How to make a decision to euthanize a dog

Human culture evolves to provide connectivity with animals through love and respect. Our dogs are full members of the family, and many of us consider ourselves their “parents”. Together with the development of veterinary medicine and the quality of care animals, as well as moving dogs into the house or even into the bedroom, our furry friends today live longer and in closer relationships with people than ever before. Longer last relationship, the stronger the connection. The stronger the connection, the more complex there may be a reflection on the dog’s end of life, including a decision about euthanasia. Although it can be heartbreaking, think that life our dogs are generally shorter than our own but important understand the need for a possible euthanasia (euthanasia).

How to make a decision to euthanize a dog

How to find out that euthanasia is the most appropriate and a humane option for a dog?

Open and honest communication with your veterinarian throughout The dog’s whole life lays the foundation for effective communication, when her life comes to an end. At some point, most dogs develop a disease incompatible with life (e.g. organ failure or cancer). Once such a diagnosis is made, this is the time to appreciate the quality of life of the animal.

Quality of life is a pretty subjective concept, so you can use a special scale to determine it. This scale helps you identify dog trends over time time, and, in particular, will help to identify a decrease in the quality of life in for several days or weeks. Your vet should help you. determine the right time for euthanasia if you will inform him about some of the details of your pet’s life in home conditions. Consultation with a veterinarian will help clarify important medical consequences of your dog’s illness that may serve as guidelines for the possible consideration of the option of euthanasia animal.

You need to know the answers to the following questions related to the quality of life of the dog to determine the right time for euthanasia.

  • What diseases and symptoms will appear in the dog to understand what is the time for euthanasia?
  • What activity of the dog will weaken and disappear every day in day?
  • How to measure quality of life every day?
  • How often to measure quality of life?
  • How often to consult a veterinarian about quality of life animal?
  • What are the parameters of the quality of life of the animal are the most important to your dog?

Where does the euthanasia occur?

Euthanasia is usually performed in a veterinary clinic. or in your house. In general, the choice of place is yours and yours family. If you choose euthanasia at home, then your veterinarian should be able to provide this service. Professional vets can help you, your family and your dog feel yourself quite comfortable in this difficult time.

What should be done after the death of the dog?

There are a number of questions that you need to ask the veterinarian as part of preparation for euthanasia of the dog. They generally include yourself:

  • What will happen to the dog’s body after death?
  • Can I choose a cremation or a dog’s funeral?
  • How will the dog’s body be transported after euthanasia?
  • What should be done if the dog dies herself?

If you have a detailed plan of the time and place of euthanasia, and also of your subsequent actions, you will feel more calmly, which allows you to focus on the remaining time your dog. The vet and his assistants will be your important partners with whom you will conduct dialogue during this period of time. It is important that you communicate all your wishes clearly and clearly so that they were properly executed. Some planning may make this difficult event somewhat less painful.

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