Kittens development by weeks and months

In its first year, the kitten changes from a little helpless creatures immediately after birth to a lively tomboy towards the end the twelfth month of life. Given the features of development, characteristic for every week the kitten lives up to a year, it will be easier for the owner to understand his furry friend and deal with his diet and caring for him. Consider the features of development baby kitten, from his birth to the year he will turn into a luxurious cat (or cat).

Kitten development by weeks and months:

  • 1 week of kitten development. Kittens are born, like as a rule, weighing 70-120 g, while their growth is about 10-12 cm. Blind and still toothless lumps that are moved in the first place, such reflexes, both sucking and swallowing, most of the time spend, sipping first colostrum from the nipples of the mother, and then Milk that replaced him. Big luck when the kitten is naturally fed, because it is from the first days and the first sips of breast milk and immunity is formed kitten and its digestion. By the way, the stool of a kitten licks cat mom. In addition to blindness, newborn kittens are also deaf, therefore, at the initial stage of their life, they are helped by the sense of smell and touch – smell the mother and her milk and feel for your little feet mom. Since the bones of the baby at this stage extremely fragile (the kitten only crawls to the nipples of the mother), the owner should not pick it up, or do it extremely Caution. Under no circumstances should you arbitrarily transfer the baby to cool rooms, to the street, since without maternal heat and care he will die.
  • 2 week development of a kitten. Starting from 8-10 days of life kittens gradually and very slowly open their eyes, but their eyesight at first not entirely clear. Hearing also begins to develop, but on At this stage it cannot be called perfect. Kitten weight on the second week doubles and is about 200 g. Baby starts to move with uncertainty, trembling gait, exploring the surrounding the world is not far from the mother and their family nest.
  • 3 week development of a kitten. The third week is noteworthy early teething. Kitten’s appetite gradually grows, and the weight of the crumbs increases approximately threefold from it the initial mass at birth and is about 300 g. The kitten’s vision is more developed, but not yet focused enough, therefore, kittens until the end of the first month of life are not very good oriented in space with the help of vision. Also with 3 weeks baby begins to show some playfulness and does not seem as helpless as before, but still remains enough fragile.
  • 4th week of kitten development. By the fourth week, kittens weigh about 400 g, at this stage, kittens are introduced into the diet clean water and the first lure, which can be, for example, in the form of liquid porridge. But you should not take the baby sharply from the mother’s chest, since breastfeeding is still necessary for the baby. 4 kitten week has, as a rule, 26 primary teeth and sometimes bites the mother’s nipple, which causes her pain. If by for any reason, the kitten is taken away from the mother at this stage, it makes sense to equip his sleeping place in a warm room so so that there are no drafts, since hypothermia can lead to sad consequences. If maternal feeding to month of life ends, it is advisable for the owner to acquire cat milk substitutes because the kitten’s body is still not formed enough.
  • 5th week of kitten development. Fifth week kitten weight is 500 g or more, his vision is becoming more clear and distinct. When moving, a kitten is already using his eyesight, not smelling. When the age of the kitten has already exceeded 1 month, the owner must purchase for him individual bowls for water and food, and at the same time think about what will be his nutrition in the future. The owner may prefer both natural food and finished industrial feeds, but always preference should Surrender only to quality and fresh food. In addition to bowls, the owner must buy a tray and filler for a small pet so that gradually accustom the kitten to relieve the need for a designated for this place. Depending on the recommendations of the veterinarian, the owner can prevent helminthiasis.
  • 6th week of kitten development. The weight of the kitten is growing, and he already often prefers “adult” food to mother’s milk. When, when a kitten at a given age is completely converted to solid food, the owner should take care of 5-6 meals a day, but servings should be small. The kitten should always have access to fresh water. At week 6, the kitten’s eyes begin to change color to one that will be in the future. Wool can also change color intensity, although often this process is slow and gradually, and therefore not immediately noticed by others. Kitten in this age is already playful, knows how to wash his paw, tries to scratch behind the ear, actively communicates not only with his mother, but also with the owner.
  • 7th week of kitten development. Usually at week 7 a kitten is no longer a helpless lump covered with a rare soft woolly, but already very playful and funny fluffy (in accordance with breed) a child striving to fit anywhere. Kittens 7 weeks all more friendly with the person, so the owner should be maximum goodwill towards a new family member. In the seventh week a kitten can be brought for examination by a veterinarian, consult about vaccinations, learn about the features of the development of the baby. Baby weight is about 700-800 g, sometimes more. To this age kittens rarely already drink mother’s milk, so their nutrition should be balanced, enriched with vitamins and minerals. The kitten in this period should already have its own place for sleep and rest.
