтический походв лес?”

European shorthair cat on the territory of the CIS countries is perceived as outbred.

However, at exhibitions she receives her honorary prizes.

Affectionate and insightful, she will never bother to the owner, although he will not miss the opportunity to play if she will offer.

This kitty is unpretentious, easily adapts to new conditions. It is necessary to look after her as well as for any shorthair kitty, including American.

The kitten of the European breed joyfully meets its mother

European kitten joyfully meets his mother

The list of cat breeds gaining increasing popularity, you can not make and Bengal homework.

Her character is a successful symbiosis of features wild and domovyh seals.

From the first she got indefatigable energy and hunting instincts. From the second – kindness and gentle attitude to the owners, especially to to children.

Since bengals are very mobile, you have to bathe them more often, yes and ears should also be monitored more carefully.

A Bengal cat cannot imagine his life without hunting

Bengal cat does not imagine his life without hunting

Russian blue cat deservedly popular not only for its luxurious appearance, but also pleasant traits of character.

Being very smart, she subtly feels the mood of the owner, trying to please him.

This kitty is prone to leprosy, but she clearly knows that she come down from the clutches and what not.

Having a sense of humor, she will turn any game into an interesting one. fun.

In the care of Russian blue is included not so much her weekly combing out how much tracking for perfect cleanliness tray.

If the pot is not clean enough, the cat goes to another a place.

The Russian blue cat has always been a favorite of refined aristocrats

Russian blue cat has always been a favorite of exquisite aristocrats

The breed of cats korat in appearance can confuse with Russian blue.

Korat – a gentle, loyal and loving family member, ill tolerates prolonged parting with the owner.

The cat is energetic, but you cannot call him very mobile.

Korat is very attentive, so try to hide the yummy so that he did not have time to notice.

In terms of care, these kitties are undemanding – short, dense, without undercoat wool requires only a one-time weekly combing out.

Korat is the noble name of a cat breed that brings happiness, wealth and success to the house!

Korat is a noble name for a cat breed that brings in home happiness, wealth and success!

Cornish Rex very nice to iron, especially since the kitty itself simply adores sit on the lap of the master.

Quickly adapting to the person’s daily routine, Cornish insist on their active participation in all his affairs. They are very companionable.

These kind and tender kitties, like Devon Rexes, love to play and come up with all sorts of fun for themselves and the owners.

Cornish Rex need regular bathing, and if from 6-8 months of kitten accustomed to these procedures, he will be with pleasure to indulge in them.

Cornish Rex is such a curious cat that it’s ready to sit all day on the balcony and watch what is happening around

The Cornish Rex is such a curious cat that it is ready all day long. sit on the balcony and watch what is happening around

Kuril bobtail makes you smile with your pompom tail.

This cat often demonstrates the habits of dogs, he loves Run after the toys and bring them to the owner.

The family chooses one or two people who are devoted to everyone heart. In general, he is very sociable, friendly and active.

Such kitties are undemanding in care, their wool does not roll, therefore, one combing per week is enough.

"Куда же мой хвост подевался?""Куда же мой хвост подевался?"

“Куда же мой хвост подевался?”

Completes our list of cat breeds of category III Don Sphinx.

The cat has a very sensitive character, it is easy to offend him, but he will not harbor malice.

Accustomed to only one owner, whom he faithfully stores fidelity.

Sphinx is not in conflict with other animals, calmly reacts to children.

He is very sociable, especially requires special attention from beloved master.

A representative of this breed, like Peterbald, you don’t have to bathe, just organize him a weekly wet rubdown.

An important condition for the content of the sphinx is the optimal warmth in the room.

"Так, это у нас красное сухое вино из Бургундии, трехлетней выдержки, с превосходным цветочным ароматом. Fine!  Думаю хозяину понравится такой подарок на День Рождения.""Так, это у нас красное сухое вино из Бургундии, трехлетней выдержки, с превосходным цветочным ароматом. Fine!  Думаю хозяину понравится такой подарок на День Рождения."

