How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

Fleas are the most common type of parasite, hitting a dog. Despite the fact that they are not dangerous organisms after infection in a pet may appear serious consequences in the absence of timely competent treatment. That is why every owner should know how to withdraw fleas in dogs with tar soap, as well as other folk and by special means.


  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Symptoms of infection
  • 3 Possible consequences
  • 4 Treatment Methods
    • 4.1 Use of special tools
      • 4.1.1 Drops and sprays
      • 4.1.2 Collars
      • 4.1.3 Shampoos
      • 4.1.4 tablets
    • 4.2 Traditional medicine
  • 5 How to get rid of fleas in pregnant dogs and puppies?

Reasons for the appearance

How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

A dog may pick up fleas on a hunt during burrowing holes or ruin bird’s nests

Fleas are tiny insects reaching 4 mm in length. The structure of their torso allows you to move around thick coat of the dog and jump to distant distance. They breed by laying off larvae on wool and the skin of the pet. A dog can become infected in the following cases:

  • in direct contact with a sick dog;
  • through the litter of poultry;
  • in contact with the owner’s clothes or shoes (fleas can be brought from the street on the sole);
  • during the walk (the larvae are in the grass, ground, fallen leaves).

Puppies can become infected by a sick mother. Secondary infection often due to the fact that after the recovery of the dog the owners did not disinfect the dog’s sleeping place, floor coverings and upholstery of upholstered furniture in the house on which the larvae remain fleas.

Symptoms of infection

The presence of fleas can be detected by inspection. At black parasites or their eggs appear in the pet’s hair which look like small dark or white marbles. They located most often in the armpits, auricles and groats.

How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

The presence of these insects in a pet is indicated and the following symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • the formation of ulcers on the body of the pet;
  • lack of appetite;
  • profuse hair loss;
  • restless behavior.

Possible consequences

Fleas not only discomfort the dog, but also vectors of serious diseases and parasites, such as:

  1. Cucumber tapeworm. The disease occurs when ingestion of fleas in the digestive tract of the dog. In the body of the pet worms live for several months and parasitize in the small intestine. Symptoms of the disease are attacks of vomiting, lack of appetite and digestion disorder.
  2. Chumka. If fleas used to drink infected blood rodents and got into the dog’s body, then the disease can not be avoided. On the presence of a dog with this disease is indicated by fever, discharge from eye and enlarged lymph nodes.
  3. Brucellosis. This infectious disease also transmitted when an infected flea enters the digestive tract dogs. It is almost asymptomatic, but in some In a four-legged pet, body temperature rises.

All of the above diseases are dangerous not only for the dog, but also for its owners. Therefore, upon detection of fleas in the four-legged pet should immediately begin treatment.

Treatment methods

How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

When walking, make sure that the dog does not contacted cats and dogs

If a flea is found in a pet, it should be as quickly as possible deliver it to the veterinary clinic to confirm the diagnosis and treatment appointment. The house needs to be disinfected, to prevent secondary infection. Four-legged pet on time is recommended to isolate from other animals.

You can cure a pet with the help of folk and specialized funds. When using medications, you must strictly follow instructions for use and recommendations of a veterinarian.

Using special tools

How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

After completing the course it is recommended to watch the dog on subject to no side effects

Specialized medicines are sold in veterinary pharmacies. Treatment with their help is carried out in at home, but under the supervision of a veterinarian.

The following types of special tools are capable of rid the dog of fleas:

  • drops;
  • collars;
  • shampoos;
  • Sprays
  • pills.

Drops and sprays

The most simple and effective remedies for fleas are drops and sprays that are applied to the patient’s coat dogs. In action, these medicines are similar, but aerosols have a wider range of action. Drops applied to the withers, spine or between the shoulder blades, and the spray is sprayed onto hairline. Aerosol treatment recommended carry out in the fresh air, protecting hands with rubber gloves.

Among effective drugs, it is worth highlighting:

Name Description of the drug Picture
Stronghold These drops are non-toxic, and if accidentally ingested pet food poisoning is excluded. They are not only suitable adult dogs, but also puppies, lactating and pregnant females. At choosing the right dosage should be based not only on age, but also from the weight of the animal How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities
Leopard These drops and sprays of domestic production not less effective than the previous ones, but are much cheaper. Pregnant to dogs these means are contraindicated How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities
Front line Drops and sprays are very toxic and must be used with caution. When ingested, they cause food poisoning. It is recommended to use them only for treatment. adult dogs. The dosage of the drops must be selected, focusing animal weight How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities


How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

The disadvantages of the collar is their non-universality and toxicity.

