Pancreatitis in dogs: causes, signs, treatment, prevention

Most often, pancreatitis in dogs is due to malnutrition.

In the treatment of any disease, timeliness, literacy is important and subsequent prevention.

If this approach is used to fight pancreatitis in dogs may be able to completely get rid of the manifestations of this ailment.

First you need to understand the causes of its occurrence.

If you don’t give the dog raw meat, it will most likely develop pancreatitis.

If you don’t give the dog raw meat, it’s most likely pancreatitis will develop


  • 1 Causes of Pancreatitis
  • 2 Signs of the disease
  • 3 Treatment of pancreatitis
  • 4 Nutrition for pancreatitis
  • 5 Prevention of the disease

Causes of Pancreatitis

To get a good understanding of what dogs pancreatitis is, symptoms and treatment of which may be sufficient individual.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the digestive system with our four-legged friends. This applies to everyone. dog breeds.

The pancreas produces enzymes that raw meat is successfully processed.

And if in the dog’s diet food errors are stably admitted – all the time they give him well-cooked food, canned food, smoked meats, fatty, sweet, spicy, spicy – there is nowhere for enzymes for raw meat go, there is a severe malfunction in the digestive tract.

Learn more about choosing the right food for your dog. can find out here: https: //

For some unknown reason, the pancreas is losing the ability to defend against digestion with your own juice, which literally begins to “eat it”.

So there is primary acute pancreatitis in dogs, signs which is hard not to notice.

Chronic pancreatitis in dogs is not as easy to establish as acute.

It can develop as a concomitant disease after bowel surgery, with cholecystitis or enteritis; it is secondary pancreatitis

In general, the symptoms of any form of pancreatitis may be similar. with some other diseases.

However, there are signs by which any person, even enough far from medicine, can determine the localization of problems with the health of your pet.

One of the signs of pancreatitis may be that the dog refuses to eat. At the same time, the dog behaves suspiciously calm, even depressed.

One sign of pancreatitis may be that the dog refuses to eat. In this case, the dog behaves suspiciously calm, even depressed

There are three causes of pancreatitis in doggies:

  1. Illiterate feeding.
  2. Other diseases that weaken the immune system and provoke pancreatitis, as well as the medicines that treat these same diseases.
  3. Genetic predisposition. More susceptible to this ailment dogs of breeds such as the miniature schnauzer, dwarf poodle, Yorkshire terrier, english and american cocker spaniel, border collie, boxer.

The dog looks sick, and you can also see bloating

The dog looks sick, besides it can be observed bloating

Signs of the disease

So, the dog’s acute pancreatitis symptoms are more pronounced pronounced than chronic.

In both cases, such changes in state are observed. animal:

  • The dog refuses to eat. In this case, the dog behaves suspiciously calm, even depressed. Periodically possible observe anxiety, the dog, as it were, cannot find itself places.
  • If you turn the animal on its back and feel its stomach on the left from the navel, this will cause him pain.
  • Vomiting occurs. And with each attempt of the dog something eat, she immediately “spits out” this food.
  • Bloating on the background of tension of the abdominal wall.
  • Severe intestinal upset, diarrhea or constipation. Fecal matter or very dense with excess starch, or mucous, ointment-like.
  • The dog’s body loses its ability to metabolize glucose, therefore her blood level rises rapidly. Outwardly, this manifests itself in drying of the oral mucosa and the occurrence of itchy skin.

A competent diagnosis is half the treatment. Pancreatitis in dogs requires a more complex examination than in humans.

Proper diagnosis is half the successful treatment. Pancreatitis in dogs requires a more complex examination than in people

Pancreatitis Treatment

Proper diagnosis is half the successful treatment.

However, don’t think that this is the case with dogs. same as people.

If a person has a high level of pancreatitis lipases and amylases in the blood, then his best friend with these indicators can be a complete order.

Therefore, a single blood test will not be enough.

Along with it, you must do the following:

  • Visual inspection, palpation
  • Analysis of urine
  • Trypsin Immunoreactivity Laboratory Test (TIRT)
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound
  • Ultrasonography
  • Biopsy

Only a specialist should determine what tests are worth do, and then a specific treatment for pancreatitis is prescribed in dogs.

To do this, first establish the reason that provoked affliction.

If this is some kind of disease, then, first of all, it is necessary to treat him.

When indigestion is caused by illiterate nutrition, Naturally, all attention is paid to the regulation of this issue.

Only a specialist should determine what tests are worth doing, and then a specific treatment for pancreatitis is prescribed.

Only a specialist should determine what tests are worth do and then a specific treatment for pancreatitis is prescribed

General points of treatment are as follows:

  • In acute pancreatitis, antiemetic and painkillers.
  • If there is a risk of bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Dry dog food for pancreatitis replaced by one whose composition is suitable for absorption by the patient the body of the pet, with natural nutrition is established quite a strict diet.
  • The diet is enriched with trace elements and vitamins.

