5 symptoms of illness when your rabbit needs veterinarian

Rabbits become good companions like pets and are a great choice for families who for any reason can’t get a cat or dog. However, like their colleagues, they they have fairly high maintenance costs, and they susceptible to some potentially fatal diseases. For keeping rabbits healthy and happy is often enough basic knowledge of caring for them, but there are cases that require an immediate veterinarian call. Remember that rabbits like animals hunted in nature may not show explicit signs of suffering, pain, or discomfort. Therefore it is important to be watchful and recognize changes in your rabbit’s habits as possible faster.

5 symptoms of illness when your rabbit needs veterinarian

Even if you do not regularly check your health pet, make sure you are registered at a local clinic where treat rabbits, in case he will be observed listed symptoms of disease. Quick response to painful your rabbit’s condition can help you reduce his time treatment, as well as increase the chances of its successful completion. So, let’s look at the five most common symptoms when the rabbit really needs help.

1. Sudden loss of appetite

Rabbits have a complex and efficient digestive a system designed to extract nutrients from their low-quality fiber-based diets. Being natural herbivores, rabbits eat various plants, including including weeds, leaves, grass, and even tree bark. Healthy rabbits eat at least twice a day, and can periodically nibble something in between feedings. Lack of an appetite or a change in normal eating habits is associated with potentially fatal condition called gastrointestinal stagnation when the rabbit intestine becomes inactive. it a condition can cause blockage in the gastrointestinal tract, which, after all, is hello to death. Recognize the problem in the rabbit’s gastrointestinal tract is the first and important step to his salvation. Just a few days of lack of appetite may be deadly.

Sudden loss of appetite can be a sign of many others. serious problems, so it’s very important that you consulted with your veterinarian if you notice even any changes in your rabbit’s eating habits.

Remember that rabbits can be selective eaters and eat only certain elements in mixed or raw foods. Such fastidious food can cause health problems, as The rabbit may not receive essential nutrients. how potential solution to this problem, you can use feed on granule base to make sure your pet’s diet balanced.

2. Changes in the toilet

The sudden absence of fecal balls in the rabbit in the cage may be another sign of gastrointestinal stagnation. Deformed and different sized balls can also be signs of illness, so it’s very important that you clean the cell your pet regularly so you can quickly spot any changes.

On the other hand, the presence of loose feces, especially on the back Parts of the rabbit are also cause for concern. Healthy rabbits always take care of themselves and, as a rule, remove liquid chair yourself. Building feces is not only a sign of poor health, but also a symptom of development a disease called miasa (a lesion of rabbit tissue caused by larvae of flies). Larvae attracted by soft and warm stools bury themselves in the feces of a rabbit and, in the end, fall into its the rectum. Regular cleaning and grooming will help you detect signs of myiasis in advance, which will prevent development diseases. So, about any changes in quality or quantity your rabbit’s toilet, you must tell your veterinarian how you can faster.

3. Breathing problems

A variety of stresses can make your rabbit more susceptible to bacterial infections, including colds. However, unlike humans, a “cold” rabbit may testify that he has serious problems with health, which can quickly deteriorate without proper attention. Any hoarse breathing, sneezing or mucous discharge is needed. show the vet immediately, as they may be a sign pasteurellosis. Pasteurellosis is associated with plaque, involuntary tilting your head and with pneumonia, so it’s important that your veterinarian recognized the infection at an early stage. With treatment may antibiotics and hospitalization are used. To prevent infection consult your veterinarian about temperature, humidity and ventilation of the living space of the rabbit.

4. Swollen or swollen skin

Red swollen spots on the skin may occur due to parasitic or viral infection. If on the skin the rabbit shows discharge, wool or ulcers, he urgent veterinary care is needed. Be careful and pay attention to any other symptoms that may manifest simultaneously with skin disease.

One of the most dangerous diseases associated with swelling on the skin, is myxomatosis – a virus that spreads rapidly from rabbit to rabbit, and also causes lethargy, respiratory depression and, in ultimately blindness. Myxomatosis is usually transmitted through blood-sucking parasites and initially concentrates around the eyes, nose, genitals and in the anal area of the rabbit. In this way, edema in these areas should be treated with extreme caution: you need to isolate all healthy rabbits and immediately call the vet.

Edema can also result from injury, as is usual happens with abscesses. Inflammation near the eyes may indicate conjunctivitis. Prolonged infection may ultimately affect gastrointestinal tract and lead to further complications. AT in any case, if the rabbit has swelling or swelling, show it to your vet.

5. Unusual behavior

Rabbits are known for their gentle nature, however aggressive may arise in response to territorial threats, hierarchical problems or as a result of puberty. Since the rabbits social creatures, best placed in groups, however conflicts in the group happen from time to time. Changes in social behavior is quite predictable, as opposed to unexpected changes in character when a previously obedient rabbit suddenly becomes aggressive or fears to man.

Sudden manifestations of aggression may be a sign of hidden health problems, especially in response to touching painful areas. General discomfort or pain may also cause lethargy or unusual stances. If you notice unexpected changes in your rabbit’s temperament and behavior, this is the case when the consultation with the veterinarian is definitely not it will hurt.

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