Dog Castration

Dog Castration – Surgical removal of testes from males or uterus and ovaries in bitches, resulting in an animal forever loses the ability to continue the clan. Sometimes castration confused with sterilization, but the differences between the two operations tangible. During sterilization, male doggies the ducts simply pull, and only the uterus is removed to the females, so that the animal will continue to mate, but will not be able to leave after themselves offspring. After castration, the animal is absolutely indifferent to love affairs. People call sterilization a “female” operation, which is carried out only by females, while castration is called procedure for dog boys. As we found out, this is wrong, since castration is a radical removal of the reproductive organs in animals regardless of gender.

Castration dogs: the pros and cons

Castration has both furious supporters and real opponents. To make the right decision for pet owners it is worth knowing the pros and cons of castration dogs. So first we list the positive aspects of the operation:

  1. The animal almost always becomes calmer. Forever bitches estrus disappears, males do not show interest in females;
  2. Dog behavior is changing for the better (attempts are lost dominate the owner, no tags are placed in the apartment, no aggression to fellow tribesmen of the opposite sex);
  3. The animal after castration can perform its functions (guard the house, drive the beast on the hunt, serve as a guide for the blind and etc.), without being distracted by “amorous” affairs;
  4. Dogs after castration are less likely to get into any trouble (accidents, fights with other animals, etc.). Simply put, Pets don’t go outside for the sake of excitement and finding a sexual partner, and for jogging and toilets;
  5. Castration reduces the risk of many dangerous diseases (in bitches, oncological processes of reproductive organs, pyometra, and in males – tumors testicles and prostate gland, prostatitis, etc.).

Castration has its drawbacks. If you consider the reviews of the owners, left on the Web, to the minuses of the operation you can причислить:Operation

  1. Not обходимость вводить животное в общий наркоз, что поройleads to allergic reactions, malfunctions of the heart, respiratory system disorders, work disorders stomach and intestines;
  2. Complications after castration (we will talk about them a little below);
  3. Decreased activity in a castrated dog, which is often leads to obesity, joint problems, disruption brain and other problems.

At what age is castration better?

In Europe, castration is sometimes performed by very young puppies, who are less than 2 months old. But Russian veterinarians advised not to take pets to the clinic until they “hit” at least half a year. The most appropriate age when dogs are castrated depends on the size of the animal and its state of health. how as a rule, small dogs (weighing no more than 10 kg) are castrated in 6-8 months, and for animals of large and giant breeds – 1.5-2 It is theoretically possible to castrate a 3-5-year-old dog. But animals older than 7-8 years old usually undergo medical surgery indications as older dogs do not tolerate the effects anesthesia, recover longer after surgery interventions.

How to prepare a pet for castration?

No good specialist will castrate a dog in day of treatment. First, urine and blood tests are taken, with X-ray and ultrasound of internal organs (and necessarily hearts). If the owner has decided to castrate the pet, важно учесть такие моменты:Vet and dog

  1. Собака до кастрации обязательно должна быть избавлена от экто-and endoparasites. Even if the pet has no obvious signs the presence of internal or external pests, you need 3-4 weeks for castration to prevent fleas, ticks and worms;
  2. The animal should be vaccinated against plague, parvovirus before surgery enteritis, pyroplasmosis and other ailments. Dogs are vaccinated after prevention or disposal of external and internal parasites;
  3. 3 days before castration, animals are transferred to light feed (dietary dry foods or natural foods: lean meats and fish, vegetables, sour-milk dishes, a minimum of cereals, the exclusion of fatty and flour products);
  4. On the eve of the operation, it’s important to prepare a carrying for the dog, clean litter, disposable wipes, antiseptic (the names of the drugs will tell the veterinarian), special collar;
  5. The house where the dog will be restored after castration, should be put in order (wipe the dust, mop the floors disinfectant solution);
  6. The dog is fed 10-12 hours before surgery, and they don’t give water to drink later than 6 hours before the hour “x”.