With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, fasting is prescribed for 1-3 days, and then fractional nutrition is gradually introduced – 5-6 times per day.

Moreover, even water can not be given in large quantities.

After all, this will also stretch the stomach, which will lead to activation pancreas and the release of a new portion of enzymes that corrode its walls.

Important! General principle for treatment pancreatitis of any form is hunger and peace for the pancreas glands.

"Очень вкусный лист капустный!" At  обострении панкреатита назначается голодание в течение 1-3-х суток, а затем постепенно вводится дробное food  – 5-6 раз в день

“Очень вкусный лист капустный!” При обострении панкреатитаназначается голодание в течение 1-3-х суток, а затем постепенновводится дробное питание – 5-6 раз в день

Nutrition for Pancreatitis

The diet of dogs for pancreatitis is primarily aimed at decreased enzyme production.

For starters, as mentioned above, this means preventing stomach distension for any reason, even from taking water.

Of course, due to vomiting and diarrhea, the body is dehydrated, and the fluid should be given fractionally in small portions.

Along with this, it is worth introducing a rehydrating solution, including important minerals.

A sufficient amount of fluid in the body improves blood circulation, which allows the dog to successfully cope with bouts of illness.

How much water can be given to an animal? At the initial stage of treatment it looks like this:

  • Doggies up to 10 kg – 1-2 teaspoons every hour;
  • Weighing 10-20 kg – 1-2 tablespoons every hour
  • With a weight of 20-30 kg – 100-200 g every hour
  • Dogs heavier than 30 kg – 300 g hourly

When the manifestations of the disease subside, this dosage can be gradually increase.

You can learn more about how to properly drink a healthy dog. learn from articles: https: //

For pancreatitis, the dog should follow a special diet.

With pancreatitis, the dog should follow a special diet

An important principle of nutrition for pancreatitis is to reduce calorie content of food.

Easily digestible proteins should be present in the diet:

  • Chicken or turkey meat, thoroughly cleaned of fat and lightly welded. You can add boiled rice to it.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.

If before the disease the diet of the dog was dry or canned food, it’s time to switch to dietary options with low in fiber and fat.

Important! In primary acute pancreatitis just remove the symptoms and undergo treatment with diet nutrition. Next, you can switch to a regular diet, which costs reconsider if the cause of the disease was an illiterate menu. If it turned out that exacerbated chronic pancreatitis, diet food never stops.

Specialists do not get tired of repeating: do not give your pets spicy and smoked food, this contributes to the development of pancreatitis in dogs

Experts do not get tired of repeating: do not give your pets spicy and smoked foods, this contributes to the development of pancreatitis in dogs

Disease prevention

Prevention of pancreatitis in dogs is, above all, properly balanced nutrition.

As mentioned at the beginning, the dog’s digestive tract is tuned for the digestion of raw meat, which must be be present in their diet.

If you consider nutritional contraindications for any dog breeds, then be sure to find that specialists in one voice prohibit feeding animals with food prepared for person.

In the diet of dogs should not be fatty, salty, spicy, spicy, sweet, smoked.

Along with raw meat, the dog should be regularly rubbed grater fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals from various cereals.

About what cereals can be given to dogs, will tell articlehttps: //

It is important that the menu of the four-legged friend was no less than 30% of the proteins that he receives not only from meat, but also from dairy products and eggs.

The basic principle for the prevention of pancreatitis is proper nutrition

The basic principle for the prevention of pancreatitis is proper питание

Dogs with a genetic predisposition to pancreatitis the veterinarian may advise taking drugs that strengthen pancreas.

You can’t give such medicines to your doggie yourself, because the doctor will prescribe them, based on the results specifically analyzes performed.

Sometimes doggies need to take a course of vitamins.

The principle of their appointment and admission is the same as in the case of pancreatic strengthening medications.

Important! Contact with chemicals in herbicides and pesticides are often harmful pancreas and causes an attack of acute pancreatitis.


Along with raw meat, the dog should be regularly rubbed grater fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals from various cereals. Приit is important that the menu of the four-legged friend was at least 30% proteins that he gets not only from meat, but also from dairy products and eggs

It’s important to visit your veterinarian on time, especially if your dog’s there is already a disease.

Balanced attention to the health of your pet is the best prevention of any of his ailments.

Pancreatitis in dogs: causes, signs, treatment, prevention

Pancreatitis in dogs. If a dog develops pancreatitis, it’s not the worst thing. It’s bad when this ailment was detected at the wrong time and treated. With a competent approach, you can get rid of pancreatitis forever.

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