Cat dandruff

Dandruff in a cat is not a disease in itself, but often may be a sign of various serious pathologies that should be treated with medication. Dandruff is considered to be scaly exfoliation of skin particles, which is abundant due to accelerated dead cell formation. White separated particles the skin is especially visible in cats of a dark color due to contrast, but also in cats with light hair, the owner can easily notice them.

Causes of Dandruff in Cats

Dandruff can appear in a cat for various reasons – serious and not highly. The most common culprits for dandruff считаются:Cat dandruff

  • Себорея, возникающая при гиперфункции сальных желез,which can also cause increased dandruff. In cats Oily seborrhea is most common, sometimes dry and mixed. With seborrhea, the cat’s skin looks inflamed, itching appears, the wool has a glued appearance, hardened areas appear, consisting of fat and dead skin. Wool during treatment cats are removed, astringents and degreasers are prescribed by the doctor remedies, as well as homeopathic remedies.
  • Pathogenic fungi affecting skin and wool integument of the animal. Known diseases caused by microscopic fungi in cats – microsporia and trichophytosis (in common people – ringworm). Diseases besides education dandruff is accompanied by wounds and scratches on the skin, the presence of itching, the appearance of bald patches, brittle hair, dry skin and restless cat behavior. Treatment involves using antifungal shampoos, medicines with clotrimazole, antifungal injections and immunomodulators are administered to the animal.
  • Allergies that can be caused by many factors. Cats, like their owners, may not tolerate some substances, which is manifested not only in the appearance of dandruff. Allergies accompanied by redness of the skin, swelling of the eyes, lacrimation, nasal discharge, sneezing, digestive upset. Treatment will be be an allergen and try to stop contact animal with him. The doctor prescribes antihistamines for cats, hormone therapy is sometimes required. Often allergic occurs on feed, fillers, care products, so their will have to be replaced with neutral and anti-allergenic. Often allergies are accompanied by secondary diseases that require appropriate treatment.
  • External parasites – fleas, ticks, lice eaters. They are not only poison the cat’s life, provoking constant itching with its bites, but and are distributors of serious diseases (helminth infections, panleukopenia, demodicosis, etc.). In a cat, parasites cause the appearance of dandruff, wounds, the animal becomes extremely troubled, loses appetite and sleep, reduces weight, constantly itches, and causes the appearance of white pieces of skin on the coat. Timely insecticide prevention or treatment (vaccines exist, shampoos, ointments, drops, etc.), the processing of the room allows rid the cat of torment.
  • Metabolic disease – diabetes, hypovitaminosis can provoke, among other various symptoms the appearance of skin itching and dandruff in a cat. Metabolic disease excess fat can cause a cat to become obese. For the appearance of dandruff is not typical of obesity itself, however, a cat with overweight not able to properly care for themselves with your body, especially in hard to reach places, which leads to the appearance of “snow” on the furniture, floor, beds. Body disorders endocrine plan involves proper diet and treatment, which the doctor prescribes individually for each animal.
  • Skin diseases of various etiologies – dermatitis, eczema These diseases are caused by many pathogens. Allergic reactions, invasive diseases, injuries, wounds, burns, bacterial infections, improperly selected medications, disturbances in the work of internal organs and much more can cause cat skin disease, which is characterized by redness of the skin, peeling, dandruff, hair loss, fever, weight loss and appetite. Depending on the type of disease and the reasons for his appearance, the doctor prescribes the necessary drugs.
  • Improper cat care, which is feeding inappropriate food, use for washing low-quality or allergic shampoos (especially with frequent washing), living the animal in an excessively dry, deprived moisture climate. All these points affect not the best way and on the condition of the skin and coat of the animal, and throughout the body. Moral the side of animal care also leaves its mark – cats, those experiencing stress are also prone to dandruff.

Treatment for dandruff in cats

Based on the owner’s story (it’s extremely important to describe everything symptoms and behavior of the animal recently), taking analysis blood, making skin scrapings, sowing on a nutrient medium (sometimes a skin biopsy is required), the doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment in according to the underlying disease for which the appearance dandruff is only a symptom. There are many special shampoos against dandruff, which have a good effect. Doctor prescribes a diet for the cat, introduces vitamins into the diet, in which omega-3 fatty acids are present (to normalize the metabolism substances and improve the quality of the skin and coat), retinoids (analogues vitamin A to restore the strength of the skin).

Cat Dandruff Prevention

To prevent the appearance of dandruff in a cat, you need:

  • Conduct timely prophylaxis of bloodsucking parasites;
  • Bathe the animal at least 1 time in 3 months (but do not do this too often);
  • Monitor the weight of the animal;
  • Choose high-quality feed, provide a place for feeding drinking water;
  • Ventilate and moisten the room, do not allow too dry air. Do not equip a cat’s sleeping place near batteries, heaters;
  • Comb out animal hair in a timely manner;
  • Observe concomitant dandruff symptoms as dandruff can occur for a relatively harmless reason, and may be the result of a complex disease.

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