Dog breed Hachiko – Akita Inu, its description and story

The breed of dog from the movie “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend” is Akita Inu. The film is based on the real story of the dog Hachiko – a dog who for ten years every day he came to the railway station and waiting for his dead master.

The picture, in which Richard Gere played the main role, brought international renown Hachiko. And the image of the dog itself became in Japan an example of selfless love and devotion.

Breed of dog from the movie Hachiko

The true story of Hachiko

The white dog of the Akita Inu breed was born in 1923 on a farm in Japanese Akita Prefecture in the northern part of Honshu Island. About years later, the owner decided to present it to the professor of rural households at the University of Tokyo Hidesaburo Ueno. Professor Ueno gave him the nickname Hachiko (eighth).

Every morning, when Ueno left for work, Hachiko certainly walked he was waiting for him at the front door of the nearby Shibuya station. Tragedy occurred on May 21, 1925, when Hachiko was eighteen months old. On this day, a professor at the university suffered a stroke. He died and already did not return to the station where the dog was waiting for him.

After Ueno’s death, Hachiko was given to the new owners, but he every time he ran away and returned to his old house, where he lived with by the professor. When Khatikov realized that the professor was no longer there lives, he returned back to the station. After this day, every time at exactly 4 o’clock when the train arrived, Hachiko came to stations hoping to see their master.

History of breed Hachiko

This went on day after day, month after month for next 10 years. Many people who went through the station every day, brought food for Hachiko. Drew attention to him one of Ueno’s former students who learned about his story from new owners. The student was fascinated by the history of Hachiko and then many times visited him to write articles about this dedicated dog and its breed is Akita Inu.

In 1933, after one of his articles was published in Asahi Shimbun, Japan’s largest newspaper, dog became a national sensation. Teachers and parents across the country gave an example of selfless devotion to their children and students. His bronze statue was installed in front of the station, and Hachiko himself attended the opening ceremony. Unfortunately, in during World War II for military purposes the statue was remelted. After the war ended, in 1948, Takeshi Ando, son the architect of the original statue, was commissioned to restore monument.

Hachiko was found dead on March 8, 1935 on Shibuya Street. is he died due to heart infection and the last stage of cancer, in addition, 4 yakitori sticks (on which they are fried) were found in his stomach chicken meat), but they were not the cause of death. After his death in Japan declared a day of mourning. Hachiko’s remains are set in the form stuffed at the National Museum of Science, in Ueno Park in Tokyo. Today a dog statue still stands in front of Shibuya station, waiting and hopes that his master will return home.

Dog breed Hachiko - Akita Inu, its description and story

Oh Hachiko also released a Japanese film in 1987 called “The story of Hachiko.” Fame for Hachiko internationally came along with the release of the American version of the film, which was released in 2009 with Richard Gere in the title role. Together with a dog Jack Russell Terrier Milo is one of the most famous television dog stars.

Description and origin of the Hachiko Akita Inu breed

Akita Inu is a large and brave dog with a powerful enough appearance: with a large head and contrastingly small triangular eyes, confident and with a firm stance. mere presence a powerful Akita is a deterrent to most who can cause trouble.

Dog breed Hachiko - Akita Inu, its description and story

This breed is famous for unwavering loyalty to its owners and amazing affection for family members. Imagine a reliable and the loving protector who will follow you from the room to room and whose whole purpose of life is to serve only you.

However, charming with family members, these dogs will be in side and be silent at a party. Akita Inu is inherently fearful strangers, although they will be quite welcoming to guests at home, while in it are the owners.

The socialization of Akita Inu puppies is an important part of their training to mitigate their excessive caution and suspicion of other people and dogs. Akita dogs are also known for their unusual the habit of caring for yourself and licking your body like cats.

Breed history

Akita Inu breed named after the Akita province in the north Japan, where it is believed to have originated. First mention of Akita dogs date back to the 1600s when they guarded royalty and were used for bird hunting.

This gallant breed was brought to America by the Helen woman Keller. The Japanese, in tribute to Helen, showed her a statue of Hachiko, located at Shibuya station, and told her its story. When Helen expressed a desire to have her own Akita puppy, this puppy became the first representative of the breed, which was introduced to America. Keller was delighted with the dog, but unfortunately the dog died of the plague. Upon learning this news, the Japanese government officially introduced Helen to his older brother.

Dog breed Hachiko - Akita Inu, its description and story

After World War II, the Returning American military personnel who were stationed in Japan since 1956 years brought a lot more Akita dogs. In the end American Akita appeared, which became stronger and stronger than japanese.

However, those who remained faithful to the Japanese standard remained. This split led to a long battle, which led to a delay in development of the American standard. finally in 1972 the american Akita was admitted to the American Kennel Club.

