In Japan, nursing homes are popular for animals

Tokyo residents increasingly surrender their aged and sick home pets in special nursing homes. The service is not cheap and costs about 26 thousand dollars a year.

The Japanese touchingly love their pets and resort to euthanasia only in the most extreme cases, when only euthanasia can stop the pain and suffering. And six years ago in the country was Law passed obliging citizens to provide their pets decent old age.

Old dog

Often sick animals require special care and the constant presence of man, and then such a nursing home becomes the best option for the forever busy and many working the Japanese.

Each guest is provided with a separate room, equipped with a video camera – the owner can monitor your pet. The range of services for each of them is selected individually, but in any case, try not only to feed with spoons and change diapers on time, but also cure or at least make the rest of your life as comfortable as possible.

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