Dog constipation

Constipation in a dog is a bowel movement that can develop for many reasons. Usually so delicate the problem often goes unnoticed by the owner that leads to disappointing consequences up to impassability, bowel rupture, intoxication and even death. Here Why is it important to monitor the frequency of pet stool, the number and the nature of the feces. In this article we will try to find out causes of stool problems and how to help your dog with constipation.

When is the dog’s stool normal?

Ideally, dog feces should look like a sausage or flagellum with a flat and shiny surface. The color of feces is normal. may vary from light to dark shades of brown. The frequency of stool varies depending on the age of the animals: puppies poop from 3 to 5 times a day, adult dogs – once a day or two, and old dogs go to the toilet once in 2-3 days. Wherein a slight deviation from the indicated data can not be considered pathology (for example, if the puppy relieves need 2 times a day). However, if there is no stool for more than 3-4 days, then there is a place to be constipated.

Signs of constipation in dogs

It’s important to know the symptoms to determine that your pet needs help. constipation. As a rule, they are as follows:

  • The dog makes piles, but the amount of feces is unusually small;
  • Feces instead of the mentioned sausages look like round dry balloons;
  • The animal has not only severe constipation, but other alarming symptoms (fever, vomiting, refusal to eat, weakness, bleeding, etc.);
  • The dog has a vain urge to use the toilet. Sitting down to poop, the dog squeaks, as it hurts.

Causes of Dog Constipation

In fact, there are plenty of causes of constipation. In the best cases inability to cope develops due to improper diet, at worst – due to illness. So the dog can experience problems with bowel movements in the following situations:

  • Inappropriate diet (dog constipation after bones or feeding only meat, due to low water consumption, frequent refreshments pet rice or corn);
  • Acute or chronic diseases of the internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, etc.);
  • Low mobility;
  • Foreign objects in the digestive tract of the dog (stones, cellophane, polystyrene, details of toys, etc.);
  • Helminthic infestations;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Depletion or obesity;
  • Condition after surgery (anesthesia often causes constipation);
  • Diseases of the nervous system (paralysis, paresis, etc.);
  • Oncology of the digestive tract;
  • Spinal problems;
  • Acceptance of certain medications;
  • Stress (against the background of a change in feed, moving to another apartment, aggressive attitude from people, etc.);
  • Senile age in a dog (in pets older than 7-8 years);
  • The period of canine pregnancy;
  • Hormonal disbalance.

Given that the reasons why the dog does not go to the toilet are by and large many, the right treatment will be able to prescribe veterinarian examining the animal and conducting all necessary analyzes.

How to eliminate constipation in a dog yourself?

If constipation occurs in a dog for the first time, no dangerous symptoms no longer noted, you can try to help the pet yourself, without going to a specialist (but only if the animal feels not bad, but the chair was gone no more than 3-4 days!). So first help при запорах будет состоять из таких действий:Vet and dog

  • Для начала нужно попробовать накормить животное пищей,promoting stool (pumpkin puree, beets, white cabbage, zucchini, freshest sour-milk products like yogurt or kefir, bran). Dogs can be used in small at doses add vegetable, linseed or olive oil;
  • If the pet is accustomed to dry finished food, then granules can before serving, soak the dog in water;
  • With a doggie, which has constipation, it costs more often, longer and walk more active. Movement promotes peristalsis intestines;
  • Provoking a feces can help massage the dog’s abdomen. But it is better to refuse such actions if the tummy is solid, but in the touch time the animal feels pain;
  • In the animal’s bowl, you need to pour fresh as often as possible water
  • The use of liquid paraffin in dogs with constipation is effective and a safe solution to the problem. Large individuals with a syringe (without a needle) enter 2 tbsp. tablespoons of petroleum jelly, small – 0.5 tbsp. spoons twice a day;
  • Oats and flax decoctions will cope with constipation. Grains or seed in the amount of 1 tbsp. tablespoons pour 0.5 cup boiling water and insist half an hour. The broth is given to the dog before meals twice a day;
  • Often an enema helps the dog to eliminate constipation. Miniature the usual pear enema is suitable for animals, the usual large dogs “human” enema (Esmarch’s circle). Before the procedure, you need to an enema to collect a little warm water, grease the tip of the product Vaseline (cream). Put the dog on its side in the bath so that you can wash off the feces released with water. After the introduction of water into the intestines you should press the tail of the dog closer to the anus, and through 2-3 minutes let him go;
  • Instead of the usual enema, you can buy a “human” remedy for constipation – “Microlax”;
  • You can cope with constipation with the help of the Bimin veterinary preparation – oily liquid based on liquid paraffin. The agent is administered dogs inside at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight (in a bottle of 30 ml) once a day. The drug has no side effects, but is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction;
  • A 25% solution of magnesia also helps stools. To dogs small size injected with a syringe without a needle 2-4 ml of the drug, large animals – 8 ml once a day. Important: magnesia contraindicated in animals with heart disease, kidney disease, before childbirth. By the way, if the pet has constipation due to obstruction intestines, then this solution is contraindicated.

When should I see a doctor?

It is worth noting what to do at home trying to eliminate constipation is possible only when the animal feels normal, and stool was no more than 3 (maximum 4) days. In some cases (to for example, with intestinal obstruction) defecation can be only surgically or with special drugs that only a specialist can prescribe. In addition, constipation is only a symptom. some disease, therefore, to rid the animal of problems with stools in the future, you will need to find out the cause of the appearance problems with bowel movements. With worms, for example, an introduction will be required deworming, with stress – sedative sedative drugs, with bacterial ailments – antibiotics and so on. How can rather, you should dial the doctor’s number if:

  • The dog is sick, there are a number of dangerous symptoms (refusal to eat, breathing problems, halitosis, etc.);
  • The animal refuses food;
  • When you try to feel the belly, the dog runs back or starts “cry”;
  • If the animal has not been poop for more than 4 days;
  • If no independent attempts to cope with constipation brought success.

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