Only the mistress’s love did not let her horse die: awesome video

This dramatic story broke out in Australian coast. On a sunny Sunday morning, Nicole Graham, as always, Astro was riding her beloved horse when suddenly the animal, having stumbled, fell into the swamp and began to sink.

There was no one to help the girl on a deserted shore, but she herself didn’t could pull out a horse that weighed half a ton. The tide began, water arrived, it was very hot; Astro realized that he would die and was no longer resisted. But Nicole fought for his life. Fortunately, past a local farmer was driving a tractor. He called rescuers, and in while waiting for them, he tried to help pull the horse out.

Rescuers pull a horse out of a quagmire

Not immediately it turned out and the rescuers: for three hours they fought for Astro’s life, at times it seemed that all efforts were futile. Only Nicole did not lose hope. Faith and Love Overcome – The Horse managed to pull out of the quagmire. He quickly came to, and the hostess needed medical help: too much strength and emotions she spent.

Video: The struggle for the rescue of Astro lasted three hours

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