What has never been discussed is the historical and famous a combination of fearlessness and loyalty to Akita Inu. These traits were once checked in a London park when the Sumatra tiger cub was orphaned. The zoo needed help in becoming a cub, and for this The target was an Akita puppy. Experts knew that Akita wasn’t scared and will participate in joint games to help a tiger cub with the necessary life lessons. Also dense fur akita would protect him from sharp claws, and the puppy’s loyalty and playfulness will ensure socialization and protection of the perplexed and orphaned tiger cub. Akita successfully completed his task and “went into resignation “when the tiger reached adulthood.

This dog is really fearless, completely self-confident, and will show unwavering devotion to his family.

Breed sizes

The height and weight of male Akita Inu is 66-71 cm and 45-59 kg respectively, bitches: 61-66 cm and 32-45 kg.

Breed character

Akita Inu is a brave and wayward dog that afraid of strangers, but very devoted to her family. She always watchful, smart and courageous. Akita is usually aggressive towards others dogs, especially the same gender. Akita is best for families with one dog.

The Akita Inu family is affectionate and playful. She is constant companion to joint family activities. This dog loves to play with toys and various household items. Despite the common belief that akita never barks, in fact she quite noisy, and can grumble and moan, and if it need to bark loudly.

Dog breed Hachiko - Akita Inu, its description and story

Keep in mind that Akita’s personality can be overwhelming. This the dog is not suitable for beginners or timid owners. She needs a solid and consistent host that will provide required level of discipline.

To prevent boredom, dogs of this breed will need a large number of exercises and physical activity. Otherwise bored, this can lead to devastating results.

Akita’s natural defensive instinct is addicted become aggressive. Therefore, training and proper socialization The breed is important from a very young age. Also keep in mind that this breed is stubborn and you will need enough a lot of patience to teach her the necessary manners.

Breed care

Akita Inu is a fun dog and blooms as a member of an active and a loving family. This breed does not need huge, but large the amount of daily exercise. 30 minutes walk per day will be enough for akita, but walks should be brisk, maybe with jogging. Visits with a park dog probably won’t a good idea, as Akita can be aggressive towards to other dogs.

Due to the high level of intelligence of this breed, she will need changes in everyday life. If Akita is bored, then it may lead to behavioral problems such as excessive barking, digging, chewing and aggression. Take Akita at family events and do not leave her alone for long periods time.

Dog breed Hachiko - Akita Inu, its description and story

The reliable and fenced yard fence also has a large value to protect strangers and strangers, who may mistakenly enter their territory. At the same time, Akita usually not aggressive towards guests if there are owners in the house. These dogs are real protectors and will protect the owner from all that will be perceived as a threat.

Particular attention should be paid to Akita when growing puppies. These dogs grow quickly between the ages of four to seven months, which makes them prone to bone disorders. They are beautiful live on a quality low-calorie diet that will hold them back excessive growth. Also, do not let the puppy run and play on hard surfaces such as asphalt, grass play for them will suit much better. Avoid forced jumps and running on hard surfaces until at least two years old when the joints will fully form.

Children and other animals

Adults should always control the interaction between dogs and children, especially with this breed. Not a single child may have a more loyal buddy and protector than Akita – however mistreatment, can become irresponsible, and can even threaten the health of your child. It is crucial to teach a child to be respectful and kind in any contact with the dog.

However, Akita is more suitable for families with older children. age. These dogs must live in a loving family in which there will be only one dog, as they are aggressive towards other dogs and animals.

Key Features of Akita Inu

To find a healthy Akita Inu dog, never buy puppy from an unknown breeder or at a pet store. Find responsible breeder who keeps dogs clean from genetic diseases and has positive reviews.

  • Akita is aggressive towards other dogs and is particularly prone to same-sex aggression
  • Positive and consistent socialization, early learning needed by all Akita puppies. If wrong or bad with them treated, then they often become aggressive
  • Akita is not suitable for novice dog owners
  • Akita will chase other pets in the house
  • Akita molt strongly
  • Prolonged eye contact is considered a problem for all Akita dogs, as their response may be aggressive
  • Training these dogs can be challenging and will require understanding, patience and experience. It’s best to work with a trainer, which is familiar with the breed, but it’s important to conduct an independent training.

The price of the breed Hachiko – Akita Inu

After the release of the Hollywood movie in 2009, the number wishing to buy a dog, the Akita Inu breed grew by more than 10 time! How much can a Hachiko dog cost? average cost Akita Inu in St. Petersburg and Moscow is:

  • Without pedigree: 15 000 – 30 000 rubles
  • Standard: from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles

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