Kerry Blue Terrier (Irish Blue terrier)

Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Blue Terrier, Kerry

Kerry Blue Terrier (Irish Blue Terrier) Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Blue Terrier, Kerry

Breed characteristics

  • Popularity: 3
  • Training: 7
  • Size: 5
  • Mind: 7
  • Security: 9
  • Relations with children: 9
  • Dexterity: 7
  • Shedding: 1


Kerry Blue Terrier is a working dog. He is from the county Kerry, Ireland, where he was bred to hunt small game and kill rodents and graze a flock of sheep or cattle cattle. It was also used by the police.


The dog is medium sized, strong, muscular and has long legs. The head is long and flat. The muzzle is the same length as the skull and has big black nose. The eyes are small and dark. Ears folded forward and have a V-shape. Long hair on the face forms a mustache and a beard. The neck is long. The tail is short and straight. Color black and blue gray.

  • Kerry Blue Terrier is learning fast. You need a lot of patience and perseverance, plus a good sense of humor when you train this the breed.
  • Kerry Blue is safe for humans, but his dislike of others dogs well known. He can be aggressive and grumpy. If he is socialized and well trained, he probably will not enter into conflict.
  • Keeping the coat in good condition and caring for the blue – expensive and if you do it yourself, it’s hard work.
  • Like all terriers, Kerry Blue likes to dig, chase, chew, and sometimes barking.
  • This is an active breed. She needs a lot exercise every day.


A stubborn dog that loves a challenge. She loves to be independent. TemperamentBold, smart, a fun, informative and playful dog that can also be stubborn. He does not bark much and has a strong hunting instinct. Dog very devoted to her master and loves spending time with children. Other dogs may be adopted, depending on each person’s personality. dogs.


The dog must be trained by a person with experience. Training should be consistent, diverse, made with confidence and experience. Kerry Blue Terrier likes exercises that require physical and mental stress.

A haircut

The coat of this dog should be combed. Once or twice a year wool should be trimmed. The beard should stay longer while body should be trimmed. Most owners prefer hire a professional groomer to shear kerry blue though to find someone who knows how to cut them correctly can be difficult. Many do not have much experience working with him, so like this is a rare breed.


Kerry Blue Terrier is a powerful, flexible and athletic dog, which requires regular exercise. The dog feels yourself better outdoors in a well-fenced yard where will be able to get a lot of exercises with an active host with experience in keeping dogs. Training and socialization is essential to Kerry Bleu.

Common diseases

Kerry Blue Terrier is prone to such diseases:

  • entropy;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • skin cysts;
  • cancer;
  • keratosis;
  • cataract;
  • dry eye;
  • chronic otitis externa;
  • progressive neuron abiotrophy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • dislocation of the patella.


It is used for hunting small wild animals as a watchdog. dog and as a loyal companion.

Breed Information

A country Ireland
Life span 13-15 years old
Height Males: 46-51 cm Bitches: 44-48 cm
Weight Males: 15-18 kg Bitches: 15-18 kg
Long wool average
Colour black, blue gray
Group hunting
Price 1200 – 1900 $

Breed photo

Kerry Blue Terrier - photo Irish Blue Terrier - photo

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