Dog and children: basic rules of behavior

Studies show that children’s contact with both home and alien animals brings them both physical benefit and emotional. Animal Care Training and Understanding Responsibility is invaluable. Children can also find out how to deal with the loss when the time comes to say goodbye to the pet. Dog as a pet has its own special advantages: communication, joint games and even therapeutic help in difficult times or in case of illness.

Dog and children: basic rules of behavior

Unfortunately, tragic cases occur when children receive dog injuries of course this happens more often on their own the fault. Some of these situations can be prevented, and for this there are certain rules and principles of behavior with dogs, violate and go beyond which no one should, especially to children.

Never leave small children and dogs together without supervision. In the absence of adults, a situation where children and dogs in contact can change in seconds, and tragedy can happen in a split second, so always monitor the contact of children with dogs.

Respect each other’s personal space. Dogs have their own personal space, like us. Always invite dog to yourself to give a treat or play with her, be it your dog or a stranger, even at home, even on the street. If the dog prefers not to accept your invitation, leave it alone. Not get closer to the dog when she is sleeping or eating, even if she is Looks very friendly. If this is not your dog, then first ask the owner if you can say hello to her.

Remind children that not all dogs the same. They can know their dog at home, which allows them to pull themselves by the tail, jump and ride themselves, and much more – but not all dogs will tolerate this. In fact, even the calmest dogs can get tired of it – and in one a beautiful day, they can hurt intentionally or accidentally child during rough play.

Teach children the dog body language. For example, tail wagging may not mean that the dog is happy, it means that she is in a state of increased excitement. Other signals may come from the position of the ears, heavy breathing position. Several surveys were conducted in which children showed pictures of a growling dog with a grin. Survey Results were alarming: quite a few children felt that the dog smiles! Learn more about dog body language.

Do not look the dog directly in the face. Dogs use eye contact to communicate, while the curious and anxious the child’s gaze can be interpreted in different ways. It can be taken as a threat, provoking the dog to attack. Best advice for a child who is afraid of dogs, will not look directly into the eyes any dog that he sees.

Never ignore the growl. A growl is warning means “do it again and I will bite”. Always pay attention to any growl, and then quietly and calmly back off.

Never tease a dog. Though with a toy even with a treat, this is guaranteed to ultimately lead to unpleasant consequences. Do not encourage the dog to jump up – in at some point she is too keen on this and may accidentally injure someone or harm your property. Then you most likely, count it for it, but will it be fair? AND if the dog has a favorite toy, then keep it where the dog is can’t get her.

Keep calm. If the game goes out out of control, then do not panic and do not scream, but always keep calmness. When the dog is already aroused and injured, do not do nothing that can make her even more excited. A tense dog will calm down much faster when everyone else keep calm. And if the dog has a periodic habit to beat with a tail, this may be a signal of her stress or need in help, not a willingness to have fun.

Following a few simple rules and understanding the behavior of the dog, any accidents can be avoided, and children and dogs will become good friends and will have a good time with each other. On in fact, if you think about it, this applies to adults too!

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