Diarrhea in a kitten: Causes and treatment

Diarrhea in a kitten

Diarrhea in a kitten is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which may occur for a number of reasons.

A fairly common kitten reaction to some diseases – upset gastrointestinal tract, other in words, vomiting and diarrhea.

A reasonable question arises – what to do if it appears diarrhea in a kitten?

Diarrhea in a kitten

Diarrhea can be life threatening for a kitten

Since diarrhea is not only an unpleasant symptom, but can be dangerous to the health and life of the animal, you must understand causes, features and methods of eliminating this phenomenon.


  • 1 Causes of kitten diarrhea
  • 2 Features of diarrhea
  • 3 Treatment for feline diarrhea

Causes of kitten diarrhea

Diarrhea or diarrhea in a kitten is a disorder gastrointestinal tract.

It is characterized by the accelerated passage of eaten food through esophagus, which is a container of liquid stool.

Why does diarrhea occur? There are several reasons:

  • Emotional experiences;

Because cats are very sensitive to various changes in place of residence, in a home environment or even climate, on their Well-being is affected by such seemingly minor changes, as a change of filler for the tray, the appearance in apartment of a new person or another pet, cleaning the lounger on which the cat is sleeping, or his house.

Such banal changes, however, affect the animal emotionally, especially if the pet is young, for example if the kitten month.

The consequence of emotional experiences is often inflammation of the intestinal wall and severe diarrhea.

  • Improper nutrition;

Malnutrition has a very negative effect on gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, it is expressed in overeating – many owners offer their pets treats in excessive quantities, which cats eat.

At the same time, kittens, like older animals, carry diarrhea of this type is worse – the pet has yellow diarrhea.

Diarrhea in a kitten

A common cause of diarrhea is poor nutrition.

Also, malnutrition can manifest itself in consumption by animals food from the table, smoked food, meat waste, spoiled foods, or with a cardinal change in feed, which usually the kitten eats.

  • Infections

Kittens are often exposed to various bacteria and viral infections, including panleukopenia, coronavirus enteritis, toxoplasmosis, calicivirosis.

At the same time, visually by diarrhea it is almost impossible to determine the consequence of what infectious disease he became.

That is why the owner should immediately contact veterinary clinic to determine the disease in time and start effective treatment.

  • Parasites;

Worms are a fairly common problem in cats.

They enter the body of a kitten through fleas, food, land, and continue to parasitize and quietly develop until there are not too many of them.

Diarrhea in a kitten

A large number of worms leads to toxicosis

When the number of worms is excessively increased, the animal toxicosis begins, which causes diarrhea.

Parasites such as tape tapeworm and coccidia are the cause of inflammatory processes in the large intestine, a consequence which is diarrhea.

  • Allergy;

Diarrhea is sometimes an indicator of a kitten’s presence. allergies.

In cats, allergic reactions can occur to various factors, be it external stimuli, or your own coat.

  • Wool in the stomach;

The presence of wool lumps in the stomach occurs mainly in individuals of such long-haired breeds as Somali cat, pixy bob, norwegian forest cat manul, maine kun, ragdoll.

As a result, diarrhea occurs.

Diarrhea in a British kitten can also observed due to increased “fluffiness” of individuals of this breed in young age.

  • Health problems.

When a pet has health problems, diarrhea usually manifested in the first place.

So, diarrhea can occur due to immunodeficiency virus, chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Diarrhea in a kitten

A decrease in white blood cell count leads to an upset

A decrease in immunity leads to a decrease in white cells in blood, which also leads to diarrhea.

In addition, the cause of this disorder may be damage. gastrointestinal tract, erosion and tumors.

In such cases, mucus is present in the diarrhea; it may painted black.

Also, diarrhea can occur with poisoning and treating a kitten some antibiotics.

In this case, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora to normal condition with lactobacillin or yogurt.

Features of diarrhea

If cat diarrhea occurs only once, then the breeder will not what to worry about.

But if it lasts for a long time, you need examine the pet.

There are features of diarrhea for which the owners should to pay attention.

The lower the age of the kitten, the greater the chance of diarrhea when feeding cow’s milk.

