Horse Day was celebrated in the Arsk region of Tatarstan. In a programme there were a lot of interesting competitions, but special interest spectators called gambling competition called “Audarysh”.
An ancient view of the horse shed of an audarysh translated from Tatar means “knock over, tumble down”: the essence is in this name national game. Only men compete and only on horses of the Tatar breed.
Scientists believe that Tatar horses are direct descendants of a horse Przhevalsky, they are unusually strong, hardy and unpretentious. Even in winter, such a horse will be able to dig its own hoof for food – last year’s grass from deep snow. Tatars are always high appreciated their horses, and in ancient times called them heavenly horses for a special suit of the sun, this breed does not have another.
In men’s games, the audarysh is also a very ancient story, but it is excellent fits into modern realities. At the end of September, the first republican championship in this sport; he will be held in Leninogorsk.