Diagnosis and treatment of dementia (dementia) in dogs

Age affects not only the body of dogs, but also their mental abilities. Like us, they age worsen with age memories, ability to process new information, decline and other basic brain functions. You may begin to notice that the dog does not respond to your voice as quickly as before that she no longer interested in many things that I used to enjoy, or even that she will start to get confused in her own house. It’s possible compare with Alzheimer’s disease in humans; dogs also suffer from dementia, or dementia, also known as cognitive syndrome dysfunctions.

Diagnosis and treatment of dementia (dementia) in dogs

What is dementia?

Today our pets live longer and happier thanks advances in nutrition, medicine and how we care about them. Age-related changes cause physiological changes, which affect how your dog feels and behaves. Dog Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome is a condition that described as an age-related change in the brain whose causes are exactly unknown. Recent statistics show that one of three dogs over 11 years old suffer from symptoms of dementia. TO unfortunately, dementia cannot be cured, but some drugs and nutrients may well take her under control, however, however, the process cannot be completely stopped. If you think your dog is suffering from cognitive syndrome dysfunction, it is strongly recommended to visit regularly suitable veterinary clinic.

Symptoms of Dementia

Symptoms of Dog Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome can be quite diverse, some may appear slowly, but others can become a problem for the dog pretty quickly. Important discuss signs of illness with your veterinarian or nurse to they could determine their root cause.

The most common symptoms of dementia are the following:

  • An empty, lost look
  • Whirling – Circling
  • Wandering, lost in your own home
  • Repeating actions
  • Urination, bowel movements in the house
  • Unusual noises – whining, panting, barking inappropriate time
  • Change in sleep and wakefulness – unstable sleep, sleep all day but waking all night, insomnia
  • Behavioral changes – confusion in behavior that grows into irritability or aggressiveness, biting without causes
  • Change in communications – the dog may stop responding in your name or your voice, and may stop meeting you.

Causes of Dementia

There are currently no compelling reasons that cause dementia, although it is believed that changes in the brain that affect synapse function, can lead to the development of the disease. Synapses responsible for the transmission of information along the nerve paths, and speed signaling through the nervous system can affect the physical and mental state of the animal.

According to one theory, dementia develops as a result of the accumulation and clustering of protein in the brain, known as amyloid beta, around nerves (plaques). These plaques isolate electrical signal and thus prevent or slow down transmission of information by nerve. As protein accumulates, transmission Signals are getting harder.

Another point of view of signal transmission degradation is related to decreased dopamine production, which occurs in cases of dementia. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, and its presence is necessary for effective signal transmission.

Diagnosis of Dementia

A test that can diagnose cognitive syndrome dog dysfunction does not exist. The diagnosis is usually based on examination and observation of the dog.

After a full examination, the veterinarian will take notes on your problems, the way you noticed changes at home, also he may recommend a blood and urine test. These simple tests allow the veterinarian to rule out other diseases that often found in old animals. A few weeks probably You will need to make a repeat visit to the veterinarian to repeat the necessary procedures and determine the progression symptoms.

Dementia treatment

Although dementia cannot be cured, and ultimately as a result, the disease will progress, there are several approaches that can help control and slow down further deterioration of the dog. Usually in the case of The following two drugs are used for dementia: selegiline and propentophylline.

Selegiline has proven effective in case of dementia and improved symptoms of the disease in about 75% of cases. He is usually prescribed people, since it affects the speed of signal transmission along the nerves by increasing the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Propentophylline usually prescribed to control the symptoms of dementia, it does not affect the transmission of nerve impulses, but instead increases blood flow to the brain. It boosts the dog’s energy, concentration and its physical condition.

In addition to drugs, some manufacturers pet foods currently offer complete diets that help counteract the symptoms aging. The composition of these feeds includes preparations based on antioxidant complexes and omega fatty acids. According to According to statistics, such a diet improves the condition of up to 70% of dogs after 30 days of feeding. Individual supplements in the dog’s diet, such as Vitamin B, Choline, and Essential Fatty Acids Can Also Help with symptoms of brain aging.

Tips for keeping a dog with dementia

There are some simple tips and techniques that may be used to help your dog adapt to her changing life.

  • Keep food and water bowls in an easily accessible place, and consider purchasing a cage for a dog.
  • If your dog is weak and has a “taut” gait, raise bowls to her level so that she does not bend.
  • When leaving the house, leave the dog in a cage or restricted space, it will help her not get lost, but a familiar place will calm her down.
  • Maintain a strict daily routine so that the dog has less chance to get confused or get into a dangerous situation. Regularly go out with her for a walk.
  • Maintain adequate physical activity within physical abilities of a dog, it will also give her confidence from hanging out with the host.
  • Keep a diary of symptoms that will change. Put a scale for identifying some symptoms from 1 to 10 to observe, how they change day by day. So you will clearly see if symptoms begin to worsen.

Prevention of Dementia

There is no proven method for preventing brain aging, but some simple tricks can help keep the brain active, which is believed to slow down the degeneration of nervous processes.

  • Regular games and their variation
  • Regular exercise
  • Creating “problems” – hiding goodies, skill games (catch a treat)
  • A well balanced diet with essential fatty foods. acids

The above techniques will help you understand the state of dementia, and if you have any questions or doubts about your pet, then feel free to contact your veterinarian.

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