How to feed the Pekingese

Dogs are descendants of formidable predators – wolves, everyone knows this, but looking at the funny Pekingese, it’s hard to believe. But no matter like a pet on its wild ancestors or not, when choosing a diet Be sure to take into account their historical roots. What and how feed the dog of this unusual breed so that the dog is healthy and happy?


  • 1. What to feed the Pekingese
  • 2. How to feed a Pekingese puppy
  • 3. How to feed an adult Pekingese
  • 4. What you can not feed the Pekingese
  • 5. How many times a day to feed the Pekingese

How to feed the Pekingese

Like all dog owners, Pekingese owners have a choice – feed your pets with natural food or purchase ready-made rations. Do not think that “drying” is a junk food that give their dogs people who do not want to cook ordinary food. On the in fact, if you choose high quality food, it will only work for the benefit of a little friend. beautiful Pekingese

In the selection should take into account the breed, age and physiological pet features. When feeding the pellets to the puppy, you can pre-soak in water, but resort to this exclusively when feeding babies. Adult doggies should eat food in dry form.

If the owner prefers natural feeding, then It is worth taking care of a balanced diet. Primarily, the basis of the diet is meat, best beef, but not worth it forget about other useful products. Pekingese can cook following dishes:

  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, hercules) with minced meat;
  • meat or fish with vegetables;
  • dairy products (without artificial additives), you can add pieces of fruit;
  • mashed vegetables with boiled egg yolk or seasoned vegetable oil.

For natural feeding, you should consult with veterinarian about the pet’s need for additional sources of vitamins and minerals.

How to feed a Pekingese puppy

A 4-week-old puppy receives exclusively mother’s milk. But if the bitch had a difficult birth with a cesarean section, that Pekingese is not so rare, the offspring are being translated into feeding with special mixtures. The introduction of complementary foods begins with 1-1.5 months, and the owner first finds out enough whether the crumbs receive milk by regularly weighing them. Puppies that are poorly gaining weight are additionally fed, using artificial bitch milk.

When translating offspring into adult food, most breeders choose industrial canned food. When natural feeding the kids give boiled minced beef, milk and cottage cheese with calcium. Usually at 2 months, babies end up in a new home, and owners are not recommended for the first one and a half to two weeks change your pet’s usual diet. Check with the breeder for a schedule. feeding, an approximate menu or brand of finished feed. More details super-premium feed.

By 3 months you can make a natural diet more diverse, but introduce new products carefully – one in 5-7 days, watching the reaction of the body. Food should be chopped, give meat only boiled, it is better to rub vegetables on a grater. If the baby eats industrial feed, but at the same time poorly gaining weight, it makes sense to replace food with a diet holistic class.

From 4 months old, a puppy of Pekingese begins a period of intense growth, therefore, it is recommended to increase the daily portion of food. Include the following products in the menu:

  • chopped beef tripe;
  • soft cartilage;
  • cheese;
  • eggs
  • zucchini;
  • slices of raw potatoes;
  • fruit.

Boiled cartilage or special treats will help the baby get rid of itching caused by teething. From 5 months the puppy begins to lose baby teeth and gnaw everything. But at that time intensive load on the jaw is not recommended, therefore you should not allow the baby to have solid items. Pekingese

From 6-8 months it is useful to give your pet seafood – boiled fish, shellfish, seaweed. From a year old doggie is already possible fully translate into adult food.

How to feed an adult Pekingese

The first thing that owners of dogs of this breed should take care of, it’s about their physical condition. In fact, often found well-fed, lazy Pekingese, and every master should avoid similar fate of your favorite. And for this it’s enough to make the correct diet of the pet, taking into account the characteristics of the breed:

  • The meat is boiled, but the beef and beef tripe are worth grind and give raw.
  • So that the pet does not become infected with worms, meat products are desirable freeze in the freezer.
  • Low-fat cheeses should be included in the diet. home-made product, ideal for use in quality goodies.
  • In food 2-3 times a week, it is recommended to add boiled yolk.
  • It is useful to season porridge with vegetable oil (2-3 tsp. portion).

Read also:

  • dry food for small dogs;
  • wet dog food.

What you can not feed the Pekingese

Since Pekingese love to eat and do not mind treating themselves to the owner’s table, then the owners should stop these attempts. Besides In addition, the digestive tract of these dogs negatively reacts to the following food:

  • legumes and potatoes – they provoke the development of flatulence;
  • fatty meat, especially pork and lamb – the stomach is not capable fully digest them;
  • sweet dishes – Pekingese – sweet tooth, but since pastry products are contraindicated for them, then they should be replaced with pieces of fruit, rye crackers;
  • sausages are strictly prohibited.

It is not recommended to combine natural food and prepared feed. You have to choose one thing.

Useful: proper dog care.

How many times a day to feed the Pekingese

Toddlers from 1.5 to 2 months. have to feed every 4 hours, that is, 6 feedings per day. From 2 months, one feeding can be removed, but only if the baby himself is ready for this. From 3 months to six months the number of meals is reduced from 5 to 4 times. From six months it is enough to feed the pet three times a day, and by the year to translate into adult, two meals a day.

Proper feeding is the key to the health and longevity of a pet. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the nutrition of your eastern four-legged comrade.

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