Dog “planted” a liner in Moscow

As RIA Novosti reports, it’s forced to approach Moscow a large passenger airliner landed. Reason for emergency landing – a small dog on board who opened the luggage compartment aircraft inside.

Boeing 737 made a scheduled flight from St. Petersburg. Suddenly it turned out that safety was violated in the plane – it opened luggage compartment. This Skoda was created by a small dog, which the owners were transported in the luggage compartment in a special transportation cage for animals. Here from this cage, the four-legged shkodnik got out independently and decided to visit the cabin of the aircraft, for which I managed open the tailgate. Fortunately, the plane worked automation and blocked the opening of the compartment. But the Boeing had to lead to an emergency landing.

Four-legged passenger depressed plane

A lot of trouble brought the little dog to the passengers and crew liner

After the plane landed, it became clear what had happened. Dog torn the luggage compartment trim inside, and accidentally worked opening the front wing of the compartment – opening. But after how the automation worked, the opening stopped. The gap was not very large, and the dog did not get through it and was not injured. Passengers and crew are also alive and safe.

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