Bull terrier puppies – photo and development from birth up to one year

Bull terriers are an amazing breed. In the past, fighters “gladiators”. Today – decent, intelligent, educated dogs, real “gentlemen”. Mistake to consider them aggressive dogs dangerous to animals and people. According to its characteristics Bull Terrier cannot be a bodyguard, a security guard. it hardy, bold, quick and endlessly devoted to the owner of the dog.

Monthly Development

Like all newborn puppies, severe bull terriers are born completely helpless: tiny, blind, deaf. They are vital need maternal care.

Photo of the newborn bull terrier:

1 month

The kid is becoming more independent, he opens eyes and ears. Monthly puppy vividly reacts to the world, people, brothers and other animals. Maternal becomes insufficient for nutrition milk – bull terrier guys are transferred to liquid feeding (5-6 times per day).

Photo and video of the bull terrier 1 month:

2 months

The active development of the “boule” continues: the baby adds in weight and size. Lure at this time should harden:

  • warm kefir;
  • ground cottage cheese;
  • ground beef;
  • pieces of chicken, fish without bones;
  • boiled carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower.

Food can be flavored with vegetable oil, slept chopped greens. Frequency of feedings: 5-6 times a day.

Photo and video of the bull terrier 2 months:

2 months

The active development of the “boule” continues: the baby adds in weight and size. Lure at this time should harden:

  • warm kefir;
  • ground cottage cheese;
  • ground beef;
  • pieces of chicken, fish without bones;
  • boiled carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower.

Food can be flavored with vegetable oil, slept chopped greens. Frequency of feedings: 5-6 times a day.

Photo and video of the bull terrier 2 months:

3 months

Active time for socialization: bull terrier should already understand rules of conduct in the house, communication with people. The kid can be introduced with other animals in the apartment, with family members of the owner. On walking he is allowed to communicate with other puppies under supervision person.

Photo and video of the bull terrier 3 months:

4-5 months

The period when it is especially important to show the puppy his place in the “pack”. The dog enters the “adolescent period”: it may begin to be mean, show character, stubborn. The owner does not disregard unlawful behavior of the animal: it guzzles, ignores it.

You can’t use physical force – this way a person lowers his authority in the eyes of the dog, begins to “play” according to the rules of the animal of the world. Bull Terrier may try to dominate people: such attempts must be stopped in the bud. The dog must know that man is senior friend to be respected.

Photo and video of the bull terrier 4 months:

5 months bull terrier video:

4-5 months

The period when it is especially important to show the puppy his place in the “pack”. The dog enters the “adolescent period”: it may begin to be mean, show character, stubborn. The owner does not disregard unlawful behavior of the animal: it guzzles, ignores it.

You can’t use physical force – this way a person lowers his authority in the eyes of the dog, begins to “play” according to the rules of the animal of the world. Bull Terrier may try to dominate people: such attempts must be stopped in the bud. The dog must know that man is senior friend to be respected.

Photo and video of the bull terrier 4 months:

5 months bull terrier video:

6 months

With the successful upbringing of the “boolean” already in half a year it becomes obedient and good-natured pet, appreciating the owners. Sense of fidelity which is formed at this age, remains with the dog for the whole a life.

Photo and video of the bull terrier 6 months:

7 -8 months

Next difficulty: bull terrier enters sexual intercourse ripening. Girls begin to heat: the dog may be nervous, restless. Binding at such a young age is prohibited – the body dogs are not ready for motherhood. Before this period, the dog needs protect from strong loads on the jaw – the dental system bull terrier is still being formed.

Photo of a white bull terrier 8 months:

9-12 months

By dog standards, the dog is already an adult animal. This is the most suitable age for the transition from parenting to consistent trainings. Already you can include exercises to develop strong grasping – the teeth of the “bull” formed.

White Bull Terrier photo 9 months:

Photo of the bull terrier 10 months:

Photo and video of the bull terrier 1 year:

7 -8 months

Next difficulty: bull terrier enters sexual intercourse ripening. Girls begin to heat: the dog may be nervous, restless. Binding at such a young age is prohibited – the body dogs are not ready for motherhood. Before this period, the dog needs protect from strong loads on the jaw – the dental system bull terrier is still being formed.

Photo of a white bull terrier 8 months:

9-12 months

By dog standards, the dog is already an adult animal. This is the most suitable age for the transition from parenting to consistent trainings. Already you can include exercises to develop strong grasping – the teeth of the “bull” formed.

White Bull Terrier photo 9 months:

Photo of the bull terrier 10 months:

Photo and video of the bull terrier 1 year:

The phased development of a bull terrier puppy is in the table:

Age (months) Height (cm) Weight, kg)
1 15-17 3,5-4
2 18-20 4-7
3 22-25 7-8
4 25-30 8-9
5 30-32 9-12
6 33-35 12-14
7 35-36 14-15
8 36-39 15-18
12 50-55 24-28

Dwarf representatives of the breed do not grow more than 36 cm in withers, and their weight does not exceed 9 kg.

Development by Period

All puppy childhood and youth can be divided into stages:

  1. Neonatal (1-12 day). A puppy only needs warmth and nutrition. He is not independent, he desperately needs a mother. Reacts to her smell, cold, pain.
  2. Transitional (13-20 days). The puppy begins to see and hear able to crawl. Teeth that can already chew and erupt bite. Doggie learns to wag its tail.
  3. The period of understanding (21-28 days). The animal learns to use senses according to purpose, the knowledge of the world begins.
  4. Socialization (21-49 days). During this period, the puppy learns to be dog: use facial expressions, vocalization, body position. Starts communicate using barking. The animal plays the pursuit, fight, submission-dominance, understands what a bite is.
  5. Human socialization (7-12 weeks). Young animal learns to interact with people, gets to know strange things from the human world. The puppy is already able to learn. Impressions, received in this period – the brightest, remain for the whole a life.
  6. Stage of exposure to fear (8-11 weeks). Any fright, unpleasant recollections in this period are reflected in the character of the “boolean” stronger, than at a different stage of development.
  7. Age of leadership (13-16 weeks). Animal becomes independent, why there is a desire to dominate, to lead.
  8. Flight time (4-8 months). The most risky stage: young the dog seeks to try himself and the environment for strength, why gets into dangerous, risky situations. Partly due to the fact that dogs by this age the jaw is formed – “buly” can’t wait put her in business.
  9. The second stage of the impact of fear (6-14 months). Animal can to frighten a completely harmless situation for a person, thing. To the dog’s psyche did not stagger, the owner reacts to his fright with affection, kindness, encourages overcoming fear.

By the year the physical development of the bull terrier ceases, but the mental continues. Sexual maturity (1-3 years) may turn into problems such as increased aggressiveness, attempts dominate.

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