How to care for a pug

Pug is a tiny cute creature that can become faithful and loyal companion. This breed of urban dogs is centenarians. But in order to please its owners for many years, it is necessary that The doggie was healthy. Dog care is almost the same, but because Some structural features of a pug require special treatment. Let’s figure out how to properly care for a pug.


  • 1. Pug feeding rules
  • 2. Features of hygiene procedures
  • 3. Pug Eye Care
  • 4. Skin fold treatment
  • 5. Walking and content

Pug Feeding Rules

How to care for a pug

Pug is a fan of food, so you need to monitor the diet animal to avoid obesity. This kid is a beggar and loves feast on yummy.

  1. From an early age, pugs must be limited in food. Puppies are fed in small portions 4-5 times a day. When he reaches six months of age, the number of feedings reduced to 3 times, and after 8 months the animal is fed as an adult – 2 times a day.
  2. There should be meat in the pug’s diet. It may be horse meat, beef, veal – any lean meat, except pork. His pug’s stomach is hard to digest.
  3. The source of fiber and trace elements are cereals. You can feed the dog porridge cooked from barley, rice, buckwheat.
  4. In the diet of the animal must be vitamins. Fresh fruits and vegetables after heat treatments will replenish the body with the necessary minerals.
  5. Dairy products should also be in a bowl pug dog. It is better to give him sour milk (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk). Milk causes an upset stomach in the baby. Its better to exclude. Due to the structure of the jaws, the dog is difficult eat liquid food. Therefore, you must give preference to solid, finely chopped food.

There are various dry and wet feeds on sale that are Designed specifically for pugs. They fully satisfy the needs of the dog, but a balanced composition does not require additional introduction of vitamin and mineral supplements. In addition, feed contains more vegetable proteins and less fat, which helps to eliminate obesity in small glutton.

Read more about pug feeding.

Features of hygiene procedures

Pug Bathing

  1. Bathing. Pugs are domestic dogs, so do not require frequent bathing. Enough to wash the animal as pollution.
  2. Combing out. So that the dog’s fur was shiny and well-groomed, it is enough to comb it out once a week, and in molting time – once every two days. In specialized stores brushes for sale – mittens with metal teeth or natural from bristles with a pile. It is necessary to comb on the growth of wool, gently and delicately. Pugs accustomed from childhood love the grooming process and not oppose leaving.
  3. Claws. Claws of a pug also require care. They themselves do not grind and can deform the toes of the paws if they are not to cut. This procedure needs to be done 1-2 times per month.
  4. The ears. The ears of the kids require special attention. They can break at the age of 3-4 months. To save the correct shape of the ears, it is necessary to glue them with the usual with a band-aid. The rules for such a procedure can be found at veterinarian or experienced breeder. Ears need to be cleaned properly too. Carefully enough, trying not to damage the ear canal, clean the ear of sulfur, dust with a regular ear stick moistened sea buckthorn oil. Residues must be removed with dry cosmetic a disk.

Pug Eye Care

The eyes of a pug, due to the features of the anatomical structure, are often are exposed not only to infection, but also to frequent injuries. Brush eyes of a dog with a dry cotton pad or swab, removing mucus and dust. If not only mucous membranes, but also purulent crusts appear, then this indicates inflammatory processes.

You can treat eye diseases by laying behind the eyelid tetracycline eye ointment or levomycetin, canomycin. If the dog’s tears flow as a result of injury, the eyes will bury drops, alternating with an antibiotic and a regenerating agent. In any If you need to see a doctor immediately.

Since the eyes of dogs of this breed are often eroded cornea, eversion of the eyelids or atypical eyelash growth, you need closely monitor their health. At the slightest sign pathology must seek medical help.

Skin fold treatment

Muzzle. The pug foldable muzzle also requires care. Sweat accumulates in the folds, dust that is separated from the eyes, which causes unpleasant odor and irritation. Pleats clean special hypoallergenic wet wipes, cotton pads, moistened with alcohol-free lotion for baby skin, peroxide hydrogen, a solution of chlorhexidine and sprinkled with baby powder. The procedure is enough to carry out once a week, but if the folds massive and impede air circulation, then clean folds need twice a week.

Pug Skin Care

Nose. The tip of the pug’s nose also requires care. Leather it is dry, prone to cracking. Therefore, the nose also needs nourish – lubricate with baby oil.

If the skin in the folds is inflamed, then experienced dog breeders It is recommended to treat inflammation with ointments of Levomikol or Malovit. They eliminate pimples, diaper rash, irritation. But before to treat, you need to consult a veterinarian, as the cause inflammation can become demodicosis, a disease that causes skin mite.

Walking and content

Walks. Walking is important in a pug’s life. role. The dog has developed muscles and, in order to maintain it, a dog should actively move, and not just walk on a leash. For this use various toys, flying saucers, balls. Necessary walk the dog 2-3 times a day. Animals of this breed are prone to diseases of the heart and musculoskeletal system. Walks stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the muscular frame, interfere obesity.

Walking with a pug

You must carefully select a route for walking and a place walking. Pug is a decorative dog and has less sense of danger developed than other breeds. You need to make sure that next to the place for walks there was no busy highway, but on the site – branches, broken glasses, tall grass, which the dog can get hurt.

You can walk only after all vaccinations. at first it is enough to spend 15-20 minutes with the baby on the street, gradually increasing walking to 1-2 hours.

Sleeping place. Necessary right equip the baby’s berth. It should be in part a room protected from drafts, but not near heating appliances. For a bed, you can use a foam mattress with removable covers. Because the dog snores quite loudly, some owners lock her in a separate room. Such an attitude can adversely affect the psyche of this sociable and friendly animal.

Proper care of the dog will allow you to live a long, dog-like by standards, life in health and joy. And look after the pug puppy in home conditions is no problem.

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