The main advantage of anti-flea collars for dogs is that they are convenient to use and at the same time no less effective. They do not cause discomfort to a pet, unlike drops, and act for a long time.

Pregnant and lactating dogs are forbidden to wear it, but in place wearing in some cases there are signs of dermatitis.

Anti-flea collars repel parasites, but do not destroy them. The most effective of them are:

  • Beaphar. This collar can be worn no more than 20 weeks and only dogs over six months of age.
  • Hartz. These collars are allowed only from 6 months of age. Their validity is 28 weeks.
  • Kiltix. Used as a Hartz collar.


How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

Shampoos are recommended for use as part of complex therapy. against fleas

Compared to other specialized tools, flea shampoos are least effective as they act only for a week.

The following antiparasitic drugs are used for bathing a pet shampoos:

  • Phytoelitis;
  • Dr. Zoo;
  • Beaphar;
  • Lugovoi.

Before bathing, it is recommended to comb out the fur of the four-legged pet with a comb with thick bristles. Then you need to apply on wet dog hair small amount selected shampoo, foam it and after 5 minutes rinse with water, temperature which should be no higher than 37 degrees.

When swimming, care must be taken to ensure that the remedy did not fall on the mucous membranes of the dog. Shampoo should rinse thoroughly, because after the procedure the dog may lick off its remnants and poison.


How to bring fleas in dogs: special and folk facilities

Tablets do not destroy parasites, but do not allow them to actively multiply.

Tablets are used only if in the background infection in the dog there are various disorders. Like shampoos, tablets are recommended to be used in combination with others medicines.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Sentinel;
  • Capstar;
  • Front line;
  • Comfortis.


Traditional medicine is the safest for a dog compared to medication, but before they use should consult your veterinarian a doctor. Among the effective distinguish:

Name Preparation and use
Tar soap It is used for bathing a pet. It should be applied to the coat. animal, foam and rinse with warm water after 5 minutes
Lemon water Boil 6 chopped citruses in a liter of water per for 10 minutes. Then the product should be infused for 8 hours, and after this time is filtered, poured into a spray bottle and applied to the dog’s coat. The procedure treatment should be repeated several times a day
Garlic solution It is necessary to crush a few cloves of garlic and pour them 250 ml of water. The resulting solution should be removed overnight in order to he insisted, and in the morning put it on the withers of the dog
Essential Oils To prepare the product, oil should be taken in equal parts lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree. The resulting mixture needs treat dog hairline
Salt bath Bathing a dog in a salt bath is possible only if on the body There are no scratches or ulcers, otherwise severe irritation will appear. AT warm water should dissolve a pack of salt and wash the dog’s coat the resulting fluid. Then the solution should be washed off the wool running water
Apple Cider Vinegar You need to mix water with vinegar in a ratio of 3: 1 and rinse obtained solution dog hair after bathing. Can be used this tool and as a spray, spraying it on the hairline animal several times a day
Brewer’s yeast as a dietary supplement Yeast must be added to the food of the pet, in the amount of 1 hour. l for small breeds and 1 tbsp. l for large dogs

Dry branches can be put in the doghouse, aviary or sunbed wormwood or coniferous sawdust, because their aroma repels fleas.

How to get rid of fleas in pregnant dogs and puppies?

Excretion of parasites in pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as in puppies require special care on the part of the owner, since in such cases, not all remedies are suitable for treatment. Before the purchase of a drug in a veterinary pharmacy should consult with a specialist.

If in a pregnant dog water procedures cause stress, then from the use of shampoos is preferably discarded. To walk it is necessary to put on a specialized collar for a pet, and treat it with drops that have no contraindications. Puppies can be bathed using shampoos suitable for them age group.

As for traditional medicine, only suitable for puppies tar soap, because other products have a strong odor, which provokes a violation of the sense of smell in cubs.

The health status of the four-legged pet is largely dependent on its owner, and therefore at home it is necessary to regularly conduct preventive examinations. When the first signs of infection you need to contact a veterinary clinic for treatment appointment. It’s not worth delaying the trip to the veterinary clinic, since fleas are carriers of serious diseases, dangerous for people.

Drug treatment should be administered under vet control. In the room where the pet lives, you need to spend complete disinfection, otherwise therapy will not give proper results.

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