Diarrhea in a kitten

Kittens can suffer diarrhea even from cow’s milk

This happens because little kittens are missing special enzyme, as a result of which the body is not in sufficient degree adapted to the breakdown of carbohydrates.

In addition, in some kittens there are cases of allergic reactions to the protein found in cow’s milk.

That is why it is necessary to replace this product with mixtures. cat milk substitutes used in artificial feeding.

Young kittens are very susceptible to changes in diet and diet.

Usually, to normalize the stool, just go back to normal nutrition and ensure a smoother transition to new products, gradually introducing them in small portions throughout a few days.

Diarrhea may also be accompanied by degradation and vomiting.

This may indicate a variety of viral diseases, which animals are difficult to tolerate.

Diarrhea in a kitten

Vomiting may indicate viral infections

Diarrhea with mucus

Mucus is one of the features of diarrhea that indicates that diarrhea is not just an upset due to a change in diet.

First of all, the animal should be examined for parasites.

In cats, both normal helminths and protozoa: trichomonads, lamblia, isospores, which are no less dangerous, especially if there are a lot of them or they are present at the same time.

Diarrhea in a kitten

Giardia – the simplest microorganisms that, along with worms parasitize cats

Most often, after treating a kitten for worms, it happens short-term diarrhea.

This is because helminths die, are digested, and come out of the body.

Also, blotches of mucous secretions are observed in diarrhea cats with inflamed intestines.

In this case, the body temperature of the animal rises, appears vomiting, lethargy, drowsiness, and apathy. Also disappears appetite.

The most vulnerable body of a pregnant cat is diarrhea with mucus can be the result of infections, which are often threaten the life of both litter after birth and mothers.

Treating Cat Diarrhea

Watching the reusable liquid stool of a pet, the owners immediately wondering what to give a kitten with diarrhea? And actually how to treat diarrhea in kittens?


Before applying treatment for loose stool in a cat, her must be taken for examination to a veterinary clinic.

The veterinarian determines the cause of the disease, first examining a pet, and then taking an anamnesis (information about a cat) from the owner.

It includes the following:

  • How long does diarrhea last;
  • Is loose stools alternating with normal;
  • Was there any event that preceded the appearance of diarrhea
  • How often does the pet go to the toilet;
  • What is the amount of feces, what is its color;
  • Is there mucus in the stool, was there loose stool with blood;
  • Does the animal have a false urge;
  • How a cat behaves during an illness, what is his appetite.

Diarrhea in a kitten

The owner must follow the behavior of the cat to tell all symptoms to the vet

After collecting information, laboratory tests are performed, which more accurately indicate the cause of the disorder:

  • If there is a suspicion of a malfunction of the digestive system or violation of the integrity of the walls of the tract, the animal spend contrast radiography.
  • If helminths or protozoa are suspected, a veterinarian takes an analysis of feces, which under a microscope is examined for the presence of eggs of parasites.
  • If necessary, the doctor can conduct procedures such as Ultrasound, biopsy, endoscopy, sampling for culture.

How to treat a kitten

Treatment for diarrhea can be different, depending on reasons for its occurrence.

Diarrhea in a kitten

If the cause of diarrhea is serious, the veterinarian prescribes a course special medicines

  • Simple diarrhea is treated at home, following the recommendations. the vet. Usually, this is the abstinence of the kitten from food for 24 hours and an increased amount of drink. Then, the animal is given lungs for the digestive tract products, such as boiled eggs, rice broths and chicken breasts, sometimes such auxiliary drugs like smecta. There are also special dietary feeds and probiotic supplements that increase the amount of healthy microbes in the intestines and improve digestion of food. Them prescribed by a doctor.
  • With allergic diarrhea, the product is removed from the pet’s diet, serving as an allergy irritant.
  • Diarrhea due to parasites is treated with a special course. Wherein, medicines are selected that are aimed at destroying identified helminths or protozoa. This treatment is necessary carry out in several stages.
  • If the animal is severely dehydrated, it is given an intravenous the introduction of fluid.
  • If bacteria or intestinal damage is found, the kitten may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Понос у котенка: Причины возникновения и лечение

Diarrhea in a kitten is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which may occur for a number of reasons. Diarrhea can be dangerous for a young, not fully formed organism.

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