Jaguar (animal photo): adroit and beautiful big cat

View: Jaguar (Panthera onca) Class: Mammals subfamily: large cats life span: about 12-15 years in wildlife.

The name jaguar comes from an Indian word

The name jaguar comes from the Native American word “yajuar” – “one who убивает одним прыжком”. Во время охоты зверь пользуется своимисильными лапами и острыми зубами


    • 0.1 Content
  • 1 Habitat
  • 2 Characteristic
  • 3 Nutrition
  • 4 Lifestyle. Breeding


  • Habitat
  • Characteristic
  • Nutrition
  • Lifestyle. Breeding

This animal is called differently: the Spaniards – otorongo, jaguar, yaguarete, mexicans – ocelotl. The name Jaguar itself comes from the indian word “yajuar” is “one who kills with one leap.” Вовремя охоты зверь пользуется своими сильными лапами и острымиwith teeth. Jaguar Panthera Onca is America’s largest cat, and in the world takes an honorable third place in size (after the lion and tiger).

These wild cats are found in dark forests, shrouds, marshes, mountain forests, on the ocean coast and even in the desert. The jaguar still has an areola at the mouth of the Amazon, but has been almost exterminated in other drier regions.

These wild cats are found in dark forests, shrouds, swamps. areas, mountain forests, on the ocean coast and even in the desert. The jaguar still has an areola at the mouth of the Amazon, but has been almost exterminated in other drier regions


These wild cats are found in dark forests, shrouds, swamps. areas, mountain forests, on the ocean coast and even in the desert. The jaguar still has an areola at the mouth of the Amazon, but has been almost exterminated in other drier regions. In the heat she loves swimming in shallow small rivers, as it is an excellent swimmer.

Interesting! Jaguars often stay close to water to fish. They dip their tail into the water like a fishing rod, to lure the prey.

Initially, individuals lived in the United States (California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Florida). But these big hunters killed cats there in the late 1940s. Predators today located in Mexico, the number is rapidly declining, as in Central America. The largest number of animals live in Mato Grosse (Brazil); Patanal (on the border of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay); Chiapas (Native American State of Mexico).

According to data from various sources in the population there up to 9 subspecies. The main ones include Amazonian jaguars, Peruvian and mexican.

Interesting! The oldest remains of a jaguar approximately 2 million years.

The Jaguar is one of the largest predators in North and South America. Its body is 112 to 182 cm long without a tail. The tail itself grows to 75 cm.

Jaguar is one of the largest predators in North and South America. His body is 112 to 182 cm long without a tail. The tail itself grows up to 75 cm


Jaguar, a photo of the animal confirms this fact – one of the largest predators of the Americas. His body is from 112 to 182 cm without tail. The tail itself grows to 75 cm. It weighs such a predatory animal an average of 60 – 90 kg. Adults meet individuals weighing up to 120 kg. This cat family has its own record holder, whose weight was 158 kg. Of course, females do not so large, they are about 20% less.

  • By their appearance, jaguars resemble leopards. These animals often confused. Their coloration and markings are so similar that it is difficult for people differ.
  • Jaguars are identified by their yellow or orange skins, dark spots and short legs. Dark spots look like roses and called outlets.
  • A melanist is very rare – a black jaguar – an animal whose the photo will confirm that the color is not completely black. He has more black roses and very little redness. It helps the animal disguise in the dense and dark forests of the Amazon.

Jaguars are identified by their yellow or orange skins, dark spots and short paws. Dark spots look like roses and are called rosettes.

Jaguars are identified by their yellow or orange skins, dark spots and short legs. Dark spots look like roses and called sockets

  • Jaguars at night or in dark conditions see 6 times better than people, due to the layer of tissue in the back of the eye that reflects shine.
  • These cats are competent climbers and can climb the trees. They often use them as an observation point among branches to pounce on carefree prey below.
  • Jaguar is a predator of the upper level. He does not have any natural enemies, except for the person killing him because of the fur or sports interest.

A melanist is very rare - a black jaguar. Its color is not completely black. It has more black roses and very little reddishness.

A very rare melanist is the black jaguar. His color is not absolutely black. He has more black roses and very few redness


The territory on which the animal hunts resembles triangle. It extends to approximately 170 square meters. km Jaguar it does not hunt immediately throughout its territory, but in its parts. First a few days in one, and then wanders into another. Do not forget individuals and about their territorial points. They go there by after five days. Thus: jaguars lead a vagrant a life.

These animals are hostile to other feline individuals. But loving to representatives of their species. Hunting areas often intersect with them. When the sun sets, begins the main time of hunting. Such predators can engage in hunting in predawn period, and sometimes during the day. On the formation of specifics the hunting regime was influenced by nature itself, rewarding animals with excellent vision at night and a little worse during the day.