Dog Castration Care

When the pet survived the removal of the testes (or the uterus with ovaries), Rehabilitation comes, which takes about 3-4 weeks. Care собакой после кастрации включает следующие пункты:Vet and dog

  1. Обеспечение покоя. It’s better to refuse to receive guests for a while, parties, visiting crowded places;
  2. The equipment of a warm place for a castrated animal. It is reasonable to take a street dog for a while in the house to exclude unpleasant moments like inflammation in the wound area;
  3. Monitoring the condition of the dog. After castration is important monitor the temperature of the animal, respiratory rate, pulse, a shade of mucous membranes. If something goes wrong, better call a veterinarian immediately;
  4. During exit from anesthesia, it is required to monitor the animal. Неit’s worth letting the operated friend out on the street, it’s better not to Allow jumping, running to prevent injury;
  5. You can drink a small dog out of general anesthesia. water, but it’s better to get rid of the pet’s food in the first hours after discharge from anesthesia. First, after anesthesia, hard to swallow, and secondly, after the introduction of anesthesia, it is often nausea is present;
  6. In the first hours after surgery, the animal can describe itself, scold Of course, he shouldn’t follow him. Once the dog is finally wakes up from anesthesia, you can go for a walk, but not for long, so that pet just relieved;
  7. If the animal is interested in a suture (licking or gnawing a wound), it is wiser to put a protective collar on his neck;
  8. After castration, dogs are usually given antibiotics, and a wound treated with an antiseptic. It is important to follow all instructions. veterinarian;
  9. About 10 days after surgery, you should pay a visit to clinic for removing stitches (if not used self-absorbable threads);
  10. In the first 2 weeks after castration, it is better not to overload the dog trainings. Within a month after the intervention of the doggie in general it’s better to provide a sparing mode (little running and too active games, no swims in the water, competitions, etc.).

Possible complications after castration

Castration is not the most difficult of veterinary operations, but the owner is better know in advance about some of the nuances:

  • Constipation If the dog does not go to the toilet after castration for more than 2 days, you can give her a mild laxative (for example, petroleum jelly oil);
  • Suppuration of the suture area. Bloody or purulent discharge from a wound, swelling in the area of the operation usually occurs when non-compliance with the rules of antiseptics. Such a problem is required resolved with antibiotics after consultation with a doctor;
  • The development of an abscess. This happens when the ovaries or testes not completely removed. Here, without repeated surgery not enough;
  • Divergence of seams. Sometimes dogs so eagerly lick their wounds that damage the threads applied by the doctor. If the wound has spread and is bleeding, it’s better to go to the clinic right away so that the specialist stitches again;
  • The negative effects of anesthesia. Vomiting (no more than 2-3 times), shaky gait, refusal to eat, incontinence, retardation – phenomena that should not cause concern, if after surgery no more than 1 day has passed.

Neutered Dog Behavior

Some owners believe that immediately after the operation, the animal suddenly forget about instincts. In fact, the dog’s behavior is changing after castration for 6-12 months. So castrated a few days ago, a male may well follow bitch, counting on mating. However, after a few months after surgery, the behavior of Lovelace Many owners are wondering if the dog will definitely stop mark after castration, get involved in brawls with others animals, run after the individual of the opposite sex. Here it’s important to understand that no operation can affect ill-bred doggie. If the owner is not used to, for example, setting in place of his dog during the walk, she will throw at all in a row and after castration. If puddles in the apartment always remained without attention, it will continue to be so, even after the procedure castration.

How much does castration cost?

The owner who decides to undergo a pet operation is probably interested in how much a dog’s castration costs. For example, in Moscow the average castration cost depends on the weight of the animal. Small doggie weighing less than 5 kg will be operated on for 3,500-4,000 rubles, a pet weighing up to 10 kg are neutered for 4500-5000 rubles, from 10 to 20 kg – for 5500-6000 rubles, and a 30-50-pound “friend” will have to to lay out 6500-7000 rubles. A healthy dog weighing more than 50 kg will be removed testes or uterus with ovaries for 7500-9000 rubles. Something like same rates in St. Petersburg. In other major cities (Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, etc.) castration price lower than in the capital. The average cost of an operation in Russia fluctuates between 1000-7000 rubles.

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