  • 8th week of kitten development. At the kitten by the eighth week all 30 deciduous teeth are developed. Its weight can reach 900-1000 g. It is during this period that the kitten no longer needs a mother as much as before. Often the cat herself begins to avoid her baby, giving yourself and your needs more and more time. In the case when the kitten must change his place of residence and move to another house, then the new owner should be patient and forgive future mistakes in the form of puddles on the carpet, wounded furniture and etc. It’s far more correct to teach and find a friend than to punish (and especially hit) and get in the future a cat-enemy. To kitten 8 weeks worth treating as a person, accept and respect him character.
  • 9th week of kitten development. Kittens in their 9th week lives are already close to adolescence, their behavior and habits sometimes overly frivolous and playful, but sometimes become serious. A kitten older than 2 months may vary. respond to new people coming into the house, providing complete trust in the owner if the character of the kitten is friendly and open. Toddlers at this age can begin to hunt, with pleasure spend time outdoors, play with people, which is why it is advisable to purchase special toys or make them by yourself.
  • 10-14 weeks of kitten development. Weight of kitten reaching ten weeks of age is approximately 1200-1400 g, and in further constantly increasing. Starting from 11-12 weeks, kitten already has formed vision, hearing, movements of a teenage kitten sure. As a rule, a mixture is typical for this period. childhood and adult traits in the behavior of the animal at the same time. Kittens are extremely curious, they are literally interested in everything. around. That is why the owner should protect his pet from Hazards: falling from a height, eating flowers, getting into eyes and airways harmful chemicals. Kitten reaching 12 weeks of age can again be shown to the veterinarian and consult about upcoming next prevention helminthiasis.
  • 15-19 weeks of kitten development. By week 15, kittens teeth begin to change on radical ones, this happens gradually and often remains invisible to the owner. Kittens weight 4-4.5 months is about 1700-2000 g, sometimes less or more, in depending on the breed of cat. Kittens are transferred 4-5 times nutrition, while the diet should be calculated and oriented just for a kitten, not an adult. The owner should look after after your pet, monitor his health, cleanliness bowls, stove benches. It is advisable to comb the kitten daily, so that in further avoid a large amount of wool on furniture, floor and etc. In addition, at the age of 4 months, the kitten should be cut off claws – independently or entrusting this matter to a specialist. Eye color should already get its final shade, and appearance the kitten is getting closer to a miniature copy of an adult animal. We can say that the kitten is already at the threshold of 4 months his adult life.
  • 20-24 weeks of kitten development. Kittens going on partial change of primary teeth to molars, which is why food it is possible and necessary to grind, but not as much as before. At this kitten is transferred to 4 meals a day. Animal weight can fluctuate from 2000 g to 2500 g. Sometimes cats from 5 months begin show interest in the opposite sex, mark territory, screaming restlessly. The behavior of the animal every day is becoming more adult. By about 22-24 weeks, kittens begin early puberty (which lasts up to 10 months), sometimes in kitties already appear estrus and the possibility of becoming pregnant, but veterinarians do not recommend this because of possible problems with offspring and with the health of a young mother. Kittens boys from 5-6 a month old can be neutered, but only after showing the vet.
  • 25-32 weeks of kitten development. Kittens are transferred to 3 meals a day, making sure that their diet is a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients. Kittens girls during this period it is already possible to sterilize. Also for the kitten the next prevention of worms is carried out. Overall, by 6-7 months The kitten has a formed and physically developed organism. K 7 months begins the first molt, which sometimes entails digestion problems if you do not comb out the animal.
  • 33-36 weeks of kitten development. Eight month old kitten can be converted to two meals a day, but still, feed him three times is even preferable. The weight of the animal during this period It is about 2500-3000 g, but it all depends on the breed of the animal. By 8 months, the owner should decide on castration or sterilization of the kitten, since these surgical interventions desirable up to a year.
  • 37-40 weeks of kitten development. The animal must be switched to 2 meals a day, while you can think about switching on an adult high-quality feed. Veterinarian should at the reception talk about the necessary vaccines and possible complications that may occur when refusing vaccination. In general, the animal is very actively, but not as playfully as before, because interest manifests itself increasingly towards the opposite sex.
  • 41-48 weeks of kitten development. Does not make sense consider the development of a kitten 11-12 months separately, since during this period, the animal is fully formed physically, turning gradually into an adult. Puberty reaching its peak after the 10th month and a stronger body, allow animals to acquire healthy and strong offspring.

By the end of the first year of life, the owner and his pet may become true friends for life if friendship and mutual respect established from the very beginning of their joint communication. Difficult first the kitten’s year of life should be accompanied by the care of the mother cat, and then the owner.

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