Of the entire cat family, the strongest and most powerful jaws has a jaguar. They are skilled hunters. Catch their victim by surprise. Few other predators can instantly respond to right moment. Waiting for the moment, the jaguar sits quietly for hours in ambush. He chooses a place at watering places, where he constantly comes animals. And the wind, of course, blows in the right direction. For ambushes fit both bushes and tree branches. Seeing the future the prey, the predator rushes at it and gnaws its throat. Death instant!

Of the entire cat family, the jaguar has the strongest and most powerful jaws. They are skilled hunters. They will catch their prey by surprise. Few other predators can instantly react at the right time.

Of the entire cat family, the strongest and most powerful jaws has a jaguar. They are skilled hunters. Take your victim by surprise. Few other predators can instantly respond to right moment

Jaguars feed on capybaras, mazams, tapirs, as well as birds, monkeys, snakes, rodents. Such an assortment in food formed due to the specifics of its habitat. That’s why jaguars adapted to water hunting. Among the assortment of prey there is fish and even sleeping alligators. The main prey of water hunting becomes caiman of medium and small sizes.

The power of the jaws of the animal allows to bite the turtle carapace and feast on their meat. He breaks the masonry of turtles and eats eggs found. The beast often feasts on livestock. Cows dead from the attack of the beast, have broken cervical vertebrae, sometimes bitten skull. He swims beautifully and does not miss his prey in water.

Interesting! If the victim sensed on time predator and runs away, the jaguar will not pursue her. Cause lies in the fact that the animal will not be able to run for too long prey. It’s a completely different matter regarding short distances, on which the speed of the animal jaguar develops up to 90 km / h. Brazilian guards claim that the animal can Hypnotize future prey. So far this is only a statement.

A jaguar attacks a person rarely, and when he sees it, he may not react at all, he’s gone. It’s hard to describe the emotions of the people who met this beast. Eyewitnesses say that a handsome man does not cause nauseating horror, but rather impresses with his nobility.

Jaguar attacks a person rarely, but when he sees it, he may not at all to react, to leave. It is difficult to describe the emotions of people who This beast met. Eyewitnesses claim that a handsome man is not causes nauseating horror, but on the contrary amazes with nobility

Killed animals the animal eats from the head and ends back part. He eats large prey in several stages, remaining near her. The animal does not eat carrion and therefore does not return to abandoned remnants. He has a period of nutrition every 10-12 hours.

When the beast hunts, it makes a guttural grunt, and at night the time and season of the mating season is a loud roar.

Interesting! Native American legends say that In addition to the roar, the jaguar perfectly imitates the cries of various birds. Is being done this in order to lure the latter.

An animal rarely attacks a person, but when he sees it, it may not be at all to react, to leave. It is difficult to describe the emotions of people who This beast met. Eyewitnesses claim that a handsome man is not causes nauseating horror, but on the contrary amazes with nobility.

Big cats love to indulge too

Big cats love to indulge too

Lifestyle. Breeding

Predators lead a solitary life. He celebrate his territory with urine or mark trees with claws. Outsiders try not to to go there. The exception is the mating season.

Jaguars do not have clear periods for reproduction. They mate at any time of the year. During mating games, animals gather in small groups. A characteristic feature of this species is the fact that males do not have cruel fights. Female granted the right to choose a male. She shows her decision going to the chosen one’s territory.


From six months, the mother teaches the children to hunt, and after her second birthday babies leave their mother to live independently

The period of gestation lasts about 100 days. At the female two to four babies are born. Cubs are born with tight closed centuries. After about a couple of weeks they see. Kids mostly black and not covered with sockets like parents, but solid specks.

After six months, the mother will teach them to hunt, and after her second birthday cubs will leave their mother to live by yourself. Females reach sexual maturity between 2 – 3 for years, and males 3 to 4 years.

Since at one time the jaguar was almost destroyed by hunters, in order to avoid breaking the natural link, the species is listed in the International Red book.

Since at one time the jaguar was almost destroyed by hunters, in order to avoid breaking the natural link, the species is listed in the International Red Book

Since at one time the jaguar was almost destroyed by hunters, in order to avoid breaking the natural link, the species is listed in the International Red book

In captivity, individuals live for more than 20 years, compared with 11-12 for years in the desert. However, due to the impossibility to hunt for food, to carry out their natural daily activities, a large number of visitors and noise in animals develops annoyance, frustration and even stress. In zoos for them make enclosures with large shady trees and pools. Kittens fed 7 times a day. Be sure to pay attention to feed composition. Kids love to play with people.

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