How to treat diarrhea in a dog

Diarrhea, or simply, diarrhea in a dog is an unpleasant phenomenon, with which of course need to be fought. In normal condition, the dog walks to the toilet 2-4 times a day, more often, of course, this happens twice – in the morning and in the evening. But sometimes a strange thing happens – the dog starts whine, spin in one place, ask for a walk.

In most cases, this behavior is associated with a disorder. intestines, which is accompanied by loose stools. In which situations, you can save your pet from diarrhea at home, and when – only with the help of a veterinarian?


  • 1. Causes of Dog Diarrhea
  • 2. Symptoms of diarrhea in dogs
  • 3. Diarrhea with blood in a dog. What to do
  • 4. Diagnostic measures for diarrhea
  • 5. How to treat diarrhea in a dog
  • 6. Treatment of diarrhea in dogs at home
  • 7. How to feed a pet with diarrhea
  • 8. Prevention of diarrhea in dogs

Causes of Dog Diarrhea

Diarrhea in a dog

Dog owners are interested in how dangerous diarrhea is. pet? There is no single answer here, it all depends solely on causes of diarrhea in a dog. The following can provoke loose stools status:

  • poor quality products;
  • food unsuitable for feeding a dog, for example, in small dogs often develop pancreatitis, exacerbation of which observed after ingestion of oily, spicy foods;
  • quick change of type of food, for example, from natural food to dry feed – a similar process requires a rational approach;
  • penetration into the intestines of small foreign bodies – this can become cause intestinal obstruction;
  • parasitic worms (worms);
  • intoxication with toxic chemicals;
  • infectious diseases, for example, parvovirus enteritis;
  • oncological diseases (lymphoma, adenocarcinoma), when tumors are localized in the digestive system, the elderly are more likely to suffer animals;
  • systemic diseases – inflammation of the internal organs, sugar diabetes – again, more often observed in older dogs;
  • irritable bowel syndrome – this condition occurs in overweight animals, or after infectious diseases;
  • allergy – diarrhea usually occurs with an allergic reaction to food products;
  • perforation of the intestinal walls – often causes sharp bones to feed the dog are not recommended;
  • insufficient production of gastric juice – observed with diseases of the stomach – gastritis, gastroduodenitis, etc .;
  • vitamin deficiency.

As you can see, far from always diarrhea is harmless and in some cases require emergency medical attention. For example, if If the puppy is infected, then diarrhea can lead to dehydration and fatal outcome.

Symptoms of diarrhea in dogs

Signs of diarrhea in dogs

Symptoms of diarrhea depend on what triggered this reaction, but pet owners should pay attention to following phenomena:

  • feces become soft or thin;
  • from the feces comes a fetid, rather sharp stench, they acquired a dark color, a bloody admixture appeared in them;
  • loose stools black, green, brown;
  • the pet has difficulty during bowel movements, begins whine;
  • the dog asks for the street in addition to walking, may not even stand and go to the toilet at home, while feces can be very few;
  • in liquid feces, mucus or blood appears;
  • the animal behaves uneasily, finds no place for itself, so it happens with abdominal pain;
  • the dog is losing weight;
  • the pet simultaneously has diarrhea and vomiting;
  • a loud rumbling is heard in the stomach.

Any of these signs should attract attention. the owner to the condition of the dog. A particularly dangerous phenomenon is considered bloody feces, it is worth talking about it in more detail.

Diarrhea with blood in a dog. What to do

This phenomenon always signals a serious illness or condition, and requires immediate medical attention. The following may be identified:

  • Severe poisoning – often happens in undisciplined animals with a habit of picking up litter during a walk. Exactly with severe intoxication, a bloody admixture can be detected in a chair.
  • Parvovirus enteritis – most often affects young animals 2-12 months. Extremely severe illness with a high rate mortality. In this case, the inflammation affects the entire intestine, exfoliation of the entire mucous surface of the organ occurs.
  • Traumatic enterocolitis – occurs due to cracking sticks, bones, various sharp pieces that may fall into intestines. Indigestion leads to diarrhea, and blood is released due to mechanical damage to the intestinal walls.
  • The consequences of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoid preparations. They are often used as painkillers, but dogs often show increased sensitivity to human drugs.
  • Intestinal ulceration – in this case, there may be blood in the stool more than the feces themselves, and over time the bleeding is still amplified.

Diagnostic measures for diarrhea

What to do if a dog has constipation

After delivering your favorite pet to the clinic, the owner must be ready answer a number of questions:

  • how long the dog has diarrhea;
  • what she ate in the last two or three days;
  • whether temperature is present;
  • when was the last time deworming;
  • whether the animal was vaccinated and when.

With diarrhea, a number of tests are usually given:

  • feces for the detection of worms, internal bleeding;
  • general tests of urine and blood.

In some cases, the pet is sent for radiography, pictures detect intestinal obstruction or inflammation abdominal cavity.

How to treat diarrhea in a dog

Experts recommend not delaying the treatment of the clinic, since you can skip extremely dangerous symptoms. Only doctor after the examination may prescribe a suitable treatment for diarrhea in dogs.

First of all, you need to give the dog:

  • Regidron – a drug that restores acid-base balance. Available in powder form, which should be diluted water. For a pet to drink, you can add a little Sahara.
  • Glucose solution – put droppers with glucose with a strong dehydration of the body.
  • Antibiotics – are prescribed if the tests revealed an infection.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs – prescribed for bloody diarrhea and fever.
  • Anthelmintic drugs – are not prescribed during diarrhea only in the presence of worms, but also for preventive purposes.

Regidron for dogs from diarrhea

Any medications should only be prescribed by specialists after examinations with precise dosing and determination of duration therapy. Do not treat the dog yourself with medicine recommended.

Dog diarrhea treatment at home

Can a dog be relieved at home? Yes, if diarrhea is not associated with critical events, and apply exclusively safe means:

  • Rice broth – boil cereal in a small amount of water, porridge remove, and solder the animal with the resulting broth.
  • Medicinal herbs – from a diarrhea a broth of alder fruits is well washed St. John’s wort, sage, blueberries.
  • Enema with chamomile decoction – will help cleanse the rectum from pathogenic microflora.
  • Activated carbon – natural absorbent, absorbent harmful substances and removing them from the body;
  • Provide your pet with drink – in small portions every 15 minutes, it can be pure water, herbs, teas,

How to feed a pet with diarrhea

How to feed a dog with diarrhea

As a rule, an animal with diarrhea feels weak, malaise, and most often refuses food. It is quite adequate behavior of a sick pet. In this case, and the owner certain rules must be observed:

  • The first day it is recommended not to feed the dog at all. If, however, the animal has an appetite, offer a little boiled rice.
  • The second ones include kefir, yogurt, yogurt without additives – this will help normalize digestion processes.
  • If on the third day the pet is recovering, you can feed its low-fat food – a boiled egg or omelet, slices of boiled chicken, turkey, rabbit, sea fish, gray crackers of bread.

Boiled rice can be given from the first day, as well as rice broth.

Prevention of diarrhea in dogs

Prevention is much easier than cure, so avoid disease owners are advised to observe some simple regulations:

  • Do not give your dog food from your table.
  • Do not overfeed the pet, its portion should be strictly dosed.
  • Promptly treat the pet from parasites and to carry out deworming.
  • Make sure that the dog does not pick up food and waste on the street, do not ate from the wrong hands.

Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but with proper care, The pet is less likely to make diarrhea. The main thing is to observe the condition of the dog and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

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