“Так, это у нас красное сухое вино из Бургундии, трехлетнейвыдержки, с превосходным цветочным ароматом. Fine! Думаю хозяинупонравится такой подарок на День Рождения.”

IV category

Cat breeds of category 4 are generally distinguished by a special attachment to the owner.

Wherever he goes, pussycat will literally follow on his heels, seeking to take part in all human affairs.

These cats are great game partners for children; and their short wool allows you to minimize care for them.

Balinese cat just can’t stand loneliness.

If you leave it to yourself for a long time, it starts to skoda and in every possible way to demonstrate their disagreement with such rules.

Balineses have a pleasant, soft voice, which is a pleasure used to chat with the owners.

With children and other animals, these kitties get along very well.

The silky hair of Balinese cats is completely devoid of undercoat, therefore, they do an excellent job of taking care of themselves.

The only moment: if you still decide to buy balinesis, use shampoo and conditioner for cats with long hair.

Do not use a hairdryer for drying, a warm towel is enough.

Balinese cats are very sensitive and sociable, that's why they like to spend most of the time in the company of people.Balinese cats are very sensitive and sociable, that's why they like to spend most of the time in the company of people.

Balinese cats are very sensitive and sociable, therefore they like to spend most of the time in the company of people

Oriental cat breed is divided into Shorthair and long-haired representatives.

The latter, like the Balinese, do not require special care, enough weekly combing and infrequent bathing.

Orientals also like to “talk”, trying to voice or purring your emotional state.

They like to play a lot, are ready to chase the ball and quite a respectable age.

Oriental cats are enthusiastic, they are quite energetic and think that the world revolves around them, as it were.Oriental cats are enthusiastic, they are quite energetic and think that the world revolves around them, as it were.

Oriental cats are enthusiastic, they are quite energetic and think that the world revolves around them

Siamese cats are the most famous representatives of the described category. These kitties just can’t stand when they are not noticed.

They must be in the spotlight! A lot and meowing aggressively, Siamese can get on your nerves.

However, their affection, friendliness and gullibility more than cover.

When buying a Siamese kitten you have to be ready to devote a lot of time to the animal, to communicate with him often is perhaps the most important point in the content of kitty.

The Siamese cat is another keeper of temples and a true friend of any BuddhistThe Siamese cat is another keeper of temples and a true friend of any Buddhist

Siamese cat – another temple keeper and a true friend any Buddhist

Thai cat breed is soft a variant of her Siamese relatives.

This is also a very talkative kitty, she can give a tone of voice understand your attitude to the situation.

Guests are treated selectively, some may not like. But to the owners she is kind and faithful, like a dog.

Due to his curiosity and fearlessness, he may fall into alterations. With an average life expectancy of up to 14 years, these seals survived to 28.

Thais do not require special care, once a couple of weeks is enough iron them with wet hands.

With a Thai cat, a free exotic massage will be provided.With a Thai cat, a free exotic massage will be provided.

With a Thai cat, a free exotic massage will be provided

Sacred burmese cat breed characterized by a lively mind and sociability.

They just have unlimited emotional needs, so they follow people everywhere.

These kind and loving fidgets are ready to give their tenderness to all guests, not being afraid of them.

Long hair requires daily attention, and during moulting combing should be done 3-4 times a day.

Burma - very calm in nature and gentle cats with good mannersBurma - very calm in nature and gentle cats with good manners

Burma – very calm in nature and gentle cats with good manners

I must say that to describe the most famous cat breeds, their character and habits is not an easy thing.

In this matter, a lot depends on the environment and attitude. Therefore, do not believe the horror stories about evil cats.

A competent approach to education and satisfaction of physical and your pet’s emotional needs will allow you to enjoy chatting with some of the most gentle and friendly creatures on the earth.

"Опять меня "удалили в корзину"! А я, между прочим, вам мышку поймал на столе, большую и с длинным хвостом""Опять меня "удалили в корзину"! А я, между прочим, вам мышку поймал на столе, большую и с длинным хвостом"

“Опять меня “удалили в корзину”! А я, между прочим, вам мышкупоймал на столе, большую и с длинным хвостом”

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