I will avenge you for my horse

In an elderly woman, Jude Cochran 3 years ago disappeared without a trace with ranch in Texas her pony. Jude was sure she was to blame. alligator. Since then, the granny dreamed of getting even.

It just so happened that one of Jude’s favorite pastimes was hunting for reptiles, so she always kept a gun with her.

But this time she set out to shoot a large an alligator who, in her opinion, could eat a pony. 3 passed years, but she was not able to track down the offender.

Sometimes reptiles walked into her ranch. The woman was sure that these are not the ones she seeks. It only remained to wait.

But on Monday September 17th, Jude realized she saw “one of the “alligator. To implement its plan, she decided it to lure and placed a trap in its territory. Alligator, Suspecting nothing, I got into it. Grabbing a gun, woman came close to the offender and shot him in the head. Reptile turned out to be of impressive size: 3.6 meters in length and weighing 263 kg

The Killed Alligator

According to Jude herself, she will eat animal meat with pleasure. He defiantly hangs his head in a conspicuous place in the house, and from leather will make a new handbag.

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